Carl Himm


What a Man!
Henry Burrows, timid, white-collar worker for the firm of Rankin and Phillips, returns to his bachelor apartment to discover Joan Rankin, whom he does not know, hiding there. She feigns illness, Henry goes for a doctor and returns to find that a gangster has been murdered on his doorstep and the police think he is implicated. They inform him that the gangster's moll, Constance, has escaped. Henry thinks they are talking about Joan.
Сын Дракулы
Assistant Editor
Путешествуя по американскому югу, венгерский граф Алукард находит себе невесту. Вскоре выясняется, что его пассия сильно увлечена оккультизмом, и граф, будучи вампиром, решает удовлетворить её любопытство в этом вопросе.
Dangerous Lady
Private detective 'Duke' Martindale and his wife, Phyllis, an attorney, are working together to clear a girl falsely convicted of murdering a judge. Two people who know the truth are killed and 'Duke' Is shot at. Despite some interference by Police-Sergeant Brent, and a dangerous automobile chase and 'Duke' and Phyllis finding themselves prisoners of the real murderers, the case is solved.
Pilot X
Aircraft are being shot down by a large black plane with a big "X" painted on the wing. The chief suspects are invited for the weekend to an old dark mansion.
Frontier Justice
When Brent Halston returns he finds his father in an insane asylum and Wilton about to foreclose on their ranch and bring sheep onto the cattle range. When Wilton kills a rancher, Brent is blamed and jailed. Escaping jail he gets Ware to confess that he payed to have Halston committed. He then gets unexpected help from Ethel Gordon when Wilton tries to foreclose.
Santa Fe Bound
Riding toward Santa Fe, Tom Crenshaw shoots a bushwhacker who has killed Dad Bates from ambush. Discovering a money belt on Bates, Tom carries it to town, along with a letter he finds in the pocket of the killer, which offers him the means of identifying either of the dead men. In town, Tom has a run-in with gunman One-Shot Morgan and one of Morgan's henchmen sees Tom with the money belt. Tom poses as the renegade who did the killing and is accepted by Morgan and his gang. Tom's plan is working until one of the gang who knew the killer shows up and denounces him as an impostor.
The Riding Avenger
Buck Bonner, posing as the recently deceased Morning Glory Kid, is sent to round up the Mort Ringer gang. Buck finds Ringer and joins up with his gang. But he is in trouble when Slim and Bud who buried the Kid arrive and expose him as a Marshal.
A young girl named Burma attends a beach party with her boyfriend and after she smokes marijuana with a bunch of other girls, she gets pregnant and another girl drowns while skinny dipping in the ocean. Burma and her boyfriend go to work for the pusher in order to make money so they can get married. However, during a drug deal her boyfriend is killed leaving Burma to fend for herself. Burma then becomes a major narcotics pusher in her own right after giving up her baby for adoption.
Feud of the West
A rodeo rider works himself into two different 'gangs' in order to end a range war over.
Lucky Terror
A sharpshooter in a traveling sideshow is falsely accused of murdering a local miner.
Rough Riding Ranger
Hanson is using Bobby's carrier pigeons to receive messages. His man Slim shoots them down before they reach Bobby. When Slim is injured, Ranger Daniels posing as a drunk gets the job. He misses the next pigeon on purpose and gets the message from Bobby. But his identity has now become known and the gang rides to get him.
The Return of Chandu
Chandu consults his crystal ball and sees that Nadji, Princess of Egypt, is in danger. She is about to be sacrificed by the black magic cult of Ubasti. Headed for the magic island of Lemuria, he is shipwrecked , washed ashore and captured. He becomes invisible, escapes and after numerous detours is able to rescue the princess.
Смертельный день
During his adventure in Mexico, Sergei Eisenstein made footage of a Mexican "Death Day" celebration for inclusion in his "Que Viva Mexico!" film project. When the 200,000-plus feet of film he eventually exposed in Mexico was first attempted to be made into a feature film, "Thunder Over Mexico", the producers excluded the Death Day material for subsequent compilation as an independent short subject. Silent with music track and explanatory English intertitles.
Fighting to Live
When attacked by two dogs, Joe Gilmore leaves them on the desert to die. Later one of the dogs saves John Blake from drowning. Men arrive claiming the dog is killing their chickens. They want to kill the dog but John convinces them the dog's fate should be determined by a trial.
Гром над Мексикой
Мексика начала двадцатого века, в стране правит диктатор Порфирио Диас, и богачи под его крылом, чувствуя полную безнаказанность, творят все, что им вздумается. В одном из крупных частных поместий (асьенде) разворачивается трагедия юного рабочего, чью супругу сделали невольницей для утех богатого гостя жестоких хозяев поместья, а самого его всячески запугивает бесцеремонный и беспринципный работодатель.
Tarzan the Fearless
Mary Brooks' father, who has been studying ancient tribes, falls into the hands of "the people of Zar, god of the Emerald Fingers." Tarzan helps Mary locate her father, rescues everyone from the High Priest of Zar, and takes Mary to his cave.
Welcome Danger
A gentle botany student has to toughen up to replace his father as chief of police.
Vacation Waves
Horse Shy
Despite his fear of horses, Eddie Hamilton takes part in a fox hunt, in order to impress the daughter of his host, Colonel Calhoun.
Были времена, когда трамваи по Нью-Йорку двигались на конной тяге. Однако транспорт этот быстро устарел и, более того, пришёл монополист – Компания внутригородских железных дорог. И лишь Папаша Диллон не сдаётся, продолжая обслуживать один из маршрутов на своём анахронизме. Компания пытается выкупить его бизнес, но цена предложенная стариком им кажется неприемлимой. Тогда акулы капитализма задумали устроить "рейдерский захват". Диллон, конечно, стар, но жених его внучки, непутёвый парень, помешанный на бейсболе, которого все зовут Спиди, решает воспрепятствовать коварным планам врага, призвав на помощь всё ещё боевых ветеранов Гражданской войны…
Behind the Counter
Eddie, a prim store salesman, gets locked in overnight and battles hoodlums.
No Publicity
Black Cyclone
A cowboy and a wild horse find they have some things in common: both have enemies out to get them and both must save their mates from danger.
The King of the Wild Horses
A stallion known as "The Black" is the leader of a band of wild horses. A cowboy is determined to capture and break him.