Kim Ji-young

Kim Ji-young

Рождение : 1938-09-25, South Korea

Смерть : 2017-02-17


Kim Ji-young (김지영) is a South Korean actress.


Kim Ji-young
Kim Ji-young


Mother of Deposed Queen Lady Yun
Фильм рассказывает о принце Ёнсане и его вероломном слуге.
Ночь накануне свадьбы
Dae-bok's mom
История о четырех парочках и суете накануне свадьбы.
Норико едет в Сеул
Главная героиня — японская домохозяйка средних лет, она 17 лет замужем и у нее есть дочь. Они не понимают увлечение Норико k-pop музыкой. После страшного диагноза и проблем в семье, Норико решает поехать в Сеул на прослушивание, где в жюри будет ее любимый исполнитель. Она случайно встречает молодого подростка по имени Мин Ха, который тренируется, чтобы стать певцом. Воздействуя на жизни друг друга они используют силу семейной любви для преодоления препятствий.
The Last Blossom
Middle aged housewife Kim In-Hee's mother-in-law has Alzheimer's disease, her physician husband is always tired and indifferent to her needs and her children has become wayward. For her family, Kim In-Hee has devoted her life as a daughter-in-law, wife and mother. Kim In-Hee then learns that she has terminal cancer and is dying. The mother accepts her fate and sets up the most beautiful goodbye to her family.
Светлое будущее
Ким Хёк прожигает свою жизнь, как босс мафии в Пусане. Ли Юн Чун близкий друг Ким Хёка и его заместитель. Не смотря на то, что Ким Хёк кажется на вершине мира, его преследуют воспоминания, как он оставил своего младшего брата Ким Чуля и маму при попытке сбежать с Северной Кореи в Южную Корею. Мама Ким Хёка была избита до смерти, а Ким Чуль заключен в тюрьму после того, как их поймали северокорейские власти.
Last Flashman
Bok-Nam (Park Yoo-Sun) is an elementary school student who feels like she just doesn't fit in. She lives with her family that consists of her grandmother (Kim Ji-Young) with Alzheimer's disease, mother (Lee Mi-Young) who runs a chicken restaurant, unemployed father (Lee Sung-Min) and bully older sister (Nam Bo-Ra). Bok-Nam is not happy with her family. One day, she begins to think that she is Flashman, who came from outer space, and she wants to return to her place of origin.
2012: Цунами
Бусан расположен на юго-восточной оконечности корейского полуострова. Популярный курорт Хэундэ ежегодно притягивает на свои берега миллионы туристов. Масик — местный, который несколько лет назад во время цунами потерял в море своего друга. С тех пор он не возвращался к своему прежнему занятию, ловле рыбы. Теперь он ведёт простую жизнь, занимается маленьким рыбным ресторанчиком и никак не решится сделать предложение девушке, которая очень ему нравится. В то же время профессор института океанологии приходит к выводу, что с каждым годом небывалое до того на корейских берегах цунами становиться всё большей реальностью. Об этом говорят приборы. Он пытается убедить в этом своё руководство. И требует срочно эвакуировать миллион человек. Но возможно он ошибается…
My 11th Mother
Baek-joong's mother
A cynical young boy gets to know the latest girlfriend of his ne'er-do-well father and begins to hope that this new relationship actually sticks.
Swindler in My Mom's House
An attractive single mother rents a room in her house to a mysterious drifter who has nefarious plans to swindle her.
My Son
Kang-Sik's mother
Lee Gang-sik sits in jail with a life sentence because of murder. His good behavior the last 15 years earns him the opportunity to be released for one day & visit his family. But how will his son, whom he let down for 15 years, react?
Mapado 2: Back to the Island
Woman from Yeongkwang
Detective Chung-su takes a secret mission from a dying president of a big company. The businessman wants to see his first love before he dies.The only information the detective has is that her name is Kkotnim and she now lives on an island called Tongbaek, off one of the country's southern ports. He rides on a private boat to the island with an anonymous passenger, dreaming of the big bucks he will get when he completes his mission.But the boat is wrecked in a fierce storm, and Chung-su and the passenger find themselves lying on the shore of a strange island. In the struggle to escape from the island, Chung-su meets up with five grandmothers who will not let him or the other men escape. During his captivity, he investigates if one of the grandmothers is indeed the love interest. Will he find out and escape from the island alive?
Maundy Thursday
Grandmother Park
Yujeong is suicidal, yet she reluctantly goes to prison for volunteer work. There, she meets a prisoner who is waiting for death penalty. The two quickly fall in love despite their differences, yet they do not have much time.
Wedding Campaign
Man-taek's mother
A 38-year-old single man, Hong Man-Taek is a petty farmer still living with his mother. Seeing a neighbor married to an Uzbekistan bride and frightened by the fact that his own grandson will never get married, Man-Taek's grandfather decides to send Man-tek to Uzbekistan to find a bride.
Banyagain (uncredited)
Sang-hwan became a cop in order to help the downtrodden, but he doesn't get much respect. All that changes when he meets the Seven Masters.
Не верь ей
Hee-chul's grandma
Мошенницу и великую лгунью Ён-джу освобождают из тюрьмы досрочно. По дороге к сестре она знакомится (немного странным образом) в поезде с Хи-чхолем, который едет в Сеул, чтобы сделать предложение своей девушке. Вот только обручальное колечко у него вытаскивает карманник. А заподозрить-то могут во всём Ён-джу, тогда опять ей срок светит. Она выскакивает на станции и отбирает у ворюги кольцо, но опаздывает на поезд. А ведь в нём осталась её сумка с подарком сестре на свадьбу. Придётся найти Хи-чхоля, вернуть кольцо и забрать свою сумку. Но колечко-то обручальное, значит неспроста оно у девушки оказалось. Именно так и думают родственники Хи-чхоля.
Follows the life of a young woman who has become reserved and indifferent to the world as a result of her chronic illness deformed hand and quietly portrays the unconventional, yet endearing relationship between mother and daughter as well as the development of Min-ah as she is befriended by the high spirited and carefree photographer Young-jae who moves into their apartment complex.
После смерти обоих родителей Файлан эмигрирует в Южную Корею с целью найти там оставшихся родственников. По приезде она узнаёт, что они переехали в Канаду. Несчастная Файлан в попытке хоть как-то устроить свою жизнь в чужой и незнакомой Корее обращается в брачное агентство, где ей находят мужа. Кан-джэ — уже немолодой гангстер, плохо обеспеченный и не имеющий никакого авторитета. Файлан ничего не знает о Кан-джэ, у неё есть только его фотография от агентства. Брак с ним позволяет Файлан получить разрешение на работу, Кан-дже получает обещанное денежное вознаграждение, и, казалось бы, что на этом их отношения должны завершиться, но Файлан начинает испытывать чувства к незнакомому мужу.
Happy Funeral Director
Three teenagers from different backgrounds, each for different reasons, accept positions as undertakers. There's only one problem, no one in their town has died for over a decade! With no chances to get in any practice, it all comes down to the line one day when a widow commits suicide, and the three undertakers are put to the test!
The Rocket Is Launched
Actor Choi Jong-won is late to a movie shoot. He bemoans the state of the national economy when he sees a young man riding a fancy sports car.
All That Falls Has Wings
Host woman
This youth melodrama tells the story of a law student from a small village in Korea, and the irresponsible girl with whom he falls in love. The girl leads a reckless life, working in bars in Itaewon, and in the U.S., while the law student follows her. Their relationship ends in tragedy with the man shooting the woman, and her confessing her true love before dying.
Adada's mother-in-law
The life of a mute woman.
Will Rather Become a Ball of Fire
Ae-shim, a waitress, meets Yun-gu and ends up living with him at a rest area restaurant by the industrial highway. However, Yun-gu treats Ae-shim badly. One day, the vagabond Jun-tae shows up in front of Ae-shim. He seduces her and they plan to kill Yun-gu and get his fortune. But Yun-gu catches on to Ae-shim's betrayal and plotting. He still loves her though. Yun-gu decides that the only way he and Ae-shim can be together forever is to die together. Yun-gu pretends to be a pawn in Ae-shim's plans but then leaps off the cliff with her, killing them both. Jun-tae ends up getting caught by the police.
Declaration of Fools
Beginning with the suicide of a film director, this work represents the Korean New Wave Cinema movement that focused on criticizing the Korean society in the 1980s through satire and humor. The journey taken by the characters, who lead low lives at the margins of the society, award them with a sense of liberation, however brief.
Winter Woman Part II
Li-hwa graduates college and becomes a reporter. On a rainy day, she remembers an old boyfriend, Suk-gi. She goes to Eroika to look for him. Instead, Li-hwa meets Suk-gi's friend, Su-hwan, and she falls in love with him. On the other hand, while on a story, Li-hwa meets Kwang-jun who is a night teacher. She is drawn to his sincere humanity. As time passes, Kwang-jun comes to know Li-hwa's feelings. Together, they help retarded children and offer guidance to prostitutes. Kwang-jun and Li-hwa have true love for each other but they part when Kwang-jun's non-permitted building is demolished. Hyun-wu ended up as a mental patient from the shock he received from his mother's scandalous behavior. He meets Li-hwa and receives her devoted care. Finally, Hyun-wu recovers completely and the two confirm their love. And the next day, Hyun-wu returns to society as a healthy man.
The Village of Mist
Su-ok, a young teacher, moves into an isolated mountain village whose inhabitants are all related except for a mysterious dimwitted vagabond.
Woman and Rain
Two friends fall in love with the same woman, but when she chooses one over the other, the spurned lover decides to blackmail her.
Come Down to a Lower Place
Yo-han is the son of a Christian minister. Following his father's career, he joins the seminary without much enthusiasm, then drops out. After doing his military service as a KATUSA, he teaches at the U.S. educational center. When he is given a job teaching in America, he hastily marries in preparation for the move. He is suddenly struck blind, then begins contemplating suicide. Instead he has a religious vision and dedicates himself to the ministry, and opens a church for the blind.
During the era of Japanese occupation, Sol Jin-young, a Korean patriarch refuses to obey the law to change the family's name to a Japanese name. Tani, a member of the Japanese occupation forces, is sent to persuade Sol to comply with the order. Tani is conflicted between his duty, his respect for Korean culture and his attraction to Sol's daughter.
Do You Know Kotsuni?
A naive country girl accepts a position in Seoul unaware of how ill-prepared she is in the ways of the world and the free-thinking ways of the city.
I Am Lady Number 77
Due to her father's debts, Yun Go-na marries Song Kye-nam but she is unhappy because of Kye-nam's self-indulgent lifestyle. Go-na takes her daughter, Min-hi, and goes to Seoul where she gets a job as a hostess. One day, Mun Byung-kil proposes to Go-na. Troubled by her situation, Go-na turns him down. But Go-na is touched by his sincerity and marries him. The three live happily as a family but then Kye-nam shows up and demands his daughter Min-hi. However, Ky0e-nam goes away when he realizes which is real happiness of his daughter.
Splendid Outing
An overworked female executive is haunted by strange dreams. She is compelled to travel to a remote fishing village where she is inexplicably kidnapped and sold to a peasant farmer on a remote island.
A Little Star
Seok-son's mother
Spring, Spring
Chun-sam is working as a servant at Bong-pil's home to be his future son in-law. His daughter, Jeom-sun has grown enough to get wed. But her father thinks she is too young. But in reality he doesn't want to set her daughter with Chun-sam to begin with. Jeom-sun finds out, and picks up a fight with her father. When Chun-sam decides to play hard on his master, Jeom-sun takes Chun-sam's side.