Dai Watanabe

Dai Watanabe

Рождение : 1984-08-01, Tokyo, Japan


Dai Watanabe


Manga artist "Shinji Izumoto" has secured a movie deal. He should be celebrating, but he's going blind, his manga series has been canceled, and he can no longer care for his grandmother. All alone, Shinji makes the devastating decision to jump off a balcony. When "Hibiki Aida", a deaf fan of his, saves Shinji, they begin an unusual life together.
A Town and a Tall Chimney
Japan in 1910, industrialization is unstoppable and devastating entire areas in the name of progress. In X, a farming village in Ibaraki Prefecture, the environment is so polluted that the plants in the fields die and the air, which is laden with toxic smoke, can no longer be breathed. But Saburo, the grandson of the village elder, can no longer put up with this and forms the resistance of the villagers. In Junpei, the idealistic employee of Hitachi, he finds an unexpected ally, and together they fight for a way to save the village.
Kishu Hanshu Yoshimune
Before Tokugawa Yoshimune, known as the "Ravage Shogun", was the lord of the Kishu domain, before he became the shogun! Yoshimune hides his identity and begins an investigation in the city of Edo in order to find out who he really is. As he grows up, he ends up throwing himself into a turmoil involving the shogunate... This is an entertainment historical drama in which a young 21-year-old named Yoshimune solves the problems of the common people in the city and goes around dealing with merchants and powerful people plotting evil deeds.
The Usuke Boys
In an age where domestic wine making had a series of failures in the difference between European climate and soil, a group of young people learned and grew from the ideals of Asai Usuke, a pioneer in Japanese wine. Okamura quits his job and plans to make wine by renting some land to raise grapes with the help of Itoh and Uemera and other college classmates. Meanwhile, Shiroyama starts cultivating wine grapes at a fruit grape farm owned by his wife's family. Taking over his family winery, Takayama overcomes his parent's objection to him raising wine grapes. Undertaking Asai's wine training, they start to make wine.
Падающая камелия
Урю Симбэй не смог спокойно смотреть, как отец близкого друга погрязает в коррупции. Однако на поданную жалобу ответа не получил. Поэтому, забрав с собой жену, покинул родной удел, Огино. Позже обвинённый им чиновник оказывается убит, и подозрения падают на Симбэя. Суровые условия жизни вдали от родины сказались на здоровье жены Симбэя Сино, которая в конечном итоге умирает. Перед смертью она просит Симбэя пообещать, что он продолжит жить, и вернётся в свою деревню, чтобы наблюдать за опаданием лепестков камелии весной, а также помириться со своим другом Унэмэ и с его помощью восстановить справедливость. Когда Симбэй пытается очистить своё имя и установить настоящего убийцу, он становится жертвой сложных интриг...
Mamoru Komoda
A woman was killed by a truck wheel, which flew off while the vehicle was in motion. As the freight company which owns the truck becomes the target of the public and the media’s wrath, Tokuro Akamatsu, the president of the freight company, realizes that a structural defect within the truck itself may have been to blame. A conspiracy of the wheel manufacturer's attempts to cover up a defective product is uncovered.
Tosa no ipponzuri
Based on the comic book series by Yûsuke Aoyagi.
Kofuku no Alibi: Picture
Stories depicting ordinary people revolving around ceremonial occasions. Without knowing that the funeral is for a yakuza member, an undertaker holds the funeral service. Relatives bicker over the deceased's last will. A son insists on wearing a long jacket normally worn by bousouzoku biker gang to a coming of age ceremony. His parents try to stop him. A husband heads over to his pregnant wife. She got pregnant before they got married and his father-in-law is angry at him. A freeter man challenges a professional baseball player over a woman.
Inspector Souichi Habu 4 ~The Man Called Poisonous Habu~
Kazunari Hamura
Tatsuru Sawada works as an assistant cameramen. He spends his days just wasting away. To change himself, he joins the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. At the training camp. he causes trouble. He opposes Kazunari Hamura and frequently breaks the rule at the camp. Tatsuru and Kazunari are then sent to the Philippines with Shiho Nomura . Even in the Philippines, Tatsuru and Kazunari do not get along as well. One day, Tatsuru goes to Baguio to take a picture. There, he meets a boy named Noel and his older sister Angela. He worries about the situation in the Philippines. He feels helpless and goes back to Japan. 8 years later, Tatsuru and Kazunari meet again in the Tōhoku region where the great earthquake and tsunami occurred.
Хроники подопытных
В начале 1990-х в Японии проводились тайные эксперименты по созданию сверхчеловека. В своих экспериментах учёные использовали два метода. Первый метод заключался в том, что родители будущего ребёнка постоянно находились в стрессе. Тем самым это состояние провоцировало развитие мутаций у младенцев ещё в утробе матери. Второй метод состоял в том, что путём генных манипуляций новорождённым детям внедрялись гены насекомых. В результате этих экспериментов на свет появилось несколько детей-мутантов.
Revenge Court
Ryo Nakahara
Until the Day Comes
Drama depicting the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011 from the perspective of a female doctor. Takako Kawashima works as head anesthesiologist at the Sendai Medical Center. She balances her married life with help from her husband Teiichi, who runs a private clinic, but their lives are upturned by the disaster.
Бродяга Кэнсин: Великий киотский пожар
Seiku Arai
Продолжение истории о похождениях Кэнсина Химуры, некогда легендарного убийцы, вступившего на путь искупления. На этот раз Кэнсин вступает в противостояние с самим Шишио Макото, злодеем, вознамерившимся свергнуть правительство Мэйдзи и подчинить себе всю Японию. Судьба страны висит на волоске, и скиталец-самурай Химура вновь берет в руки меч, к которому он поклялся никогда не прикасаться снова.
AIBOU: The Movie III
Shuji Taga
A news report circulates about a man who died after being kicked by a horse on a small island located 300km away from Tokyo. National Police Agency director Takeru Kanbe assigns Vice Director Mineaki Kai the task of making sure rumors surrounding the incident are fully investigated. Soon, partners Ukyo Sugishita and Tooru Kai are dispatched to the island to conduct the investigation. When Ukyo and Tooru arrive on the island, which is privately owned by a wealthy businessman, they discover a unit of former Self-Defense Forces personnel who have set up a small community as they participate in training exercises. While Ukyo initially expected to be investigating an accidental death, he quickly becomes convinced it was actually murder. However, when they finally manage to uncover conclusive evidence of this, the soldiers attack.
The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom
Hiromi Natsume
Two feuding eccentric families with super powers clash when their young sons confront each other after a silly mistake. Meanwhile, the local high school principal has mysterious powers of his own that trump those of the two rival clans. How did this civilian acquire them? Or perhaps a better question, who or what is using him?
Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends
Second year high school student Kodaka Hasegawa has transferred to his new school about a month ago, but he still hasn't made any friends. Kodaka Hasegawa was born from a Japanese father and a British mother. Because of his appearance, people think Kodaka Hasegawa is a troubled kid. One day, Kodaka Hasegawa sees classmate Yozora Mikazuki pleasantly talking to herself. Kodaka Hasegawa talks with her about how to make friends. To make friends, Yozora Mikazuki decides to form the Neighbor's Club and forces Kodaka to enroll in the club.
The Last Message
Police coroner Kuraishi Yoshio (Masaaki Uchino) and the crime lab team attempt to solve a serial murder case with a killer who seems to kill indiscriminately.
Hard Romanticker
Writer-director Gu Su-yeon's new film draws on his own semiautobiographical account of growing up as a delinquent zainichi Korean (Japanese-born, but of Korean ancestry) in the seaside city of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture, a working-class hellhole overflowing with sex and fury. Day after day, (fictional) Gu finds fresh foes and makes the local hoodlums want to kick his ass. While working multiple dead-end part-time jobs, he cruises around town on his scooter in search of gangland trouble: leaping across rooftops with irate hordes of punks in hot pursuit, running off with a fetching belle in a sailor suit, rescuing a schoolgirl from being gang-raped at a glue-sniffing orgy…
Kazunari Kurihara
Shunsuke Honma is a detective from the #1 investigation team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Shunsuke takes a leave from work due to an injury. One day, his relative comes to see him and asks him if he can find his missing fiance Akiko Sekine. Shunsuke takes on the job and enlists the help of Detective Sadao Ikari. The detectives soon uncover the shocking truth behind the missing woman.
Кэйта Мацуяма вернулся с войны живым, но его преследуют тени погибших товарищей. Ему нет места в новой возрождающейся после войны Японии. Он решил уехать из страны. Покидая родину, он, выполняя волю своего товарища Сададзо Морикава, посещает его жену Томоко, и передает ей открытку, которую она сама написала мужу.
300 Million
Katagiri, a highly ambitious young detective, teams up with older detective Takiguchi, who is about to retire, to investigate a murder that took place by Sumida River. Katagiri is annoyed by Takiguchi's pushiness, but is surprised to hear that the victim was a suspect in the 300 million yen robbery.
Хиганджима — это жуткий остров, занятый вампирами, с которого нельзя вернуться живым. Паренек по имени Акира узнает что его пропавшего брат скорее всего на этом острове. В сопровождении подозрительной Рей, он со своими лучшими друзьями отправляется на поиски приключений.
Ranmaru Ikenohata
Shio Asami (Stephanie) was brought up in a wealthy family whose mother is a prominent opera singer. However, the bankruptcy of her father’s business forced her to give up becoming an opera singer. Moe Midorikawa (Hikari Mitsushima) entrapped Shio and claimed a victory in an opera contest. A competition of two heroines ensues, placing their pride on the line.
Rescue Wings
Masaki Tezuka‘s live-action adaptation of “Rescue Wings” deviates from the original by centering around a female rookie pilot played by 16-year-old actress (only 15 at the time of filming) Yuko Takayama. After her mother is saved, Haruka Kawashima joins an elite air rescue team and decides she wants to become the first female pilot of a UH-60J (Japanese version of the Black Hawk) rescue helicopter. She goes through harsh, rigorous training and must overcome her emotions for the serious job of saving lives. After several mistakes she’s bluntly told she’s not good enough to be a rescue pilot, but the conflict only makes her more determined. One day, an F-15J fighter plane goes missing from radar and Kawashima receives the distress call. On reserve fuel and the struggling against all odds, she must accomplish her mission at any cost.
The Last Game: Waseda vs. Keio
Junji Toda
1943, two baseball teams play a last match before fighting in WW2.
Вороны: Начало
Bando Hideto
Судзуран — школа, за всю историю которой ни один, даже самый борзый школьник, не сумел забраться на самый верх, дабы управлять остальными. Но однажды, в своем стремлении завоевать «Воронью школу», здесь схлестываются двое: Серидзава, который держит всех в страхе уже не первый год, и новичок Гендзи. Жажда власти ведет их к последнему бою, и этот путь пролегает через покорение более слабых, мордобои и подставы. Но сколько бы ни было в людях жестокости, человеческие чувства живут в них. Есть тут место и дружбе, и самопожертвованию, и сплоченности, без которых не может существовать никакая система. Но, по закону жанра, должен остаться только один…
Die Silbermaske
Yoshiaki Hongo
Sabine is able to transform into a silver superhero through the power of the Ring of Nibelungen. She travels to Japan where she searches for her father and battles the forces of Dr. Caligari.
Макико Учида прибывает в порт Южной Японии в надежде найти судно, которое может отвезти её к месту, где 60 лет назад обрёл покой корабль Императорских Военно-Морских Сил Японии — «Ямато». Дело в том, что она — дочь офицера, который служил на этом корабле. Неожиданно встретив армейского товарища своего отца, девушка узнаёт историю о сражении за Окинаву.
Pretty Woman
Tatsuya Morishita
Elderly ladies rise to the challenge of staging a play and struggle to launch a theater company. Based on the actual amateur theater company "Theatrical Company Hono" in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where the presiding officers and performers are composed of elderly women. They have been performing stage plays about issues related to the elderly for a long time.