Dustin Lance Black

Dustin Lance Black

Рождение : 1974-06-10, Sacramento, California, U.S.


Dustin Lance Black (born June 10, 1974) is an American screenwriter, director, film and television producer, and LGBT rights activist. He won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the biopic Milk (2008).


Dustin Lance Black


Мамин сын
О жизни и творчестве оскароносного сценариста Дастина Лэнса Блэка, который рос в строгой религиозной семье. Опираясь на мемуары самого Блэка, фильм рассказывает о нелегком детстве сценариста, его пути к признанию, а также глубоких и трогательных отношениях с матерью; раскрывает Дастина не только как успешного и интересного сценариста, но и как активиста, который всегда черпал вдохновение в любви.
Мамин сын
О жизни и творчестве оскароносного сценариста Дастина Лэнса Блэка, который рос в строгой религиозной семье. Опираясь на мемуары самого Блэка, фильм рассказывает о нелегком детстве сценариста, его пути к признанию, а также глубоких и трогательных отношениях с матерью; раскрывает Дастина не только как успешного и интересного сценариста, но и как активиста, который всегда черпал вдохновение в любви.
The Spark: The Origins of Pride
A story of the LGBT struggle from the 1960s to the present, after the Stonewall riot sparked the militant action in New York that was to spread around the world. From San Francisco to Paris via Amsterdam, between the first Gay Pride, the election of Harvey Milk, the French "decriminalization", the AIDS epidemic and the first homosexual marriages, these few decades of struggle are embodied through numerous testimonies of actors and actresses of this revolution rainbow.
The Advocate Celebrates 50 Years: A Long Road to Freedom
Documentary exploring The Advocate's role at the forefront of the LGBT movement in the U.S.
When We Rise: The People Behind The Story
"When We Rise: The People Behind the Story" is a one-hour documentary complementing ABC's scripted mini-series "When We Rise" by chronicling the personal and political struggles, setbacks, and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBTQ people who helped pioneer the U.S. Civil Rights struggle.
Prophet's Prey
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Amy Berg sheds light on the sexual, financial and spiritual abuses heaped upon members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by their former leader, Warren Jeffs.
The Text
How far would you go to protect your best friend's secret? In this promotional short film, a group of friends is spending some nice time having fun and playing video game. Part of this team, best buddies Rafael and Diego are teasing each other with their several talks while "fighting" each other in the game. But when one of them gets easily distracted and leaves the room, the other will check the friend's phone to see who is the person who keeps interrupting them from time to time. Then comes a unexpected revelation that will come as a test for these boys.
The Text
How far would you go to protect your best friend's secret? In this promotional short film, a group of friends is spending some nice time having fun and playing video game. Part of this team, best buddies Rafael and Diego are teasing each other with their several talks while "fighting" each other in the game. But when one of them gets easily distracted and leaves the room, the other will check the friend's phone to see who is the person who keeps interrupting them from time to time. Then comes a unexpected revelation that will come as a test for these boys.
Дело против восьмой поправки
Фильм охватывает пятилетний период современной истории штата Калифорния, с 2008-го по 2013 год, рассказывает о слушаниях и дебатах вокруг печально известной «Поправки N8», запрещавшей признание брака между лицами одного пола, и борьбе ЛГБТ-сообщества за равноправие в вопросах регистрации гражданских отношений между людьми.
Compared To What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank
An intimate portrait of recently retired Congressman Barney Frank, one of our most well-known and least understood political figures, this documentary alternates between deeply personal moments and the inner workings of our political process. Rare archival material and interviews reveal the emotional pain and harmful effects of a closeted life, the relief of coming out and the triumph of love through the Congressman's historic same-sex marriage. Frank's journey is our country's journey, a classic American story about a dedicated public servant who never loses hope.
The Out List
Through the voices of Americans from all walks of life, The Out List explores the identities of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in America. In this series of intimate interviews, a diverse group of LGBTQ personalities bring color and depth to their experiences of gender and sexuality. With wit and wisdom, this set of trailblazing individuals weaves universal themes of love, loss, trial, and triumph into the determined struggle for full equality.
"8"—a new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar)—demystifies the debate around marriage equality by chronicling the landmark trial of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. A one time show was done live on youtube with a superstar cast
"8"—a new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar)—demystifies the debate around marriage equality by chronicling the landmark trial of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. A one time show was done live on youtube with a superstar cast
Дж. Эдгар
В течение всей жизни Джон Эдгар Гувер поднимался к вершинам власти, чтобы стать самым могущественным человеком в Америке. Будучи главой Федерального бюро расследований, он ни перед чем не останавливался, чтобы защитить свою страну. Пережив восемь президентов и три войны, Гувер вел сражения с угрозами как реальными, так и надуманными, зачастую нарушая правила, чтобы уберечь сограждан от опасности. Он был безжалостен и был героем, причем одновременно; мир восхищался им, что было для него самой желанной, пусть и не материальной, наградой. «Дж. Эдгар» глазами самого Гувера показывает нам его частную и общественную жизнь и отношения с окружающими человека, который мог с тем же успехом исказить правду, с каким он защищал ее в течение всей своей жизни, посвященной воплощению его собственной идеи
Hollywood to Dollywood
Gay twins Gary and Larry have always loved Dolly Parton. They left their small town home ten years ago to make it in Hollywood and are finally ready to get their script to Dolly. In a RV named Jolene, the boys embark on the adventure of a lifetime. This road trip is also a journey of self-discovery and an attempt to resolve mommy issues that have divided them since childhood.
Что случилось с Вирджинией?
В центре сюжета — любовная история неуравновешенной и психически ненормальной женщины по имени Виржиния, у которой единственная отрада в жизни — шестнадцатилетний сын Эммет.
Что случилось с Вирджинией?
В центре сюжета — любовная история неуравновешенной и психически ненормальной женщины по имени Виржиния, у которой единственная отрада в жизни — шестнадцатилетний сын Эммет.
8: The Mormon Proposition
Filmmaker and ex-Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints member Reed Cowan examines that church's nationwide efforts to prevent the legalization of gay marriage - including California's Proposition 8, which was passed by voters in 2008. Confidential church documents, statements by high-ranking church officials and other sources detail 30 years of efforts to turn back gay rights, particularly by the Mormon-sponsored National Organization for Marriage.
Харви Милк
Executive Producer
Лента о первом в Америке политике по имени Харви Милк, открыто признавшемся в своих гомосексуальных наклонностях. Он был избран в городское правление и выступал за принятие законопроекта о правах геев и лесбиянок.
Харви Милк
Castro Clone
Лента о первом в Америке политике по имени Харви Милк, открыто признавшемся в своих гомосексуальных наклонностях. Он был избран в городское правление и выступал за принятие законопроекта о правах геев и лесбиянок.
Харви Милк
Лента о первом в Америке политике по имени Харви Милк, открыто признавшемся в своих гомосексуальных наклонностях. Он был избран в городское правление и выступал за принятие законопроекта о правах геев и лесбиянок.
Биографический фильм о Педро Заморе, первом ВИЧ+ парне, появившемся в реалити-шоу на МТВ. Президент Билл Клинтон так сказал о нем: «В настоящее время Педро Замора остается выдающимся примером того, какое огромное влияние на мир может оказать всего лишь один человек. Я очень рад, что знаком с ним, и я благодарен тому, как его его жизнь вдохновила и обогатила жизнь многих». Педро Замора - американец кубинского происхождения. Он родился и вырос в Гаване, в многодетной семье (он был младшим из 8 детей), затем смог уехать в США, и начал там работать как активист в борьбе с ВИЧ. И однажды его пригласили сниматься в шоу «Реальный мир» на МТВ...
Биографический фильм о Педро Заморе, первом ВИЧ+ парне, появившемся в реалити-шоу на МТВ. Президент Билл Клинтон так сказал о нем: «В настоящее время Педро Замора остается выдающимся примером того, какое огромное влияние на мир может оказать всего лишь один человек. Я очень рад, что знаком с ним, и я благодарен тому, как его его жизнь вдохновила и обогатила жизнь многих». Педро Замора - американец кубинского происхождения. Он родился и вырос в Гаване, в многодетной семье (он был младшим из 8 детей), затем смог уехать в США, и начал там работать как активист в борьбе с ВИЧ. И однажды его пригласили сниматься в шоу «Реальный мир» на МТВ...
The Singing Forest
A tragic tale of two lovers from the holocaust. Fate tore them apart, destiny brought them together.
Becoming Men
Nothing equals that feeling of ultimate conquest like our first sexual experiences. It is a time of mystery, wonder and new adult responsibilities. Here are real-life stories of young men taking the final step on their journey from boyhood to manhood. Superb photography, spectacular guys and candid interviews capture the joys and fears of sexual awakening and evoke memories of those early experiences that define our lives. Tony Award winning Broadway and film star, Alan Cumming, narrates this sensitive look at the challenges and glories of youthful passion, including current information for making safer choices. A must for all men.
On the Bus
Take six young gay guys, one bus, seven days, and ten video cameras. Add a trip to Burning Man - a festival of radical self-expression in the desert - and you get this self-aware documentary. What begins as the pilot of a reality-based internet program evolves into a longer project delving beyond the apparent stereotypes of its cast: young porn star, Jason; sexy actor-slash-waiter, Charles; brash Swedish Olympic diver, JMY; witty music composer, Damon; plus the project's permissive producer, Billy, and its at times frustrated young director, Lance. As addictive as your favorite reality TV show, but addressing much deeper questions, this is a trip you won't want to miss
The Journey of Jared Price
A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.
The Journey of Jared Price
A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.
The Journey of Jared Price
A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.
Gay, civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, who organized the 1963 March on Washington.