Marco Nanini

Marco Nanini

Рождение : 1948-05-31, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil


Marco Nanini


Педро, 70-летний гомосексуальный медбрат, заботится о Даниэле, своей нездоровой трансгендерной подруге. Для того, чтобы определить ее в больницу, он решает помочь раненому заключенному сбежать.
Extreme Happiness
Grandpa Noel
Shortly after World War II, the city of Rio de Janeiro experiments a period of great cultural, political and economic effervescence, when all the dreams – or nearly all – seem possible. In this exciting scenery of transformation, Paulo discovers love, friendship and sex through his childhood and adolescence in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
The Well Beloved One
Odorico Paraguaçu
Based on the homonymous work of Dias Gomes , The Well Beloved tells the story of the mayor Paraguassu Odorico, whose primary goal in his administration in the city of Sucupira is the inauguration of a cemetery. One side is supported by the sisters Cajazeiras. On the other, he has to fight against strong opposition led by Vladmir, owner of rag city. For lack of a corpse, the mayor can never accomplish his goal. Not even the arrival of Ernesto - a dying man who does not die - and hiring Zeca Diabo, a bandit killer, provide him with the realization of his dream. Odorico gun situations for someone to die, but the first body to be buried in Sucupira may be the mayor himself, that the hunter becomes the hunted and goes from villain to martyr.
В начале конца
Фильм нарушает сразу два «традиционных табу» — гомосексуальность и инцест: речь идет о двух братьях, которые стали любовниками.
Амбициозный режиссер-нонконформист Педро убеждает актрису Анну, что страсть неотделима от страданий, и ставит в независимом театрике одну из самых печальных повестей на свете, предтечу всех последующих ромео и джульетт – о Тристане и Изольде. Сценический роман перекидывается в жизнь, а страдания приносит не столько любовь, сколько флирт Анны с телевидением: мыльная опера «Свиньи и бисер» – страшный соперник. Обстановка накаляется, когда Педро поступается принципами и заключает контракт с медиа-магнатом на адаптацию старинной легенды. И вот съемки в бразильской провинции в разгаре, а у Анны, похоже, намечаются серьезные отношения с молодым пройдохой, обманом добившимся роли Тристана...
A Grande Família: O Filme
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore
Irma Vap: O Retorno
After many flops, theatrical producer decides to stage a former hit, "O Mistério de Irma Vap". But he is going to face many problems to find the right actors and get the necessary permissions.
Irma Vap: O Retorno
Tony Albuquerque / Cleide Albuquerque
After many flops, theatrical producer decides to stage a former hit, "O Mistério de Irma Vap". But he is going to face many problems to find the right actors and get the necessary permissions.
Velha História
Лисбела и преступник
Frederico Evandro
Лисбела — молодая женщина, которая любит ходить в кино. Лелеу - мошенник, который путешествует из города в город, продавая всевозможные вещи и выступая в качестве церемониймейстера для некоторых дрянных номеров, таких как женщина, которая превращается в гориллу. Он знакомится с Инаурой, сексуальной красивой женщиной, которая оказывается женой самого устрашающего киллера в этом районе. Наемный убийца узнает об измене жены и преследует Лелеу, который должен срочно уйти. В другом городе он встречает и сразу же влюбляется в Лизбелу, которая помолвлена с Дугласом, деревенщиной, который изо всех сил пытается сойти за космополита из Рио-де-Жанейро.
Apolônio Brasil, Campeão da Alegria
Apolônio Brasil
Apolônio Brasil was a pianist at a famous nightclub in Rio de Janeiro, from the 1950s until his untimely death. Quite a character, Apolônio was loved by women and idolized by his audience and friends. His contagious joy attracts the attention of American scientist Dr. Boris Lewitsky, who comes to Brazil in order to interview Apolônio's close friends and make them a most unusual offer concerning the remains of the late musician.
Caramuru: The Invention of Brazil
Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.
The Xango from Baker Street
Mello Pimenta
Rio de Janeiro, 1886. A precious Stradivarius violin presented to Emperor Dom Pedro II is stolen. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called to solve the case.
Moments before turning 90 years of age, Alberto remembers his life, lived in Copacabana, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The film is a comedy about old age nowadays, with Copacabana as a background.
Сам о сострадании
Severino de Aracaju
Бойкий Жоао Грило и хитрый Чико - бедные парни, живущие в центральном районе, которые обманывают группу людей в небольшом северо-восточном бразильском городке. Но когда они умирают, им предстоит быть осуждеными Христом, Дьяволом и Девой Марией, прежде чем их допустят в рай.
Making of O Auto da Compadecida
Love and Co.
Godofredo suffers a terrible blow when he comes back home earlier than usual and finds his wife in the arms of his partner. He sends his wife away to a coast town and dares his rival to a duel. But he begins to miss his wife and the company of his friend.
Дона Флор и два ее мужа
The 20 episode miniseries edited into a 141 minute TV film. The beautiful Flor marries Vadinho and soon finds out he's spending all their money on gambles and has mistresses all over the city. Vadinho suddenly dies while partying during Carnival, and Flor, left helpless and full of debts, ends up marrying Teodoro, who's the exact opposite of her late husband.
Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional
"Portraits and excerpts from Brazilian films from all times. Actors, directors and images that affirm cinema."
Карлота Жоакина, принцесса бразильская
D. João VI de Bragança
На скалистом Шотландском мысе молодой человек рассказывает маленькой Иоланде об экзотической стране Бразилии, о «подвигах» испанской принцессы Карлоты Жоакины, которая в десятилетнем возрасте отправляется в Португалию, чтобы выйти замуж за принца Дона Жоао. Мрачный двор и трусливый несимпатичный жених производят плохое впечатление на юную принцессу..
O Alienista
A Serpente
Feliz Ano Velho
After diving into a shallow lake, a college student becomes tetraplegic. In his wheel chair, he remembers the important facts of his life as an adolescent.
Angels of the Night
Many exotic characters meet in São Paulo night, looking for love and adventure: Malu, a model; Mauro, the drag queen; Teddy, the hustler; Guto, the gay reporter; and Marta, an actress.
Night falls when, in an elegant neighborhood of Porto Alegre, a socialite is brutally murdered. The entire police department act immediately to identify and arrest the killer. A man in his 30s wanders down a large avenue. He wears fine clothes, he walks elegantly. His broken watch reads 18:47. The man searches his pockets for documents he cannot find. Neither he can recognize himself in the objects he carries: a wallet full of bills, a theater entrance ticket, a bloodstained handkerchief. Crossing pedestrians for whom that night will be like any other, he seeks to recover his memory and identity.
Teu Tua
A comedy divided in four episodes, set in different time periods, each starring a different couple, yet all facing the same issue: marital jealousy.
A Noite dos Duros
O Roubo das Calcinhas
Brazilian comedy in two segments. 'Theft of the Panties': Four friends are broke during Christmas. Genaro decides to rob a brothel because he thinks that the victims won't call the police. To get to know the place, one of the friends, Alfredo, disguises as a woman and goes there with Genaro. They set up a plan and then return to execute the robbery. 'I Love Cod': The owner of a bar in the suburbs, the Portuguese Manuel, wins the sports lottery. Three mechanics find themselves wronged for having almost won the prize and abduct Manuel's wife, demanding ransom. Manuel refuses to pay, as he finally got rid of his wife and can now win the woman of his dreams. Knowing this, the wife collaborates with the kidnappers to reverse the plan: Manuel will have to pay the ransom if he does not want to see her again.
As Moças Daquela Hora
Orgia ou O Homem Que Deu Cria
A countryman kills his father and heads for the big city. On his way, he meets the most bizarre and allegorical types: a robber, a drag queen who thinks he's Carmen Miranda, a black king, a fallen black angel, a priest, two whores, a pregnant cowboy, among others.