Director of Photography
A man in hospital has a weird and sexy conversation with a woman in the next bed, whom he cannot see. He later discovers she is in her sixties. They meet several more times and, each time, she is younger.
Director of Photography
Romance story about the first female manager of the Nihon University Phoenix
Director of Photography
Ryo, a young former banker, gets beaten up over a debt from gambling. A yakuza boss saves him, and Ryo decides to train to become a yakuza under him.
Director of Photography
Террорист по имени Хёдо вломился в исследовательский центр и убил профессора Накано, который разрабатывал лекарство от рака. Детективы Такаяма и Оосита из участка «Минато» отправляются на его поиски, а значит, нас ждут опасные погони, каскадёрские трюки, море шуток и длинноногие красотки. То есть всё то, за что миллионам зрителей полюбился сериал Abunai Deka.
Director of Photography
Щенок появился на свет в северной части префектуры Акита в ноябре 1923 года. Фермер, когда-то учившийся в Сельскохозяйственной школе при Императорском университете (ныне — Токийский университет), решил подарить живую игрушку своему бывшему профессору Хидэсабуро Уэно. Тот всегда держал дома собак, отдавая предпочтение крупным псам. Уэно назвал нового четвероногого воспитанника Хати (по-японски — Восьмой), так как это была его восьмая по счету собака. Когда Хати подрос, он стал постоянно сопровождать хозяина. Тот ежедневно уезжал в город по делам. Поэтому Хати провожал профессора до входа на железнодорожную станцию Сибуя, а в 3 часа дня вновь приходил к станции, чтобы встретить его. Но однажды, это случилось 21 мая 1925 года, у профессора прямо на работе случился инфаркт. Вызванные врачи не сумели спасти его. Домой г-н Уэно уже не вернулся. Но как это было объяснить собаке? Хати каждый день приходил к станции и терпеливо, до позднего вечера ожидал запропавшего хозяина…
Director of Photography
Тацуо влюблён в одноклассницу Эйко и очень страдает от этого. Не всё в порядке и в семье: у отца большие неприятности с кредиторами, и его самочувствие постоянно ухудшается. Тацуо постепенно начинает входить во взрослый мир. Отец попадает в больницу, расходы на лечение ложатся тяжёлым бременем на семью. Тиё — мать Тацуо, часто рассказывала ему в детстве легенду о том, что если в апреле будет сильный снегопад, то летом над водопадом появится много светлячков, и если влюблённые увидят его, то им суждено будет быть вместе.
Director of Photography
A photographer for a weekly magazine becomes obsessed with Nami, a woman he first saw getting brutally raped in an underground porn video. After tracking her down, he begins an affair with her, initially unaware that she is also in an abusive relationship with Muraki, the man responsible for the video that started it all.
Director of Photography
Remake of the 1957 film "The Stormy Man".
Director of Photography
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит в 1866 году, накануне реставрации Мэйдзи. Эпоха правления сёгунов Токугава подходит к концу благодаря усилиям сторонников императора и действиям западных бизнесменов, прежде всего американских.
Director of Photography
17 year old Saki lives in a run-down hack with her mom who survives by pushing a food cart from dawn to dusk. Saki has dropped out of school, and when she's not helping her mother selling noodles in the streets, she's playing flesh-games with boyfriend Sotoo. In her spare time, the girl also entertains a truck driver named Ataru. She believes her promiscuity is a trait inherited from her mom. Determined to improve her lot in life (she doesn't want to grow up like her mother), Saki decides to stop seeing the two guys. The sizzling Japanese Tatsumi Kumashiro’s erotic drama 'Shoujo Shofu: Kemonomichi' (aka 'Whore Girl - the Animal Trail' distributed internationally as 'Path of the Beast'), offers a venue for sex kitten Ayako Yoshimura to reveal choice areas of her nubile frame.
Director of Photography
Set in Japan's Tenpyou era (729-749 CE), four young monks are sent to China to study Buddhism and bring a high priest back to Japan with them. The film tells the tale of the four monks' youth and the life and times of the high priest Ganjin.
Obayashi’s take on the famous Kosuke Kindaichi series, made popular partly thanks to the numerous movie-adaptions by Kon Ichikawa, the most known being The Inugami Family. Kosuke Kindaichi is the most famous detective in Japan. Kindaichi gets a new case to figure out who has beheaded a valuable statue and made off with its head.
Director of Photography
Семьдесят восемь дней смертельного веселья безжалостного человека — история о воре, убийце, мошеннике и сердцееде Ивао Энокидзу.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
When an American is murdered in a Japanese inn, Tokyo police detective Munesue follows the trail of the killer to New York. There he is joined by a New York City detective named Shuftan and together they sort out the crime.
Director of Photography
Kitayama tries to have sex with Akemi. While he manages to come to her room, her boyfriend Kawasaki comes to find him. Unfortunately, Kawasaki is a yakuza guy.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1976. Nobuyuki collects butterflies as a hobby. One day, while trying to catch a rare butterfly, he encounters a young woman...
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1976.
Director of Photography
Tokuko Watanabe plays Hikaru, a female teacher at an all boy's high school. Yata is a mysterious student who transfers from another school. Seemingly, he's the younger brother of a boy who com-mitted suicide because of an obsession with teacher Hikaru. Obviously, as these stories go, Yata wants to avenge his brother's death. So one day, he recruits two more boys and the three of them rape Hikaru on the roof of the school. At first, the violated teacher shrugs off the incident with a "boys will be boys" altitude. But then, when she realizes revenge was the motive, she stalks them before they can do any more damage.
Director of Photography
Japanese drama film.
Director of Photography
After his leading actress becomes pregnant and quits his sex film, Juzo becomes obsessed with finding a woman whose moaning he captured secretly at a dentist’s office to star in the film instead.
Director of Photography
After the director's message, "I visualize the romance of Roman Porn and I attempt to share that image," a loosely-connected series of softcore sex scenes unfolds. The plot concerns Kyoko, a young Japanese woman married to a man in France. When he abandons her, she returns to Japan. With her sexual appetite now at a high pitch, she engages in sexual escapades with a wide assortment of people, including old friends, both male and female, and an entire soccer team.
Director of Photography
По одноименной новелле Кэндзи Маруямы. Два друга отправляются на север Японии, чтобы в портовом городе найти корабль, который сможет отвезти их в Африку. Эта нелепая идея не сулит им ни денег, ни славы, ни уважения местных жителей. Малобюджетный фильм изобилует потасовками, издевательствами и эротическими сценами.
Director of Photography
Hirobe is a lonely man. After witnessing her girlfriend die with a terminal illness, he wanders through the city like a shadow. One day, he meets Masako and they begin an affair. Masako is in an unhappy marriage with Yazawa, who is also cheating on her with a younger lover. The tension builds up to an unforgiving, yet quiet climax...
Director of Photography
The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.
Director of Photography
It's the evening before the day all brothels must be shut-down, according to the new law, in 1958. At the Kofukuya's (literally, the house that sells happiness), five prostitutes decide to celebrate the day. Erotism, drama, and comedy mix as each hour, and a different event passes, in which all the women's stories come to the surface.
Director of Photography
A footballing law student tutors an undergraduate, developing into a romance that soon enough goes awry.
Director of Photography
A college professor wants to bring the joys of sex to his frigid wife. He convinces his son in law to sleep with her because the idea arouses him, while also making him insanely jealous. The professor keeps a journal of his fantasies in a locked cupboard and hopes that his wife will find the key and read it.
Director of Photography
Shotaro, the son of a geisha house, is still merely a kid and is often told to spend the night in a room with geisha when the patron of a certain geisha takes over his own room. A precocious lad in the first places, he knows more about sex than many adults. He discovers he is old enough to make women pregnant and so his adventures begin, here, there and everywhere.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1974.
Director of Photography
The world is in turmoil with the October Revolution of 1917, riots over the inflationary price of rice, and the military expedition to Siberia in 1918. But Shinsuke spends his days in the arms of geishas, paying little heed to the events happening around him.
Director of Photography
1937 год. Японская императорская армия вступила в битву с частями китайской армии неподалеку от Тяньцзиня, что послужило началом кровопролитной Японо-китайской войны. В декабре того же года пал Нанкин. Между тем в Токио ликует японский народ, празднуя победы императорской армии одну за другой.
1939 год. Крупномасштабная битва при Халхин-Голе с советской армией приводит к поражению японских войск, уступающих количеством и военными технологиями. Япония стоит на пороге череды обречённых на поражение битв, в преддверии войны в Тихом Океане
Director of Photography
A young man named Katsu comes to a rural town by the sea, and begins to work as a movie reel carrier in a movie theater. Apparently this town is the hometown of Katsu, but no matter how many residents of the town ask, "Is it Katsu?" he just laughs. The wife of the cinema owner that has become involved with Katsu is interested in his past ...
Director of Photography
The movie was inspired by real life test driver Yukio Fukuzawa, who on 12 February 1969 lost control of his Toyota 7 at Fuji Speedway near Nakahinata, Japan and fatally smashed into a signpost. In the movie Kei Kiyama’s pop singer character meets Tôru Minegishi’s doomed racer when he happens along as she’s throwing her own records into the sea. From there things get even cheerier.
Director of Photography
A diary of an office lady.
Director of Photography
Tormented by his first sexual stirrings, the teenager Isao dreams every night of his gym teacher Ikuko. He finally opens her heart but she rejects his advances. Frustrated, Isao invents all sorts of stratagies to disgust Ikuko´s fiance, a professor of chemistry in the same school. As his plan fails, he plans a radical solution...and the results turns out to be...
Director of Photography
Ichijo Sayuri, once the legendary queen of Osaka strippers, has retired to run a sushi shop. She is awaiting her day in court after having been arrested for indecency at her farewell performance. While she was active, she was both the rival and the model for many young strippers. Harumi was one of them. Ichijo Sayuri was the real-life queen of Osaka strippers who was arrested on her final performance.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
A girl falls for a pickpocketer who gets arrested, so she hooks up with his ex-girlfriend and his ex-cellmate.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1972.
Director of Photography
Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A professional hunter, Tetsuya, returns from Alaska to find that his hometown had become a lawless slum. He is shocked to learn that his younger sister had committed suicide after being raped by unknown men. One day, he rescues a girl from being attacked by some gang, and discovers that the same gang had driven his sister to death. Using his lethal hunting skills, Tetsuya begins to take revenge…
Director of Photography
Rokurō starts a part-time job on a fishing boat, but the ship has an engine failure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Director of Photography
Дебютная работа режиссёра Тадахико Исоми, жанровая комедия.
Director of Photography
Based on the 1964 novel of the same name by Komimasa Tanaka, the film tell the story of a strip-teaser, and her daughter who wishes to join her mother's profession.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Japanese drama film.
Director of Photography
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
Director of Photography
Зловещая тень американских бомбардировщиков, сбросивших атомную бомбу на Хиросиму, легла на всю жизнь двадцатилетнего Юкио. В тот страшный день погибли его родители, а сам он заболел лучевой болезнью. И вот теперь, когда Юкио полюбил Кадзуэ и вместе с ней стал строить планы на будущее, ему особенно больно и страшно вспоминать о прошлом... Неожиданно болезнь обостряется, Юкио умирает. Не перенеся потери любимого, Кадзуэ кончает жизнь самоубийством. А в газете об этой трагедии двадцатилетних появляется лишь несколько коротких строк сообщения...
Director of Photography
В кадре суровые будни господина Огаты, производителя малобюджетного порно, иногда и сутенёра. У Огаты полно забот: находить технику, подбирать исполнителей, уворачиваться от полиции, якудзы и общественного мнения, а заодно содержать полубезумную вдову с её взрослыми, к тому же весьма эгоистичными и алчными детьми. Огата живёт по собственной философии и ничего зазорного в своей работе не видит.
Director of Photography
Hiroko, who has a weekly magazine reporter as her lover is assigned as a public health nurse in a remote village. However, there is widespread poverty and ignorance beyond her imagination.
Director of Photography
Военному переводчику поручают расследование смерти американского сержанта, труп которого был обнаружен в Токийском порту. Идя по следу убийц, мужчина понимает, что за преступлением стоит огромная шпионская сеть, которая ответственна за торговлю наркотиками, изготовление фальшивых денег и убийства неугодных.
Director of Photography
Japanese comedy film.
Director of Photography
Психологическая драма Сехэя Имамуры исследует тонкую грань между любовью и ненавистью, насилием и влечением. Домохозяйку, муж которой в командировке, насилуют в собственном доме. Как ни странно, вскоре ей начинает хотеться, чтобы жестокий насильник вернулся — и он возвращается, но теперь их роли меняются. В результате ни один из этих странно встретившихся любовников не может отпустить другого. В дело вступает яд — но для кого он предназначен? И кто воспользуется им первым?
Director of Photography
A boy who dreams of being a yakuza leader is reformed by a girl's pure love for him.
Director of Photography
Томе родилась в 1918 году и почти сразу же началась ее жестокая жизнь секс-рабыни. Она подозревает, что даже ее собственный отец сожительствовал с ней. Вскоре у нее рождается дочь Нобуко. Наконец, в 23 года ей удается выйти замуж, но ненадолго — от ее мужа беременеет служанка. Вскоре Томе попадает в тайный публичный дом и со временем становится его хозяйкой.
Director of Photography
A romance of a pure young lover and his heartbreak for a beautiful older woman.
Director of Photography
Joe, Okita, and Serizawa hear of the armed robbery of a truck carrying one billion eighty million yen's worth of Mint paper. Knowing that the thugs will now need a counterfeiter to make the bogus bills, they each decide to cash in on it by selling them the idea that they need Sakamoto, the best counterfeiter in Japan. A seesaw game unfolds between the three men as each tries to outdo the other two in handing over Sakamoto for one million yen to Hijikata, the big boss, who intends to make counterfeit money with the stolen paper. A little belatedly, they realize it needs their combined forces to outwit Hijikata and they raid his place together. Outnumbered, however, they are thrown into a basement room and the gas is turned on. Certain death stares them in the face, but the three men are not ones to take things lying down....
Director of Photography
The action takes place in a city where you can live on only 100 yen a day. The "General", who indulged in gambling with his henchmen all day, he was running his business and hitting him with a taxi turned out to be a trifle for him. A unique work, filled with tears and laughter, praising the beautiful human love that blooms at the bottom of life, focused on the genius “General” who lives in the troubled city of Kamagasaki.
Director of Photography
Промышленный пригород Токио живет совсем не так, как столица. Здесь есть работа, но есть и бедность, и конкуренция, и иммигранты из Кореи, и социалисты, и бандиты. Очень трудно вырваться из бедности и перейти на более высокий уровень жизни. Школьница Дзюн отличается работоспособностью, сообразительностью, прилежностью. Она хотела бы поступить в гимназию, хотя никто в её семье не получил законченного среднего образования. Удастся ли ей осуществить свою мечту?
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nakata (Keiichiro Akagi) is a nihilistic young buck who is willing to do anything to get money in his pockets. As he knocks back a couple drinks that he knows he won't be able to afford, a former marksman-turned-bad, Ishioka approaches him. Ishioka is looking for an unaffiliated hit-man who is willing to handle some business. Nakata is just the right man for the job.
Director of Photography
На экране господствуют грязь, кровь, насилие, проституция. Однако есть героиня, которой удается противостоять обстоятельствам и не стать представительницей «древнейшей профессии». В этом ей помогают сила характера и твердость духа.
Director of Photography
The lives of two brothers, Kunio and Akira Kasahara, are changed forever when their father is murdered. Kunio sets out on a manhunt to avenge his father and will stop at nothing until he finds the killer. Setsuko, Kunio's fiancée, is unable to keep up with the lunacy that Kunio stirs up and finds comfort with another man - his brother, Akira.
Director of Photography
A unique action film about a battle between two students and a yakuza over the eviction fee for a family that abandoned their home at the bottom of an artificial lake.
Director of Photography
A sailor is stuck in harbor due to an engine failure in his boat, and he learns that a friend of his has died, reportedly from suicide. He begins to investigate the matter himself, and finds there may be more to the story...
Director of Photography
An airplane loaded with 50 million yen for the reconstruction of Amami Oshima crashes en route from Kagoshima, Kyushu, but neither the money nor the remains of the pilot can be found.
Director of Photography
Plans to build a touristic hot spring on the island of Izu Oshima run afoul of the Kobe yakuza group, which intends to use the island as a relay base for drug smuggling.
Director of Photography
После смерти главы семьи в маленьком шахтерском городке остаются четверо детей без средств к существованию. Шахты терпят убытки, работы в городке нет. Старшие дети уезжают на заработки, а младшим приходится выживать самим.
Director of Photography
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
Director of Photography
Kensaku Muro and his father manage a farm in Sakudaira at the foot of the Yatsugatake Mountains. One day Kensuke saves a suicidal woman, Fukiko Uzu, who jumps into a waterfall. Having injured his eyes in the process, he is brought to Tokyo for medical treatment. In Tokyo, Kensaku visits his mother Kaneko who left her son years ago. She now owns an exclusive club and has a son, Isao, with the president of Kobe Concern. Isao plots to steal Kensuke's farm as part of a land development scheme with Fukiko's husband. Without knowing they are blood related, their conflict over the farm intensifies.
Director of Photography
В десятую годовщину капитуляции Японской империи пятеро не похожих друг на друга людей встречаются на железнодорожной станции. Их цель — добыть банку морфия, сейчас баснословно дорогую, которую в день капитуляции спрятал в бомбоубежище военный врач Хасимото. Им придется работать вместе.
Director of Photography
Shortly after arriving in Kobe, "Jiro the Lefty", a killer with a natural talent, witnesses a man die in a crane accident which turns out to be a cover-up for a murder. Jiro soon finds himself on the run, tailed by a determined cop.
Director of Photography
В женский монастырь, расположенный вдали от города, во время летних каникул приехала пара современных студентов: Эцуко (она племянница монахини Масамицу) и её парень Акио. Юноша приехал сюда, чтобы немного отвлечься от городской суеты и написать дипломную работу. Однако здесь он встречает красивую монахиню Сомиё, которая очаровывает его…
Director of Photography
The action of this historical drama takes place against the background of poverty and hunger in the city of Edo and depicts young people rebelling against the contradictions of feudal society.
Director of Photography
Harsh film about a car dealer who gets into financial trouble.
Director of Photography
Kawai Midori's father left the family a long time ago and since her mother passed away, she has taken care of her younger siblings by herself by working with a group of itinerant camellia oil peddlers. While she is In Izu selling camellia oil, she meets a young student, Katō Yutaka, who asks her to let him take her picture. The peddlers also meet a jazz band, and when Midori sings a song, teased by the band's star singer Nanjō Haruo, the band members are enraptured by her beautiful voice. She eventually joins the band and quickly becomes a popular jazz singer.
Director of Photography
Roppeita is big in size, clumsy and full of energy. When his grandfather orders him to move out to Tokyo to save a sinking milk delivery business a distant relative of his runs, he encounters the most strangest of clientele.
Director of Photography
Ippei, a bored private detective hears from his assistant Hideko an interesting story that General Semyonov who has been exiled to Japan buried his gold bullion somewhere.
Director of Photography
From runaway brides to a typhoon, the continued adventures of Ushikata police station.
Director of Photography
После войны прошло уже 10 лет, а люди всё ещё живут в бедности и лишениях. Разоренные хозяйства, брошенные дети, люди в бесплодных поисках работы вынуждены идти на преступления, девушки ради спасения семьи должны забыть о любви и выйти замуж за богачей. На все эти беды деревенские полицейские смотрят с теплотой и сочувствием. Неужели где-то в мире существуют такие добрые полицейские? Всё действие фильма напоминает комедию, но искренние старания людей не приближают их к счастью.
Director of Photography
Японский музыкальный фильм.
Director of Photography
Group of women escape Chinese controlled area for Japanese occupied lands during Pacific War.