Buddy Ruskin


Отряд «Стиляги»
Двое парней и девушка — завсегдатаи рэйв-клубов, баров и дансингов, дети улицы, а по совместительству полицейские осведомители, — неожиданно обнаруживают труп своего начальника. Обвиненные в убийстве, они предпринимают собственное расследование…
The Return of Mod Squad
Pete, Linc and Julie are called back to the force when a series of sniper attacks are made on their old boss. But the three soon discover that they themselves are the intended targets of a gunman who lives in their old "flower child" world of the 1960s.
Clay Pigeon
An ex-soldier is recruited by the FBI to go undercover in L.A. and find other ex-soldiers who are part of a drug-dealing gang.
Clay Pigeon
An ex-soldier is recruited by the FBI to go undercover in L.A. and find other ex-soldiers who are part of a drug-dealing gang.