Virgilio Marchi


Peppino e la vecchia signora
Production Design
The Bigamist
Production Design
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
Дон Камилло и депутат Пеппоне
Production Design
В центре сюжета снова итальянский деревенский священник Дон Камилло и его извечный и друг, и враг, мэр Пеппоне. На этот раз они решают принять участие в выборах в местные органы власти, хотя на самом деле не заинтересованы в победе. Дон Камилло предлагает Пеппоне помочь сдать важный экзамен по квалификации в обмен на постройку нового здания церкви.
The Two Orphans
Production Design
Три вора
Production Design
В поисках наживы мелкий воришка Тапиока забирается в богатый дом и встречает там молодого Каскариллу, которого знал когда-то, тот пришел туда с аналогичными (но несколько иного плана, не воровать, а шантажировать) целями. Каскарилла успешно завершает свое дело, забрав десять миллионов, а попадается Тапиока.
Pietà per chi cade
Production Design
Angels of Darkness
Production Design
When "Tamara" throws herself from the window of their brothel, her colleagues are made to realise that a new law will close down the source of their livelihood. The girls must now find honest work.
La tua donna
Production Designer
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
Loves of Three Queens
Art Direction
At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.
I Always Loved You
Production Design
A landowner loves a good girl, but is ensnared by another richer woman who is actually aiming for her fortune. This she will be able to temporarily make the two young men go away but the man makes his girlfriend understand that her is true love; he realizes that he has been the victim of a scam and will bring the woman he has always loved to the altar.
Возвращение Дона Камилло
Production Design
Во втором фильме о пасторе доне Камилло, герой возвращается в родной городок, после вынужденной ссылки за плохое поведение.
Terminal Station
Art Direction
An American woman tries to break off her relationship with her Italian lover at Rome's Stazione Termini train station. This is Vittorio De Sica's original 89-minute "Terminal Station" which was released first in April 1953 as "Stazione Termini," the Italian title of Cesare Zavattini's story. A year later in May 1954, Columbia Pictures released a different version with the alternative title "Indiscretion of an American Wife" which producer David O. Selznick had re-edited and cut to a shortened 64 minutes, dramatically altering characterization by removing its establishing shots and neorealist touches.
Production Design
The story of a woman who marries the brother of a guardian who was killed by her brother.
Вокзал Термини
Art Direction
Щемящая история, лишенная и катастрофического взрыва и катарсиса. Напряжение мрачно нарастает ввиду непроясненных и бесперспективных отношений замужней американки Мэри и итальянца Джанни Дориа. Блуждания и бесконечные объяснения любовников на вокзале, ссоры, пощечина. Вмешательство полиции, инкриминирующей двум порядочным людям публичный поцелуй в вагоне стоящего поезда и препровождающей пару в участок, чтобы, потрепав нервы и унизив, просто отпустить. В том упорстве, с каким режиссер сохраняет бессюжетность, кроется формула драматизма. Это фильм о том, что любовь может быть одновременно мимолетной и настоящей
Европа 51
Production Design
Жизнь богатой американки Ирэн, живущей в Риме, превращается в хаос после того, как ее сын совершает самоубийство. Женская скорбь приводит Ирэн к осознанию того, что она живет мелкой, пустой жизнью и заставляет ее изменить свой путь. Отныне, Ирэн посвящает свою жизнь духовным поискам, помогая жертвам социальной несправедливости — больной проститутке, незамужней матери шестерых детей. Но Ирэн мешает ее муж. Когда она помогла молодому преступнику скрыться от полиции, муж Ирэн счел ее психически неуравновешенной и отправил в психиатрическую лечебницу.
Mademoiselle Gobete
Production Design
A singer and operetta dancer works in a small french town where the authorities want to expel her because of her scandalous conduct and performance. When a puritan judge closes the show, the woman will take revenge involving the judge in an affair before the selfsame Justice minister. From that moment on, a series of diversions and misunderstandings will play out leading the main characters to the city of Paris.
Маленький мир Дона Камилло
Production Design
Вся драматургия запутанных дружеско-вражеских отношений пастора с коммунистами основывается на том, что мэр Пеппоне и его соратники — простецы. Таковых же Господь любит — «блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят»…
Умберто Д.
Production Design
Главный герой по имени Умберто по выходу на пенсию оказался без средств к существованию и вынужден осваивать для себя новую реальность с единственно возможным исходом — медленно умереть без пропитания и крыши над головой. Единственными, кому он оказывается небезразличен, будут беременная малолетка и дворняжка.
Production Design
Barbara Florian is in love with Renalto Baldini. After the latter goes off to a distant job to make enough money to marry her, the girl discovers she is going to have a baby. Marco (Otello Toso), posing as a friend, exploits the situation to his own gain, and uses the situation to shock the girl's ailing father to his death. Marco then marries the widow, Valeria (Franca Marzi), the girl's stepmother.
Франциск, менестрель Божий
Production Design
Фильм состоит из отдельных эпизодов жизни святого Франциска Ассизского (1182-1226) и его первых последователей. Он начинается с их возвращения из Рима, когда Иннокентий III утвердил устав братства, и заканчивается моментом, когда братья покидают часовню Санта Мария дельи Анджели и отправляются проповедовать.
Production Design
Heaven Over the Marshes
Set Decoration
Unlike most Italian films of the 1940s, Augusto Genina's Cielo Sulla Palude opened in Venice rather than Rome. The film's American title was Heaven Over the Marshes, and indeed most of the story is set in the disease-ridden Pontine Marshes on the outskirts of Rome. This was the home of Maria Goretti, a pious young girl who was murdered by her would-be seducer. For reasons elucidated in the course of the film, Maria's short time on earth made her worthy of Sainthood, which was actually bestowed upon her shortly after the release of this film. Maria Goretti is well-played by Ines Orsini. Cielo Sulla Palude served as the comeback feature for director Augusto Genina, whose previous pro-fascist films had caused him to be blacklisted after WW II.
Heaven Over the Marshes
Production Design
Unlike most Italian films of the 1940s, Augusto Genina's Cielo Sulla Palude opened in Venice rather than Rome. The film's American title was Heaven Over the Marshes, and indeed most of the story is set in the disease-ridden Pontine Marshes on the outskirts of Rome. This was the home of Maria Goretti, a pious young girl who was murdered by her would-be seducer. For reasons elucidated in the course of the film, Maria's short time on earth made her worthy of Sainthood, which was actually bestowed upon her shortly after the release of this film. Maria Goretti is well-played by Ines Orsini. Cielo Sulla Palude served as the comeback feature for director Augusto Genina, whose previous pro-fascist films had caused him to be blacklisted after WW II.
Il barone Carlo Mazza
Production Design
Sperduti nel buio
Production Design
Naples of the early twentieth century. A thug keeps a girl completely submissive and, having discovered that she is the daughter of a nobleman, tries to blackmail the father.
Production Design
Paola, a Milan call girl, returns home to her village in the Abruzzi mountains in an attempt to go straight. Rejected by her father, blackmailed by a former lover, and lusted after by her brother-in-law, she turns to her beloved sister for support. Denied succor, like so many of Rossellini’s isolated figures, Paola awaits the arrival of her fiancé, who has offered her a new start, but instead decides that life is untenable.
La fornarina
Scenic Artist
During Italian renaissance, young painter Raffaello Sanzio falls in love with Margherita, a maiden of the people, becomes her lover and lives with her. But this relationship arouses the jealousy of a beautiful aristocrat who secretly orders the kidnapping of the girl. Raffaello falls into a state of prostration and does everything he can to find Margherita...
Vietato ai minorenni
Production Design
Lacrime di sangue
Production Design
L'avventura di Annabella
Production Design
Четыре шага в облаках
Production Design
Коммивояжер и отец семейства Паоло едет по делам. В поезде он обращает внимание на одинокую девушку Марию. Позже он встречает ее в автобусе, и она рассказывает, что у нее неприятности. Она беременна, а отец ребенка бросил ее, и она не знает как сказать родителям, что она не замужем. Мария просит Паоло сыграть роль ее мужа, и он соглашается.
A Pilot Returns
Production Design
A young Italian pilot is interned in a British prison camp after his plane is shot down during the war against Greece. He falls in love with a doctor's daughter and manages to escape during a bombardment. He reaches home, wounded, just as news arrives of the Greek surrender.
The Iron Crown
Production Design
In the kingdom of Kindaor, traitor Sedesmondo kills his brother, the King of Kindaor, and becomes the tyrant of kingdom. He abandons the prince Arminio to beasts in the woods, but lions don't kill him and breed him as one of them.
Il conte di Bréchard
Costume Design
Il conte di Bréchard
Production Design
Regina della Scala
Production Design
In order to encourage the young maestro Vernieri not to break down after the first failures, the director of the theater "La Scala" in Milan tells two significant episodes concerning the theater.
Production Design
A favorite student of an old dance teacher gets casted in an important pantomime. When the teacher dies on the stage, she finds support from a journalist's affection to overcome the difficult moment.
Milizia territoriale
Production Design