Villain Vargos
When the children of the world’s greatest secret agents unwittingly help a powerful game developer unleash a computer virus that gives him control of all technology, they must become spies themselves to save their parents and the world.
Red Wingman
XXVI век. На планете Земля богачи живут в Небесном городе, беднота довольствуется жизнью в Нижнем городе, куда сбрасываются все отходы и мусор. Однажды в куче металлолома Нижнего города учёный находит части женщины-киборга и возвращает её к жизни. Придя в сознание, киборг обнаруживает, что из ее памяти стерто все, кроме боевых приемов. Теперь она должна обрести утерянные воспоминания и выяснить, кто её отправил на свалку.
When a suburban couple is struggling to make ends meet with their diner, they come across a briefcase stuffed with cash.
Simple Plan again
Charles is a middle aged successful CEO with a beautiful wife and teenage daughter. He has been happily married for 17 years, but as sometimes happens, he begins an office romance with his young voluptuous secretary. Emily, his wife, finds out about his philandering nearly from the beginning but is reluctant to confront Charles. The story focuses on decisions Charles makes to both hide and rationalize his illicit romance and consequences that ultimately occur. Emily too, ultimately develops her own way to cope with her cheating husband. Charles, as often happens in these situations, has a nasty breakup with his young concubine and ends up getting sued for sexual harassment. There are twists and turns in this romantic comedy but with very serious undertones.
One afternoon Dan is brutally jumped and accosted by a Gang in his neighborhood. Angel, the leader of Dans crew demands that he murder his punisher and thus earn his official "membership" into the crew: a teardrop tattoo under his eye.