It is not easy to find love, especially if you are falling apart, stinky and a little bloody around the edges. Welcome to Rotting Hill, where the extinction of humanity has led to the rise of a new species - ZOMBIES. Directed by James Cunningham and made by a team of seven Advanced 3D students from Media Design School. The short film took 12 weeks to produce, complete with 22 CGI visual effects shots. Rotting Hill is the collision of two film genres to make a zombie-romcom. It's a love story, with a bit of a twist.
Zac Freeman
When the young and beautiful actress Maddy McCarthy (Clare Bowen), star of Ray Abbott's theatrical production, has an emotional breakdown that jeopardizes the show, Ray turns to Zac Freeman, his young and ambitious publicist, to come up with a plan to save the show. With the help of Maddy's friend and understudy Connie Burns (Natalie Blair), Zac kidnaps Maddy and plays it as a publicity stunt. While Zac and Maddy hide out in a secluded cabin deep in the woods, the press go crazy with speculation and gossip. But soon the plan begins to unravel and Maddy, Zac and Connie become pitched in a terrifying and bloody battle of survival.
Casey Rhodes
Three skilled members of the Kung Fu clan Pai Zhuq, or Order of the Claw, are selected to fight the villainous Dai Shi. The warriors are given the special gift of becoming the Jungle Fury Power Rangers and are the earth s only hope to stop an army of evil animal spirits from overtaking the world. Throughout their journey, the Rangers are joined by other highly trained members of the Kung Fu clan to teach them important lessons and help them in their battle.
Jimmy Williams
За одну ночь она стала любимицей Америки и суперзвездой. Ее взлет напоминал волшебную сказку. К семи годам дочь русских эмигрантов Наташа Захаренко, получившая на студии "Двадцатый Век Фокс" сценический псевдоним Натали Вуд, воплотила мечты своей честолюбивой матери. Маленькая девочка стала мировой знаменитостью и кумиром миллионов кинозрителей. Она была признана талантливой актрисой и играла рядом с Рексом Харрисоном, Джеймсом Дином, Джином Келли, Джоном Уэйном, Фрэнком Синатрой и, самое главное, со своим кумиром Робертом Вагнером, за которого Натали вышла замуж. Но голливудские грезы имеют свою оборотную сторону: страхи и фобии, непонимание и одиночество, семейные проблемы и депрессии, постоянная борьба с бременем славы за право любить и быть любимой.