Leslie Dwyer

Leslie Dwyer

Рождение : 1906-08-28, Catford, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1986-12-29


Leslie Dwyer was an English film and tv actor, best known to modern audiences for his role as Mr Partridge, the miserable Punch and Judy man with a dislike of children in television's Hi-de-Hi.


Leslie Dwyer


The children visit a waxworks museum near closing time, whilst their grandmother does her shopping. Alice the chimp gets lost, and the children hide as attendants close the building for the night. Meanwhile, an attempt is being made to steal the day's takings.
Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters
The Doctor and Jo find themselves trapped inside an alien peepshow machine which showman Vorg and his assistant Shirna have brought to amuse the populace of the planet Inter Minor. Can they escape Vorg and the ferocious Drashigs?
A Hole Lot of Trouble
Three workmen assigned to dig a hole in a road for an electrical cable run into problems with local officials who believe the hole is being dug in the wrong place and should be closer to the home of a prissy fashion designer.
Crooks and Coronets
Two crooks are hired to rob an eccentric old lady's estate, but once they get to know her, they can't bring themselves to do it.
Блаженство миссис Блоссом
Bookshop Assistant
Гарриет Блоссом (Ширли Маклейн) замужем за Робертом Блоссомом (Ричард Аттенборо), бизнесменом, который скорее проведет ночь на своей фабрике бюстгальтеров, чем дома с ней. Однажды швейная машинка Харриет ломается, поэтому Роберт посылает ремонтника Эмброуза (Джеймс Бут) починить ее. Это похоть с первого взгляда для Гарриет, которая убеждает Эмброуза спрятаться на чердаке для свидания. Когда ее новый кавалер не проявляет никакого желания уходить, пара начинает многолетний роман прямо под носом у Роберта.
A lion escapes from a circus but is rescued and protected by a young boy.
Умри, монстр, умри!
Американский ученый приезжает в деревеньку Арнгейм к любимой девушке, где обнаруживает странные мутации у животных и растений. Через некоторое время ему становится понятна связь таинственного источника радиации и обитателей древнего замка.
I've Gotta Horse
A fast-moving comedy with Billy Fury, who plays himself in the film. The story reveals his great love of animals, and it features his own racehorse, Anselmo. Also featured are several of Billy's own dogs.
Seventy Deadly Pills
Police Constable Robinson
A small boy, Dickie Goodwin, finds some strychnine pills mixed with sweets in a stolen car left in a deserted garage. With them he buys his way into the Rocket Gang. Brian, the leader, shares out the pills for swaps next day. One of the gang eats hers and collapses. The police frantically search for the pills and a broadcast appeal is made. Brian hears this and reaches the gang at Battersea funfair just in time to save them.
Левые, правые и центр
Alf Stoker
На довыборах в парламент телевизионная знаменитость Боб Уилкот от консерваторов соперничает со Стеллой Стокер от социалистов. Что будет, если политические конкуренты влюбятся? Агенты противоборствующих партий вступают в сговор чтобы предотвратить электоральную катастрофу.
The 39 Steps
In London, a diplomat accidentally becomes involved in the death of a British agent who's after a spy ring that covets British military secrets.
Under Night Streets
Jack Bedwell (voice)
Documentary film about the track workers and "fluffers" (track cleaners) who maintain the London Underground system every night during the few hours when the trains are not running.
Stormy Crossing
Bill Harris, Kitty's Trainer
After murdering his lover, cross-channel swimmer Joy Webster, Derek Bond attempts to do same to her other boyfriend, Sheldon Lawrence. John Ireland plays an Interpol detective who stems Bond's homicidal hijinks. Black Tide was produced by Monty Berman in his pre-Saint days.
Henry Cammon
When she has a fight, with her husband, Lucy runs out of the house, and into a night of terror. She heads for the local cinema, and in doing so, becomes the only eyewitness to a couple of crooks, who are robbing the cinema's safe. In her haste to escape the thieves, she is knocked down by a passing bus, and is taken to the local hospital. The two crooks follow, and wait for a chance to finish her off, and thus eliminate the only person who can tie them to the robbery.
Cloak Without Dagger
Fred Borcombe
A British Intelligence officer fails a mission during WW2. Years later whilst working in a hotel he bumps into an old flame who is desperate to discover what went wrong?
Not So Dusty
Two London rubbish collectors come into possession of a valuable book, and thwart the attempts of some criminals to con them out of it. Meanwhile one of the dustmen pursues a romance with a housemaid he has met on his round. Remake of a 1936 film of the same title which had also been directed by Maclean Rogers. Wally Patch who had written and starred in the earlier film, appears in a small role in the remake.
Room in the House
Benji Pugh
Betsy Richards, a hard-working widow, tries to solve the domestic problems of her three grown-up sons.
Where There's a Will
Alfred "Alfie" Brewer
A Cockney family inherit a ramshackle Devon farm. The rest of the family don't want to leave London but the father insists and off they go, to face the unknown.
The Black Rider
Robert Plack
When young reporter and amateur biker Jerry Marsh investigates a mysterious hooded figure on a motorbike, he discovers crooks hiding out in a ruined castle with atomic sabotage on their minds...
The Good Die Young
An amoral, psychotic playboy incites three men who are down on their luck to commit a mail van robbery, which goes badly wrong.
Roadhouse Girl
George Saunders
A middle-aged garage owner's life is turned upside down when his new mechanics gets it on with his sexy younger wife.
The Hour of 13
Ernie Perker
1890, London, and a serial killer known as The Terror is murdering policemen. When gentleman thief Nicholas Revel unwittingly becomes the chief suspect, he must use his guile and wits to prove he’s not the killer; whilst also not getting caught for a jewel robbery he has just committed.
Hindle Wakes
Chris Hawthorn
During a holiday to the beach Jenny meets Alan and agrees to spend the week with him. Wanting to keep this a secret from her parents Jenny gets help from her friend Mary to pretend her whereabouts but disaster strikes during a boating accident. It is soon discovered Jenny was not with Mary. When the parents find out the truth they pressure the couple to get married, but Jenny thinks otherwise.
My Wife's Lodger
Roger the Lodger
My Wife’s Lodger finds hapless soldier Willie Higginbottom (Dominic Roche) hoping for a hero’s welcome when he returns home after the war. But, while he was away, shifty spiv Roger the Lodger (Leslie Dwyer) got his arms around his wife and his feet under the table, and now Willie’s ditzy daughter (Diana Dors) only wants to sing, dance and jitterbug!
Judgment Deferred
A group of very strange men, refugees and casualties of the war, rally round when one of their number is framed by a drug racketeer. Co-opting a well-known journalist to their cause, they scheme to bring the racketeer to justice in a home-made "trial" in the crypt of a ruined church.
Dodging the Column
Narrator (voice)
The transporting of a distillation colurm, 137 feet long, 500 miles by road from Greenwich to Grangemouth in Scotland. The commentary, spoken by the rigger in charge and one of the tractor drivers, expresses the humour and resourcefulness with which these transport workers tackle their job; and the camera has captured moments of beauty as well as some amusing episodes in this journey of the longest load to travel by road in Britain.
There Is Another Sun
Mick Foley
Story of romance between a young boxer in fairground boxing booth and a chorus girl, and how 'Racer', a 'Wall of Death' rider in the same fairground, involves them in a robbery.
Смех в раю
Police Sergeant
После смерти известного мистификатора Генри Расселла осталось письмо, в котором он завещал своим родственникам каждому по 50,000 фунтов стерлингов. Однако они не сразу могли получить эти деньги. В письме говорилось, что каждый наследник может получить означенную сумму лишь после того, как выполнит определенное условие. Эти условия были настолько необычны, что родственники были озадачены, но никто не хотел лишиться такой суммы, поэтому все как один приступили к выполнению условий.
Smart Alec
A young artist plots "the perfect murder" in order to inherit his wealthy uncle's fortune.
Полуночный эпизод
Полуночный эпизод - английский триллер, загадочный фильм 1950 года, снятый Гордоном Пэрри. Он основан на романе «Месье Ля Сурис», написанном Жоржем Сименоном в 1938 году. В главных ролях он сыграл Стенли Холлоуэя, Лесли Дуайера, Реджинальда Тейта и Мередит Эдвардс.
Lilli Marlene
Lilli Marlene, a French girl working as a bar maid in her uncle's café in Benghazi, Libya, turns out to be the girl that the popular German wartime song Lili Marleen had been written for before the war, so both the British and the Germans try to use her for propaganda purposes - especially as it turns out that she can sing as well. When the Germans kidnap her in Cairo and she starts appearing in radio broadcasts from Berlin, her British soldier friends think that she's joined the enemy. They couldn't be more wrong, because after the war it turns out that her songs over the radio contained secret messages to London from British agents in Berlin.
Double Confession
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police clear up the mystery.
Poet's Pub
A loosely structured comedy allowing for a series of vignettes based around an ancient coaching inn. The story was adapted from the 1929 novel by Scottish writer Erik Linklater.
Now Barabbas
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
A Boy, a Girl and a Bike
Steve Hall
The lives of the members of a West Yorkshire cycling club are complicated by romantic entanglements and a series of bike thefts.
The Bad Lord Byron
Injured and on his deathbed in Greece, Lord Byron imagines a celestial trial with witnesses to determine the worth of his character.
It's Not Cricket
Kicked out of Army Intelligence, a pair of upper class twits set up as private detectives. The result is refined English chaos. " This is the regettable story of two Drones who didn't even know their own Zones. It starts in Germany, gets nowhere and stops at nothing." Radford and Wayne, cashiered from the army when they let a captured Nazi escape, become private detectives who later get involved with the same German and a missing diamond ...
The Calendar
Sam Hillcott
The favourite for the big race is nobbled and suspicion falls on the owner. His secret admirer proves it wasn't him.
Bond Street
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
When The Bough Breaks
The bewildered wife of a bigamist allows her child to be adopted and then regrets it.
Гавань искушения
Reg Slater
Роберт Ньютон - сигнальщик с гавани, который обнаружил чемодан, полный денег после того, как он стал свидетелем убийства, не сообщая об этом полиции и оказался объектом интересов наёмного убийцы.
Piccadilly Incident
A newly married WREN, presumed drowned when her ship is torpedoed, spends three years on a tropical island before returning to England to find her husband remarried with a baby son.
I See a Dark Stranger
Soldier in Café (uncredited)
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Night Boat to Dublin
George Leggett
British intelligence officers (Robert Newton, Guy Middleton) head off a Nazi plot to kidnap an atomic scientist.
Совершенно чужие
Роберт и Кэтрин отпраздновали скромную свадьбу перед тем, как Вторая мировая война разделила их на три года. Служба в флоте меняет их обоих, и они понимают, как сильно им претила прежняя мирная жизнь вместе. Оба боятся неизбежного воссоединения, и каждый решил попросить развода, но действительно ли их браку пришел конец?
Great Day
Pub Customer
An impending V.I.P. visit causes bustle in an English village, while the Ellis family struggles with private problems.
The Way Ahead
Pvt. Sid Beck
A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.
Yellow Canary
Ship's Steward
A socialite poses as a Nazi spy to mask her activities as a British agent.
The Lamp Still Burns
A tribute to the important work of female nurses during World War II.
... в котором мы служим
История команды маленького корабля, знавшей о своей обреченности и все же честно выполнившей долг.
The Goose Steps Out
German Soldier on Train
Schoolteacher William Potts is the double of a captured German spy, so he is sent to Germany by British Intelligence to obtain the plans of a new secret weapon, causing chaos in a Hitler Youth school in the process.
They Flew Alone
Lighthouse Keeper (uncredited)
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Cheer Up
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
An impoverished team of composer and songwriter try to secure financial backing for their new musical, with the assistance of a struggling actress working as a housemaid.