Celia Nicholson

Celia Nicholson


Celia Nicholson
Celia Nicholson


Sybil's Psychic Hotline
Con decides that the perfect way to cheer up her depressed and bedridden partner Bella is to give her a call to a clairvoyant phone line. But the message Bella receives about her future does nothing at all to improve her gloomy disposition. A darkly comic tale of hopes and hopelessness.
Elaine Hegan
The personal story of New Zealand's most beloved entertainer Billy T James. Reveals the man behind the chuckle.
One of Them!
One of Them! was one of two dramas (alongside Niki Caro movie Memory and Desire) inspired by short stories collected in Peter Wells' 1991 book Dangerous Desires. It was made for TV One as a Montana Sunday drama. Set in Auckland, 1965, One of Them! follows Lemmy and Jamie, two teenage boys coming to terms with their sexuality. In the dark days before gay liberation, bullying and intimidation was rife, and while the boys flaunt their sissyness, their internalized homophobia wreaks havoc on their emotional lives — until they can admit to being "one of them".
Jack Be Nimble
Motel Woman
Jack and Dora, abandoned by their parents as babies, are desperate to find each other after years of adoption. Jack's young life has been spent with a sadistic family. Dora, whose life has been somewhat better, has developed extra-sensory powers which tell her that Jack's in danger and drives her to search for him.
Ангел за моим столом
Дженет Фрейм растёт в многодетной (четыре дочери и сын) семье в Новой Зеландии. Она выделяется пышными огненно-рыжими волосами, повышенной чувствительностью и застенчивым, даже робким характером — как следствие её непривлекательной внешности. А еще у Дженет есть талант — она пишет стихи. Её способность к стихосложению проявляется ещё в школе, а в колледже она начинает даже публиковать свои стихи и рассказы. Но депрессия и нервные срывы приводит её в психиатрическую больницу. Врачи ставят Дженет ошибочный диагноз — шизофрения, и её помещают в стационар и 8 лет лечат, в том числе электрошоком.