Adriana Esteves

Adriana Esteves

Рождение : 1969-12-15, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Adriana Esteves
Adriana Esteves
Adriana Esteves


Недалекое будущее. Адвокат подает в суд на правительство Бразилии с требованием возмещения ущерба всем потомкам африканских рабов в стране. Авторитарное правительство в ответ подписывает указ о депортации всех чернокожих граждан страны в Африку. На людейа начинается настоящая охота - их ловят и насильно вывозят на другой континент. Пока армия и полиция следят за соблюдением закона, адвокат поручает дяде найти его жену, а сам присоединяется к подпольному движению сопротивления.
70 Anos Esta Noite
With the participation of great stars of television drama, the documentary promotes an emotional journey through the great moments of soap operas, celebrating its seven decades on Brazilian TV.
Столкнувшись с жестокой военной диктатурой и запуганной оппозицией, писатель, ставший политиком, создаёт группу сопротивления, пытаясь положить конец цензуре и зверским пыткам со стороны правительства.
On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.
Canastra Suja
Associate Producer
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia, represents a family on the edge of the ruins.
Canastra Suja
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia, represents a family on the edge of the ruins.
In Dog's Words
São Paulo, 2007. Santana works as a dogcatcher, picking up stray animals. He is a friendly guy, averse to trouble, who has always kept violence away from the doorsteps of his home. One day, he catches a very big dog in a school. Some days later, comes the animal's owner: Babyface, a sociopath ex-cop. The man is furious, considering his dog to be "kidnapped", and demands immediate restitution of his pet. But the dog is not coming back: according to the law, the animal was put to sleep. In a misunderstanding, Babyface argue with Santana, blaming him for his pet's death. From this moment on, Santana's life will be completely changed.
Real Beleza
Photographer gets involved with a family as he seeks for a new model in a small town.
Dalva e Herivelto, Uma Canção de Amor
Dalva de Oliveira
The singer Dalva de Oliveira and the composer Herivelto Martins lived intensely on the stage and in life. The 13 years of marriage and the disagreements, which gained emphasis with the separation, contributed to an important artistic and cultural production.
Cheating in Chains
Olímpia loves her bosses, Inês and Eduardo. Eduardo loves Inês, his wife, who loves Eduardo, her husband. Inês is a friend of Lígia´s, who loves her husband Cristiano. Cristiano loves Lígia, his wife. Vera loves Cláudio, her husband, who doesnt love Vera. Inês thinks that Eduardo is having an affair with Salete, Cristiano thinks that Lígia is having an affair with Ricco, Vera thinks that Cláudio has an affair with Inês and Eduardo thinks that Inês has an affair with Cláudio. The action takes place in a middle class condo where Olímpia, a clumsy maid, carries out the most unbelievable confusions, making everybody believes that love is a game in which one always cheats.
História de Amor
O Trapalhão e a Luz Azul
Juliana / Anajuli
David, a rock singer, and Didi, his assistant, are transported to a distant world. They must help princess Allim to face the evil Vizir, who wants to become king by marrying her.
Bárbara Heliodora
The story of one of the most important Brazilian heroes, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes. He was the leader of a group who tried to proclaim Brazil's Independence from Portugal in 1789. But he was betrayed by one of his comrades and hanged.
As Meninas
During the military dictatorship in Brazil, Lorena, Lia and Ana Clara, three university students of different social backgrounds and origins meet at a nun's pension in São Paulo. Besides their differences, they become close friends, sharing their dramas and dreams, helping each other until the day they have to separate permanently.
Inspector Faustão and the Vagabond
Faustão, a fruit seller, is selected by God himself to become Inspector Faustão, defender of the animals. He's joined by Sérgio Mallandro in a mission to save a group of quails from an illegal smuggler, while also having to deal with a bratty kid and a jealous girlfriend.