Rising to fame amid the 1980s alternative comedy boom, Ian Cognito was one of the UK's most popular comedians. His performances left audiences in hysterics - but behind the laughter was a troubled and often controversial figure. This is the story of the comedy scene that nurtured a comedic genius, and the real life of a man famed for his outlandish sense of humour.
Реальная история жизни Альберта Пьеррпойнта, знаменитого британского палача, пошедшего по стопам своего отца и дяди и ставшего самым печально известным в этой профессии. Казнь — грязная работа, но кто-то же должен ее выполнять?! После работы Пьеррпойнт переодевается и становится ничем не примечательным обывателем, спешащим домой к жене или в паб. Единственное, чего он желает, так это достигнуть в своем деле совершенства… Что происходит в душе у человека, чья работа убивать людей? Удивительно, но Альберт Пьррпойнт мечтал о такой судьбе…
Executive Producer
Robson Green and Mark Benton co-star in Christmas Lights, a one-off comedy drama for ITV1 centred on two lifelong friends who have always competed with each other. The festive season brings on new challenges and takes their rivalry to extremes resulting in the two friends forgetting what Christmas is really about. Can anything bring them to their senses?
Robson Green and Mark Benton co-star in Christmas Lights, a one-off comedy drama for ITV1 centred on two lifelong friends who have always competed with each other. The festive season brings on new challenges and takes their rivalry to extremes resulting in the two friends forgetting what Christmas is really about. Can anything bring them to their senses?
Elton John entertains a celebrity studio audience, answering questions and singing songs with his guests.