Walter Reisch

Рождение : 1903-05-23,

Смерть : 1983-03-28


On the Road to Hollywood
Bernhard Frankfurter, a young Austrian filmmaker, follows the trails and roots of several German-speaking filmmakers who had been forced into exil by Hitler faschism. He interviewed prominent and less well-known artists who were forced to leave their (artistic) heimat because they were politically or racially no longer "acceptable"... A documentary film in which the personal commitment of the filmmaker is purposely brought to the attention of the viewer.
Украли Джоконду
Париж, 1911 год. Известный и неуловимый вор «Ромео», однажны утром увидев в окне прекрасную незнакомку, похожую на творение Леонардо да Винчи, решает похитить из Лувра «Джоконду», в знак доказательсва своей внезапно пришедшей любви. Глупая и бездарная полиция идет по пятам злодея…
Путешествие к центру Земли
1880 год, Эдинбург, Англия. Профессор геологии Линденбрук обнаруживает в образцах лавы из окрестностей вулкана на севере Исландии остатки организмов, исчезнувших с лица Земли тысячи лет назад. Вывод — под земной корой могла сохраниться доисторическая жизнь! Линденбрук готовит экспедицию к центру Земли, которая должна стартовать через жерло вулкана, а финансирование берёт на себя профессор Гётеборг. Вскоре он трагически погибает, но его красавица-жена продолжает дело мужа и присоединяется к ученым…
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker
In early 1900s' Pennsylvania, Mr. Pennypacker has two company offices and two families with a combined total of 17 children. With an office in Harrisburg and an office in Philadelphia, he has successfully kept two separate homes. However, when an emergency requires his oldest son to find him, Mr. Pennypacker's dual life is revealed.
In melodramatic fashion, the film tells the tale of a young German woman who finds herself alone in the world when the rest of her family is killed in a WWII air raid. Helping an American military man escape the Gestapo, she finds herself on the run from the Russian Army. Escaping to the American (and safe) side of Berlin, she registers herself as a prostitute (unknowingly) and finds herself caught between the German officer who thinks she is for sale and the American officer who she saved and is now in love with her.
Stopover Tokyo
An American intelligence agent is sent to Tokyo to track down a Communist spy ring.
Stopover Tokyo
An American intelligence agent is sent to Tokyo to track down a Communist spy ring.
Einmal eine große Dame sein
Being a leading lady is just what young Jeanette has always dreamed. To reach her goal she takes part in a film company's talent competition. When things don't go as planned, Jeanette and her feisty Aunt Elly resort to drastic measures.
Teenage Rebel
Nancy Fallon gets her teenage daughter back from her ex-husband when she remarries and must win her love.
Der Cornet
Adventure film based on a Rilke poem.
The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing
Broadway showgirl Evelyn Nesbit (Joan Collins) is the object of affection of two men: playboy architect Stanford White (Ray Milland) and wealthy but unstable Harry Thaw (Farley Granger). She marries Thaw, but White’s continued pursuit puts him in the path of Thaw’s volatile temper. Inspired by true events that occurred at the turn of the 20th century.
Casta diva
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Casta diva
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Die Mücke
Directed by Walter Reisch
Неудовлетворенная жизнью Джулия Стерджес решает отправиться за океан с двумя детьми. Ее муж, не желая терять контакт с детьми, садится на тот же корабль, чтобы приехать в Америку вместе с семьей. Корабль назывался «Титаник»…
Молодожены Полли и Рэй Катлеры приезжают в коттедж возле водопада и знакомятся с еще одной супружеской парой, Джорджем и Роуз Лумисами. Роуз с самого начала всем доверительно сообщает, что ее муж значительно старше ее, что его мучает депрессия и его только что выпустили из психиатрической лечебницы. Позже Полли видит, как Роуз целуется с молодым человеком, и узнает, что парочка собирается убить Джорджа…
Модель и сваха
A marriage broker can't resist meddling in the life of a model, with disastrous results.
The Mating Season
Ellen McNulty leaves her New Jersey hamburger stand and heads west to pay a surprise visit to her son and his new bride. When Ellen arrives, her daughter-in-law mistakes her for the maid she has hired for a big party they are throwing. Rather than cause any embarrassment, Ellen goes along with the charade, which leads to many complications.
Lord Windermere appears to all - including his young wife Margaret - to be the perfect husband. The couple's happy marriage is placed at risk when he starts paying visits to a mysterious beautiful newcomer, Mrs. Erylnne, who is determined to make her entry into London's high society. Worse, the secret gets back to Margaret that Windermere has been giving Mrs. Erylnne large sums of money.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
This musical tells the tales of two movie extras who abscond to an expensive resort with their costumes and pretend to be aristocrats. Included in the film are ice skating numbers and songs.
Song of Scheherazade
A beautiful cabaret dancer inspires composer Rimsky-Korsakov.
Song of Scheherazade
A beautiful cabaret dancer inspires composer Rimsky-Korsakov.
Газовый свет
Десять лет Пола боялась вернуться в Лондон, где была когда-то убита её тётя. Наконец, выйдя замуж за пианиста Грегори и поддавшись на его уговоры, она решает переехать в Лондон и поселиться в том самом доме. С течением времени жизнерадостной красавице Поле начинает казаться, что она сходит с ума в его стенах. И горячо любимый муж Грегори ведёт себя более чем странно…
The Heavenly Body
The beautiful wife of a tweedy astronomer becomes convinced that her astrologer's prediction of a new dream man in her life will come true.
Семь невест
Журналист по заданию редакции приезжает в небольшой городок, чтобы написать репортаж о местном фестивале тюльпанов. Он поселяется в отеле, у владельца которого, потомка голландских иммигрантов, имеется семь незамужних дочерей. По старинной голландской традиции, а отец тщательно хранит их, старшая дочь, Регина, должна выйти замуж первой. Однако замужество не входит в ее планы - Регина мечтает стать актрисой и хочет правдами или неправдами уехать в Нью Йорк...
Somewhere I'll Find You
Brothers feud over a girl they both fall for while covering World War II.
Это неопределенное чувство
Молодая женщина, миссис Джил Бейкер, страдающая от приступов внезапной икоты, вынуждена обратиться к психоаналитику, который наводит ее на мысль, что основная причина - не слишком удачный брак. В ожидании очередного сеанса у врача она знакомится в приемной с пианистом, который кажется ей намного более увлекательной и творческой личностью, чем скучный страховой агент муж...
Леди Гамильтон
Познакомившись с послом Британии в Неаполе лордом Гамильтоном, Эмма вскоре становится его женой. Он немолод, но знатен, её внешность и манеры великолепны, но прошлое не безупречно. Каждый получил, на что рассчитывал, но счастья не было. На одном из светских приёмов Эмма знакомится с Нельсоном. Вспыхнувшая страсть была так сильна, что супруг счёл за благо просто не замечать происходящего. Оставаясь формально в браке, Эмма и Нельсон фактически жили как муж и жена вплоть до его трагической гибели в триумфальной битве при Трафальгаре…
Товарищ Икс
Original Story
Американский репортер работает в Москве и передает контрабандой новости не прошедшие цензуру под псевдонимом «Товарищ X», но служащий гостиницы раскрывает его инкогнито и шантажирует.
My Love Came Back
Amelia is a gifted violinist who is in danger of quitting the Brissac Academy of Music. Julius arranges to have a scholarship given to her through his employee Tony so that Julius can escort Amelia to every musical event in the city. The trouble begins when he cannot meet her one night and Tony goes in his place. Tony believes that Julius and Amelia are a couple and then son Paul thinks that Tony and Amelia are a couple as he is sending her the money. The worst part is that Amelia might leave classical music for swing music with classmates Dusty, Joy and the band.
В Париж прибывают посланцы Страны Советов, чтобы выгодно продать национализированные драгоценности, и на вырученные деньги купить оружие и продукты. Неожиданно выясняется, что часть бриллиантов принадлежала до революции великой княгине Сване, которая посылает своего юриста и любовника Леона уладить дела с "красными". Вкусившие сладкую парижскую жизнь, они заранее готовы на все, лишь бы подольше пробыть здесь. Но поскольку от посланцев ни слуху, ни духу, в Париж с чрезвычайной миссией выезжает несгибаемая революционерка Ниночка… Узнав об этом, Леон решает соблазнить "комиссаршу"…
Большой вальс
Волшебная музыка автора «Сказок Венского леса» в обработке Дмитрия Темкина, голос и красота оперной дивы Милицы Корьюс (эмигрантки из России), очарование 2-кратной обладательницы «Оскара» Луизы Райнер в роли жены Штраусса и, наконец, режиссура мэтра французского кинематографа Жюльена Дювивье — вот составляющие бешенного успеха этого фильма.
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
Men Are Not Gods
Actor Edmund Davey becomes a star overnight when his wife and co-star teams up with the secretary of a noted stage critic to produce a glowing review of his 'Othello'.
Men Are Not Gods
Actor Edmund Davey becomes a star overnight when his wife and co-star teams up with the secretary of a noted stage critic to produce a glowing review of his 'Othello'.
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..
Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for her to keep attending college. Their relationship is purely platonic, but eventually she begins a romance with the tutor of the older man's sons who has a completely wrong impression as to the nature of her arrangement with his employer.
Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for her to keep attending college. Their relationship is purely platonic, but eventually she begins a romance with the tutor of the older man's sons who has a completely wrong impression as to the nature of her arrangement with his employer.
A romantic comedy-drama-musical of mistaken identity, infidelity and farce, set in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century.
A romantic comedy-drama-musical of mistaken identity, infidelity and farce, set in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century.
Девушка из Неаполя
Молодой композитор Винченцо Беллини еще не изучал музыку в Неаполе, когда он нашёл в девичьих глазах вдохновение для арии, которая станет его самой любимой, «Каста Дива».
The Divine Spark
British musical film directed by Carmine Gallone.
Masquerade in Vienna
After a masked carnival ball, Gerda Harrandt, wife of the surgeon Carl Ludwig Harrandt, allows the fashionable artist Ferdinand von Heidenick to paint a portrait of her wearing only a mask and a muff. This muff however belongs to Anita Keller, in secret the painter's lover but also the fiancée of the court orchestra director Paul Harrandt. The picture is then published in the newspaper. When Paul sees it and asks von Heidenick some questions about the identity of the model, the artist is forced to improvise a story and on the spur of the moment invents a woman called Leopoldine Dur as the alleged model. Leopoldine Dur however turns out to be a real woman whose acquaintance Heidenick makes shortly afterwards.
Unfinished Symphony
Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
A distraught movie extra flees a movie set with a fancy costume and car. Circumstances lead her to begin impersonating a Countess, while a fellow extra takes on the role of her servant.
Lover Divine
A section from the life of composer Franz Schubert as a material for a love story. Also known in English as Gently My Songs Entreat. An English version called Unfinished Symphony would follow in 1934.
Cairo Season
Comedy with an Egyptian backdrop: Businessman Tobby and the Countess Stafanie wish to take all the fun away from their single parents and make them marry each other. Their parents have the same plan, too ... but with regards to their nosy kids. And so it happens, that Tobby wants to surprise the parents with the announcement of their -- the parents' -- engagement at a party (so nice to let them know), but is one-upped by Stefanie's father, the old Count, who announces the engagement of the kids. To avoid a scandal, they have to get married, but will divorce later.
The Only Girl
English-language version of Ich und die Kaiserin. 'Germany, 1890. Duke falls in love with voice which is not that of empress, but of hairdresser.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Only Girl
A dashing marquis bends from his horse when he discovers a lost garter in the woods and falls. During his delirium he is serenaded by a little hairdresser. She is the person who lost the garter to begin with and has only come to get it back having borrowed it from her employer--the empress of France. The marquis mistakenly thinks he was nursed by the empress, herself, and decides to woo her.
The Song You Gave Me
Set in Vienna, this lively musical comedy stars Bebe Daniels as an actress who falls in love with her secretary, but has difficulty in persuading him to propose to her.
F.P.1 Doesn't Answer
F.P.1 is a huge airplane landing dock in the Atlantic where pilots making the transatlantic flight can stop. Yet a saboteur tries to sink the technical wonder in this classic German science fiction film from 1932. The film was also created with English and French speaking actors at the same time.
Happy Ever After
Two window cleaners help a girl who is trying to get to Hollywood.
A Blonde Dream
Rival window cleaners Willy I and Willy 2 befriend Jou-Jou, an aspiring dancer, who has been tricked out of money by a con-man posing as an American movie mogul, and together they turn an old railway carriage into a "Villa Hollywood" for her.
The Prince of Arcadia
Both the King and his son have been deposed by popular demand. The now Prinz of Arkadia certainly enjoys his new role, which without much changing his lifestyle leaves him free to concentrate on his main interest -women. Including an actress who once wrote a mocking song about him -a song that he likes to sing.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
The two aspiring actresses Jeanette and Mimi are waiting for their big chance. But the real breakthrough is slow in coming. Jeanette especially desperately needs a big success, since her friend, the journalist Stephan, is about to lose his job. When the two have their chance to take a ride in a posh car during a shooting, Jeanette slams on the throttle and the two friends take off. Their aimless journey takes them to a fashionable winter sports’ hotel, where Jeanette reserves a name under “The Countess of Monte Christo”. Everything’s going dandy; no one suspects a thing. That is, until two impostors, Rumowski and “The Baron” take residence in the same hotel.
The Theft of the Mona Lisa
This German crime drama was based on a true story. Willy Forst stars as a poverty-stricken Italian glazier who falls in love with French hotel maid Rosa Valletti. Struck by the girl's resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Forst manages to steal the painting from the Louvre in hopes of impressing his sweetheart. But when the girl proves to be a fickle sort, the crestfallen hero confesses his crime and is carted off to jail. Unwilling to admit that he'd been led astray by a woman, Forst claims that he stole the Mona Lisa to restore it to his native Italy, and as a result is hailed as a national hero! Raub der Mona Lisa was distributed in the U.S. by RKO Radio, under the title The Theft of the Mona Lisa.
In the Employ of the Secret Service
During WWI a German agent receives an order to find out when the Russian army will carry out its expected attack against the German lines.
The Merry Wives of Vienna
A dance teacher helps his ten well-bred student sisters when they leave home as a protest against their father's intended wedding. They form a café group called Die lustigen Weiber aus Wien (The merry Viennese girls).
The Darling of Vienna
"Der Herr auf Bestellung" has the Weimar dream team of Walter Reisch as scriptwriter, Geza von Bolvary as director and most importantly, the incomparable Willi Forst as main actor. This 'musical burlesque' tells about a stylish young gentleman (Willi Forst) who works as a so-called 'Festredner'; an untranslatable term, it indicates a person who makes speeches at important events like marriages etc. for people who don't feel able to do it themselves. Willi lends his voice to a speech-impaired professor (Paul Hörbiger), but the baroness (Trude Lieske) who falls in love with Hörbiger only does so because of Willi's voice, and you can guess that this leads to all sorts of complications…
The Flute Concert of Sans-Souci
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Fire in the Opera House
It begins with a Tannhäuser performance and ends with the premiere of The Tales of Hoffmann. In between a young ingénue cast in her first big role, the Hoffmann rehearsals, the theatre director and his stage director exchanging cynicisms, a budding love affair. Gründgens at his most repulsive, trying to woo both lovers. And a hair-raising finale. Add to this some snappy dialogue and "pre-code" scenes that make you sit up and stare.
The Song Is Over
Das Lied ist Aus (The Song Is Ended) is a typical early-talkie German musical in every respect, save one. The story, concerning the lives and loves of show folk, ends unhappily -- and surprisingly so. The doleful denouement didn't seem to have much effect on the film's box-office appeal, since Das Lied ist Aus proved a major moneymaker.
A Tango for You
Jimmy Bolt, a singer and dancer (and occasionally as a waiter) works at a varieté. The man may be talented, but he’s not exactly a big success, and things get complicated when a young orphan girl falls in love with the voice of another singer but then mistakes Bolt for him…
The Temporary Widow
Kitty Kellermann is put on trial for murdering her husband, a failed painter. When her counsel resigns from his mandate, the mysterious Peter Bille steps in, though it becomes apparent that he actually is not an advocate but Kitty's lover and moreover confesses the murder. The widow has to admit that the pictures by her deceased spouse sell much better, only for him to suddenly appear alive.
Hokuspokus is a 1930 German comedy film directed by Gustav Ucicky and starring Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch and Oskar Homolka. It was an adaptation of the play Hokuspokus by Curt Goetz.
Two Hearts in Waltz Time
Nicki and Vicki, two librettists who also happen to be brothers, are presently in collaboration with composer Toni. All too aware of Toni's amorous escapades, Nicki and Vicki try to keep the existence of their pretty sister Hedi a secret. Suffering from an acute case of writers' block (he has yet to find an inspiration for his next production), Toni throws a huge party, which is boycotted by his friends and associates so that he'll keep his mind on his work.
The Night Belongs to Us
During a test run for a large race in Sicily the racing car driver Bettina Bang gets into an accident and is saved by a secretive person unknown to her. It later turns out that the unknown man is the race car driver Harry Bredow.
Dich hab’ ich geliebt
Prisoner Number Seven
This exciting, modern crime story focuses on a young woman, a prisoner who was dressed to steal by her lover, and therefore she was in jail. She would like to see her sweetheart. One night she succeeds in persuading the doctor of the prison who also is a woman, to be released. She finds the man, a waiter in an elegant hotel, behaving as a cynical Don Juan, he was preparing to rob the safe of the hotel and go away with his new lover, a dancer. This dancer suffers a fatal accident.
Die Frau, die jeder liebt, bist du!
Die Zirkusprinzessin
Fräulein Fähnrich
Der Faschingsprinz
Der Bettelstudent
Die Dollarprinzessin und ihre sechs Freie
Die indiskrete Frau
The Eleven Devils
Die elf Teufel / The Eleven Devils was made in Berlin in the summer of 1927, in the last throes of the silent movie era. But Die elf Teufel strikes one today as a prophetic film. One of its early captions is "Football, the sport of the century ". We are shown a ball bathed in light like some sacred relic, and observe how, even in those early days, fans on the terraces wouldn't shy away from using their fists.
Ein Mädel aus dem Volke
Theatre Play
Seine Hoheit, der Eintänzer
Die Pratermizzi
Küssen ist keine Sünd'
Der Fluch
A young Jewish woman in an Eastern European shtetl struggles to reconcile her aspirations with her duty to her family. As her lifestyle grows wilder, her mother is shocked by her immoral behaviour and commits suicide by drowning - repeating "the curse" which has haunted the family for centuries.