Emmanuel Bilodeau

Emmanuel Bilodeau

Рождение : 1964-08-29,


Emmanuel Bilodeau


Gaby’s Hills
No-one wants to play football with Gaby now that she has breasts. Like every other year, the 13-year-old is spending the summer with her dad on a small island off the Canadian coast – and she is not about to pretend that she’s suddenly a different person.
Qui se souvient de René Lévesque?
F*ckin' Coffin!
Raymond Tremblay
May 20, 1980. After his father's passing, Raymond Tremblay, tax investigator, begins to suspect the funeral home of fraudulent activities. Accompanied by his daughter, little Lucy, he decides to go investigate in his native Saguenay against the backdrop of a referendum on Quebec's sovereignty.
Богиня светлячков
Père de Keven
В сложном подростковом возрасте Кэтрин переживает развод родителей. Жизнь не будет к ней благосклонна и бережна: проходя через череду несчастий, она взрослеет в жестоком, захватывающем и отвратительном хаосе жизни подростка 90-х годов.
Mad Dog Labine
Roch Labine
A fiery and inventive docufiction that portrays two marginal teenagers living in a remote and underserved Canadian village.
Emmanuel Bilodeau: One Manu Show
Francis is being interrogated about a series of crimes he might be guilty of.
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Engagé
Himself - Comedian
French Interpreter
Действие развивается на Диком Западе в ХIX веке. Уроженец Филадельфии Хью Гласс попадает в плен к индейцам, откуда бежит только через год. Он отправляется в Сент-Луис, где присоединяется к капитану Эндрю Генри и отбивается от атак индейцев возле истоков реки Миссури. Пережив нападения неприятеля, Хью становится жертвой медведя гризли. Гласс серьезно и, похоже, смертельно ранен. Капитан Генри отказывается бросать соратника и везет его с собой к реке Гранд-Ривер. Однако особенности ландшафта не позволяют вернуть умирающего Хью к цивилизации. Генри приказывает двум наемникам остаться с раненым и похоронить его. Но те бросают его, завидев враждебно настроенных индейцев. Гласс чудом остается жив, приходит в себя и отправляется мстить покинувшим его обидчикам.
Tough Luck
Lorsque vous rencontrez Réjean, (Rémy Girard) il est impossible de séparer le monde réel de son imaginaire. Biographe de métier, son rôle est d’embellir la vie de ses clients. Très bientôt, Réjean sera confronté au même problème sur le site de rencontre Réseau Contact. Il doit faire parvenir une vidéo qui parle de lui, de sa vie. Bref, d’être vendeur. Hésitant, il commence à raconter sa vie à la caméra. Tant bien que mal, il essaye désespérément de reconstruire sa vie tel qu’il s’en souvient. Malheureusement, sa profession déteint sur sa propre histoire. Pris au jeu, il choisira la facilité en se cachant derrière sa technique, pour faire de sa vie une aventure rocambolesque digne d’un auteur à succès. Une histoire à la fois drôle et poignante remplie d’intrigues où le spectateur tentera de discerner le vrai du faux. Y’en aura pas de facile.
Jean-François Sauvageau
Set in a rural Québec village in the dead of winter, Jean-François, a single father, works at a deserted bowling alley at night and in a rundown motel during the day. His daughter, Julyvonne never leaves their home. Jean-François isolates her in fear that contact with the outside world will scar her the way it has him.
Return to Sender
Michel Beaulieu
Michel Beaulieu can't catch a break. He just lost his job as car courier after an encounter with a difficult client, his wife Lucy decided to take break from him and she threatened to take his visitation rights to their daughter away. In desperation, Michael agrees to fulfill the mission of a shady loan shark by kidnapping a gambler who owes him a large sum. Turns the man is the arrogant businessman because of whom he lost his job.
Fred's Head
Gaétan-Gilbert Pyrowski
On the Trail of Igor Rizzi
A lovelorn and destitute soccer player accepts a job as a hitman in Montreal.
To liberate his friend who's been taken hostage by a sorcerer who's after a large ransom, a young man decides to take control of a marijuana plantation, not knowing that it belongs to his dad and that the marijuana production goes to an artist's agent.
Maman Last Call
Fernand (Homme couple)
So the Moon Rises
Struggling with AIDS, Aimée comes out of the hospital. Her friend Francine leads her to the Maison Bleue for her convalescence. But Aimee's state of health does not improve: she falls into mental confusion and must stay at the Blue House until her death.
Love and Magnets
Back in Montréal after spending five years in Guatemala, Julie moves in with her elder sister, Jeanne, a chronic liar and woman of rather loose sexual morals... Disillusioned with love, Jeanne is nevertheless engaged to Noël. However, Jeanne and Noël lead separate lives, and only communicate by leaving each other messages on the fridge.Everything suddenly becomes very complicated. Jeanne compels Julie to take up with Noël so she can have a fling with a passionate musician. Noël, meanwhile, sets Julie up with Michel -- without Jeanne's knowledge. Julie mixes things up even further. Egged on by her friend Marie-Ève, she alters the contents of the messages on the fridge in an attempt to breathe new life into Jeanne and Noël's relationship. Along the way, she also begins to fall for the seductive Michel. The tables are turned on everyone... In the game of love and truth, illusion leads to betrayal, but love conquers all.
CQ2 (Seek You Too)
CQ2 (seek you too) is the story of an teenager, with an uncertain future, who canalises her lust for life in the study of contemporary dance.
Happy Camper
Pierre-Louis Cinq-Mars is a successful stockbroker. Everything in his life is well-ordered -- stock investments, luxury car, the latest computer, stylish and tasteful clothes...well-ordered to the point of being utterly predictable. Jackie Pigeon, the owner of the Camping Pigeon campground, is a go-getter who always gets her way. She conducts her business with a sure hand and everything at the campground runs smoothly. Her life is the complete opposite of Pierre-Louis's -- she's rather messy, of modest means, wears flamboyant and sexy clothes...everything in her life hovers on the edge of bad taste. Two people from completely different worlds whose paths would not normally have been fated to cross.
Le Golem de Montréal
Gaz Bar Blues
This is the story of Mr. Brochu, whose friends like to call "the Boss". He runs his gas station the best he can and tries to stay happy no matter what happens. This movie relates all the small tragedies surrounding the gaz bar, such as hold-ups, competition from the big companies invading the neighbourhood, and the fact that is sons don't seem to be interested in the gas station.
Le nèg'
Canard Plourde
In the middle of the night, in the Québec countryside, all hell breaks loose as a black teenager is caught smashing a racially denigrating lawn ornament. Together the neighbours attend to justice against the vandal. Thorough the night there is mounting racism, fueled by alcohol, and violence. Le Nèg' opens the morning after when the police investigators arrive at the scene to take depositions.
Soft Shell Man
An emotionally immature underwater photographer returns home to an affair with his best friend's deaf girlfriend and unresolved issues with the wife he left six months before.
Family Pack
A young woman tries to ease herself out of the closet without terrifying her parents in the process in this comedy-drama. The year is 1969, and Sacha (Marie Bunel) is a young Belgian woman living in Canada. Sacha's family sent her to Canada to attend medical school, but she hasn't had the heart to tell them that she's dropped out of college to devote herself to her new interest in photography. Sacha also hasn't told her parents that she's a lesbian -- and that she has a new girlfriend, Odile (Macha Grenon). Odile is tired of being kept a secret, and insists that Sacha tell her parents the truth before American astronauts land on the moon in a few months -- or else. Sacha flies home to Belgium for a visit, planning to come clean to her folks, but she discovers they've arranged a huge welcome home party for the entire neighborhood. With everyone so excited that the soon-to-be-doctor is paying them a visit, Sacha wonders when the time will be right to give her family the news.
The Long Winter
Henri Brien
In 1838, Francois-Xavier Bouchard (Francis Reddy) fights beside his Quebec countrymen and the English minority.
32-е августа на Земле
Philippe's Best Friend
Пережившая автокатастрофу Симон решает начать жизнь с чистого листа. Она намерена завести ребенка и просит своего друга стать его отцом. Тот ставит условие зачать ребенка в пустыне Солт-Лейк Сити, куда они отправляются, даже не догадываясь, как много важного им предстоит узнать о жизни и самих себе.
Le Siège De L'Âme
This Canadian science-fiction film takes place at the beginning of the 20th Century in an unnamed city where eager Jules (Emmanuel Bilodeau) is a member of a scientific team researching the secrets of immortality. The scientists uncover a buried pyramid containing an embalmed body with a heartbeat -- but minus a soul. Heading into the city at night, Jules hopes to locate the soul. He encounters Sophie (Lucille Fluet) who seems to have some answers to the mystery. Scripted and directed by Oliver Asselin, the film features first-rate production values. Shown at the 1997 Montreal Film Festival.
Ruth is the story of a painful adolescence. Ruth decides on a whim to leave her small village in the Bas Saint-Laurent for the "real world" of the big city, Montreal. There she meets up with her brother, Jean-Paul. Her many lovers range from one-night stands like Bernard to Yves and Robert, who are briefly in her life. Passionate, anticonformist Ruth has to contend with her brother's ferocious jealousy - he goes as far as attacking Robert, his best friend. Robert, completely baffled by Ruth's cynical recklessness, finally pushes her away. Ruth continues her struggle to find absolute love. She clings passionately, clumsily and shamelessly to those she loves and those she doesn't, in frenzied desperation. Continually disappointed and shut out by the "real world," she chooses a way out that is typically extreme...
Chili's Blues
Employé CN
This French-Canadian drama takes place just after JFK's assassination and provides insight into the psychological ramifications of that event with its portrayal of a love story between a confused teen and a travelling salesman in a Quebec railroad station. The date is Dec. 19, 1963 and train service has been delayed by a snow storm. Pierre-Paul is a door-to-door salesman. Chili is a despondent teenaged girl. When Pierre-Paul enters a washroom stall he is surprised to find a girl hunched over with a gun in her mouth. He runs to tell the stationmaster, but she has gone by the time they return. He tells the stationmaster that the girl was wearing a kilt. Unfortunately, the station is filled with other school girls dressed in the same outfit. Eventually Chili comes up to Pierre-Paul and a careful romance is initiated as she tells him over her troubled life.