Louise Pajo

Рождение : 1940-07-31, Hastings, New Zealand


Louise Pajo (born 31 July 1940) is a New Zealand-born former television and film actress.


Louise Pajo


The Riddle of the Stinson
Smyth's Secretary
In 1937, a routine passenger and mail flight crashes during bad weather on a flight between Brisbane and Sydney. A local bushman begins a search, and finds the wreckage and two survivors ten days after the crash.
Norman Loves Rose
A teenage boy falls hopelessly in love with his new sister-in-law. When she gets pregnant, someone raises the question that he might be the father--a notion he does nothing to discourage.
Sex and the Other Woman
A series of vignettes exposing how women manipulate their men into submission.
Джен Эйр
Mary Lugram
Экранизация романа известной английской писательницы Шарлотты Бронте. В нем есть все, от чего так замирает сердце: первое робкое чувство, обманутые надежды, верные друзья и настоящая любовь. Джейн Эйр, скромная, но гордая и независимая девушка-сирота получает работу гувернантки в поместье Эдварда Рочестера. Эдвард старше Джейн на двадцать лет, но внезапно вспыхнувшее взаимное чувство влечет их друг к другу. В день свадьбы открывается страшная тайна...
Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death
Gia Kelly
The TARDIS lands in a space museum on Earth in the late 21st century, where the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn that contact has been lost between Earth and the Moon. In this era, instant travel — T-Mat — has revolutionised the Earth. Its people have lost interest in space travel. The Doctor and his companions travel to the Moon in an old-style rocket and reach the Moonbase, control centre for T-Mat, only to find a squad of Ice Warriors have commandeered the base and plan to use the T-Mat network to their advantage.