Каждый год на 30 дней маленький город Бэрроу на Аляске погружается во тьму. Арктическая ночь — вещь вполне нормальная для этих мест. Но вот однажды, шериф городка Олсон начинает подозревать, что на этот раз тридцатидневный сумрак не пройдет так гладко. Вампиры подготавливают кровавый рейд на Бэрроу…
Gang Leader
Mike has the girl, the time and the place.The problem is he doesn't have the ring, Before Mike has an opportunity to propose his engagement ring is stolen.Mike is desperate to recover it. He and his friends have one hour to get the ring back and make the date with his "beloved" Emma before all is lost. It is not long before it is revealed that Mike and his friends are not all that they seem.You move you die is a dark comedy filmed with a real time story. Get ready for a film with a unique dose of reality