Akiko Ashizawa

Akiko Ashizawa


Akiko Ashizawa


The Legend & Butterfly
Director of Photography
Oda Nobunaga (Takuya Kimura) and Nohime (Haruka Ayase) were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil and water, making for a somewhat unhappy marriage. When Oda’s enemy, Imagawa Yoshimoto, attacks Owari with his vast army, Oda is devastated by the overwhelming gap in military strength. However, Nohime encourages him not to despair and the pair draw up a tactical plan that will allow them to overcome the odds.
Я мщу, остальные платят наличными
Director of Photography
Аджо Кавир — сильнейший боец яванского преступного мира. Но молодого бойца тревожит болезненная тайна: он импотент. Когда он наконец находит достойного соперника, им оказывается суровая и красивая телохранительница Итан. После схватки Джо влюбляется в Итан, но сможет ли он когда-нибудь сделать её счастливой?
Director of Photography
A young couple has lived together for five years, and they share daily lives even without passion or financial stability. One day, they learn that she’s pregnant, and start to consider how to plan their future.
Beneath the Shadow
Konno moved to Iwate for his job. There, he meets his colleague Hiasa at work. They form a close bond while drinking together, fishing together and doing other activities. One day, Hiasa quits his job without saying anything to Konno. Shortly after, they meet again, but they cannot have that close feeling as they had before. They do not meet again. Time passes and Konno learns that Hiasa went missing. While looking for Hiasa, Konno learns a secret about Hiasa.
Конец путешествия, начало мира
Director of Photography
Ёко, репортёр развлекательного шоу, отправляется на съемки в Узбекистан, где встречает местных жителей и знакомится с культурой страны.
Asian Three-Fold Mirror 2018: Journey
This omnibus film consists of three films made by three directors from three countries. With “Journey” as the theme, each of these films tells about a journey. “The Sea” is a film by Degena Yun (China), telling about mother and child’s trip to the sea from Beijing. “Hekishu,” a film by Daishi Matsunaga (Japan), tells about the journey of a Japanese businessman involved in infrastructure development in Yangon. The film depicts the entrepreneur’s emotional feelings in the face of Yangon residents who lost their homes due to the construction of the new infrastructure. The last is a film titled “Variable No. 3” by Edwin (Indonesia), which tells the story of a couple’s journey to Tokyo. There they meet a mysterious man. The man who works as a tour guide and rents out the inn, gives a strange advice to the husband and wife.
Скифский агнец
Director of Photography
Шестеро незнакомцев переезжают в загнивающий портовый город Уобука. На месте их встречает представитель городской администрации Хадзимэ Цукисуэ. В это же время в городок возвращается Фуми, с которой они когда-то учились в одной школе. Что-то в этих шестерых настораживает Цукисуэ, хотя выглядят они вполне нормально. Позже беспокойство Хадзимэ обретает почву: новые жители оказываются бывшими заключёнными. Мало того, каждый из них был осуждён за убийство. В Уобуку они попали благодаря новой системе условно-досрочного освобождения. Местные жители ничего не знают о криминальном прошлом своих новых соседей, и тем не менее их жизнь начинает меняться.
Пока мы здесь
Director of Photography
После семейного скандала Наруми Касэ забирает мужа от доктора. Тот кажется совершенно другим человеком — тихим, спокойным и слегка дезориентированным. В это же время в округе происходит жестокое убийство семьи, подозревают дочь семейства. Репортер Сакурай отправляется на место происшествия и там встречает странного молодого человека, который ищет подозреваемую и просит журналиста стать его проводником в мире людей.
The Ice Ruts
Director of Photography
Mayu Daimon is a woman who does not remember her mother's face, and her father is the only person she has blood relationship in this world, but he is going to die soon. Mayu has just started a new life as a detective at the Criminal Investigation Division which deals mainly with murder cases soon, and has to handle with two corpses of old men continuously. One corpse found frozen buried in the snow and the freezing sea. Soon with a detailed investigation she finds out a connection between the two cases which seemed to be completely different at first glance. It was just the breach to open a history of an incident which had origin back to the 1960s in Aomori Prefecture. Growing more and more as a detective, Mayu has to unravel the mystery of a case which goes beyond time and space and which ends in Hokkaido with a result that no one expected.
Yamato (California)
Director of Photography
Sakura is a moody teenage girl who lives close to the US military base in the city of Yamato, Japan. She is struggling everyday to become a rapper like the American rappers she admires, but always gets stage fright when she sings in front of an audience. One day, her mother's American soldier boyfriend's daughter REI comes from California to visit her family.
Director of Photography
After having narrowly escaped an attempt on his life at the hands of a psychopath, detective inspector Takakura quits active service in the police force and takes up a position as a university lecturer in criminal psychology. But his desire to get to the bottom of criminals’ motives remains, and he does not hesitate long when former colleague Nogami asks him to reopen an old case.
The Mohican Comes Home
Director of Photography
Eikichi left his hometown in Hiroshima for Tokyo. He tried to find success with his music band, but failed. Several years later, Eikichi goes home to tell his father, Osamu, that his girlfriend is pregnant. His father curses him out, but he is also excited to have a grandchild. Osamu has a party to celebrate the news, but, at the party, he collapses and goes to the hospital. Eikichi struggles to make his father happy.
The Shell Collector
Director of Photography
The latest discovery by a blind shell collector puts the relationship between man and nature on edge: a rare mollusc that is extremely poisonous, but has a healing and hallucinogenic effect on some people. Can people resist the creature’s temptation, or will they put their lives at risk for a heavenly trip?
Director of Photography
В недалеком будущем Япония снова пережила ядерный инцидент и постепенно становится непригодной для жизни. Все население должно эвакуироваться перед тем, как подвергнуться воздействию радиационного отравления. Для этого была внедрена система продажи билетов.
Journey to the Shore
Director of Photography
Mizuki’s husband Yusuke went missing for 3 years. He suddenly comes back home one day and asks Mizuki to go on a trip with him. Their trip consists of visiting the people that helped Yusuke on his previous travel. While travelling together, Misuki sees, touches and feels what Yusuke did for those 3 years.
Ecotherapy Getaway Holiday
Director of Photography
Seven women aged between 40 and 80 join the Leaf-Watching & Grand Mythical Waterfall & Hot Spring tour. The women chat, pick berries, take photos and generally enjoy themselves as they follow their unreliable guide to the waterfall. Then the guide disappears, leaving the women stranded in the woods. Thrown into an experience far removed from their ordinary lives, they become reflective. An open casting call was held to search for seven women over the age of 40. Acting experience was not required. Director Okita's screenplay comes to life when the cast's unique presence and talents combine with the characters.
Работа с древесиной!
Director of Photography
Хирано Юки — городской мальчик до мозга костей. Живет себе припеваючи, пока в один прекрасный день не проваливает вступительные. А потом его ещё и девушка бросает. Чем не повод напиться с друзьями? А в порыве чувств Юки может плюнуть на всю прошлую жизнь, и пойти работать в лес. А что такого? Образование побоку, опыт не важен — желание есть, и нет проблем. Вот только поведясь на брошюру с красивой девчонкой, наш герой никак не ожидает, что работать придётся, да ещё в поте лица, дабы доказать, что ты не лыком шит. И ждут его приключения забавные и не очень. А что ещё может ждать неудачника, который умудрился утопить телефон в сломанном зонтике с водой, подвергнуться нападению пиявок и быть укушенным змеей в ухо?
Director of Photography
Transfer student Mizuki is bullied mercilessly by her classmate. Nevertheless, she is always able to maintain her composure. Kirie, who is also bullied, becomes interested in Mizuki and longs for her. The two become close.
Director of Photography
A singular deadpan comedy, The Passion tells a story of a young woman raised in a convent named Frances-ko (Mayuko Iwasa), after Saint Francesco. Distressed by not knowing about love and sex, she calls out for a sign from above, but instead hears a voice from below. A human-faced growth speaks to her from between her legs, constantly berating her, calling out "Woman, you are worthless!" Mr. Koga, as she names it, continues the verbal abuse, yet Frances-ko somehow adapts, forming an adversarial yet symbiotic relationship. This bizarre film, based on Kaoruko Himeno's acclaimed 1997 novel of the same name, is skillfully directed by Ryoko Yoshida, lensed by veteran cinematographer Akiko Ashizawa, grounded by Iwasa's show-stopping performance and enlivened by the hilarious Kanji Furutachi, who lends his voice to the chauvinistic Koga. The soundtrack boasts an unmissable eclectic score by legendary experimental musician and composer Otomo Yoshihide.
Мораторий Тамако
Director of Photography
Тамако закончила университет в Токио, но она теперь снова живет со своим отцом в Кофу. Тамако не пытается устроиться на работу, а так же нисколько не помогает отцу. Все свое время она проводит за едой и сном...
Passage of Dreams
Director of Photography
Based on the manga series "Yume no Kayoiji" by Yasuyuki Ohno (first published January, 1987 by biweekly seinen manga magazine Young King).
Screaming Class
Director of Photography
Kana is an ordinary high school student. One day, her photo is selected for a magazine and, because of this, Kana receives attention from popular student attention Rio. The attention though is not the kind Kana wanted. Kana is bullied by Rio and her friends. A rumor exists that a ghost exists in the old school building. The ghost is able to grant someone's wish, but that person will lose something important to them. The ghost is a former student named Yomi, who died in an accident 12 years ago. Kana decides to go see the ghost. The next day, Kana is a member of Rio's group, but Kana's friend Erika is now bullied. More tragedy awaits …
Director of Photography
Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.
Director of Photography
The murder of a young girl leaves the inhabitants of a small Japanese village in shock. The body of Emili is found by four classmates with whom she was playing. The murder is never solved. Emili's mother, Asako, is torn by grief and puts a curse on the four girls when they claim not to remember the killer's face. Each of the girls, in their own way, will do penance for their silence.
Paikaji Nankai Sakusen
Director of Photography
Sasaki has had a difficult period, going through a divorce and losing his job. To take a break and start anew, Sasaki decides to visit Iriomote Island. While there, Sasaki's belongings are stolen by four homeless men. Sasaki then lives with three other people: a survivalist, a city man and a girl who speaks Kansai dialect. One day, Sasaki hears news about the four homeless men and decides to get revenge ...
Хроники моей матери
Director of Photography
Фильм снят по автобиографической повести японского писателя Ясуши Иноуе, где показана любовь в семье на примере отношений автора и его стареющей матери, у которой развивается слабоумие.
End of the Night
Director of Photography
Akira was raised in an assassin family. Everything seemed fine until he met a girl he once saw killed 10 years ago.
In a Lonely Planet
Director of Photography
Mari lives a comfortable life as a single woman. She has a nice job at a company and resides in an apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. A couple lives next to door to her. Mari can hear them argue or making happy conversations everyday. One night, when Mari comes back home, she sees her next door neighbor sitting in front of his door and shivering from the cold. He locked himself out.
Tokyo Island
Director of Photography
Men and one woman have drifted to an uninhabited island. The only woman will try to survive by taking advantage of her own sexual attractiveness.
The Chef of South Polar
Director of Photography
When eight men are assigned to live 14,000 kilometers from home in inhumanly cold conditions, food becomes their new existence.
Dear My Love
Director of Photography
Too shy to speak out the word of appreciation, too busy to show that you care... Many excuses lie between each and every couple, when they look back the distance created during the long years in which they took each other for granted... Love Letters sent from husbands to wives and from wives to husbands, quietly voice their unspoken appreciation for each other over the years that they have shared. The original idea comes from the postcard project "Love Letters at Sixty" which has brought a wave of sympathy to the precious emotions shared by many married couples.
Вкус счастья
Director of Photography
Выходец из Китая Ван шеф-повар и владелец популярного местного китайского ресторанчика «Маленький Шанхай» в Японии. Он готовит свои любимые блюда по рецептам из родного Шаоксинг — маленький южный городок, что в Китае. У него есть круг постоянных гурманов из местных жителей. Овдовевшая мать Такако Ямасита работает в универмаге, она частенько захаживает в «Маленький Шанхай». Ямасита предлагает Вану открыть филиал в универмаге, но повар и слушать не хочет об этом. Однажды Вана разбивает паралич. Ресторанчик под угрозой закрытия. Ямасита бросает работу и идет в ученики к шеф-повару Вану…
Shooting Women
Reveals the history of camerawomen around the world, celebrating not only the survival of pioneer women in a male-dominated field, but a new generation of camerawomen's visions.
Токийская соната
Director of Photography
Обычная японская семья медленно распадается после того, как ее глава лишился своей престижной работы.
Your Friend
Director of Photography
While researching a story on a school for problem children, Nakahara meets Emi, a college volunteer with a compelling tale of her own. After overcoming her initial reluctance to open up to the writer, Emi talks about her busted leg and her childhood friendship with the chronically ill Yuka.
Life Can Be So Wonderful
Director of Photography
Five short stories of life's joys and sorrows are brought together in this omnibus drama from Japan.
In 10,000 years
Director of Photography
The story centers around the communication between a man who abruptly appears in a world 10,000 years in the future and a boy who lives in that world.
Women Behind the Camera
Reveals the courageous lives of pioneer camerawomen from Hollywood to Bollywood, from war zones to children’s laughter, in a way that has never been seen before. Based on a book by Alexis Krasilovsky, the film tells the stories of camerawomen surviving the odds in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Iran, Mexico, the U.S. and other countries, as well as exploring their individual visions.
Si-Sei 2 -The Fallen Spider-
Director of Photography
A tattoo changes a woman. A tattoo changes a man. Tattoo is everything ... Asami, a woman who breaks into an affair with a man who has a wife the name is Ninomiya, a man who leaves the house apart from his wife and is inviting a self-development seminar to live today. The two who atoned for the past and asked for salvation met by chance. Asami, who decided to carve a tattoo by her own choice, entrusts her skin to a genius skin carver, Kokari. Eventually, a splendid woman's tattoo leaps on her back, which dramatically changes herself. Tattoo greatly changes Ninomiya's way of life and captivates the sculpture that dreams of the completion of tattoos. Eventually, the fate of men and women who were tossed by tattoos began to fluctuate greatly.
Director of Photography
Drama following a young boxer Tomokazu and his relationship with his best friend Yoshiko and sister Misao as while he's training for an important match. His sister and friend have always been there for him, supporting him, but Tomokazu is about to find out that not everything is as simple as it may seem.
Director of Photography
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
Director of Photography
A writer retreats to a secluded suburban house to work on her new novel. But her attention is instead occupied by her archaeologist neighbor's newly discovered mummy and a ghostly presence in her house.
Rampo Noir
Director of Photography
Mars Canal - Within absolute silence, a naked man wanders through a dark and depressing landscape recalling the excruciating details of his last encounter with his former lover. Mirror Hell - When a series of women are discovered with their faces burnt and skulls charred, a young detective investigates, discovering that a unique hand mirror is always found at the scene. Caterpillar - A war hero returns home with no limbs and only his eyesight remaining. His beautiful wife, tired of taking care of him, turns to torturing her crippled husband for amusement. Crawling Bugs - A sexy actress is returning home from a successful night on stage, until her limo driver decides that she should be coming home with him.
Director of Photography
Biopic of ceramic artist Hazan Itaya (1872-1963).
Быть счастливым
Director of Photography
Комедия о юноше, который стремится стать актёром. Главный герой Ко Като, не просто растёт в своём актёрском мастерстве, но и ищет свою индивидуальность. Он никогда не покидал пределов большого города, но однажды по заданию своего преподавателя актёрского мастерства ему пришлось приехать на небольшой остров, чтобы поучиться жизни, присматриваясь к сельским жителям. Повседневная жизнь островитян окрашена юмористическими нотками.
Oshiego to Kyôshi: Itazura Hime Hajime
Director of Photography
Hatsu Netsu: Love Potion
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Mitsuko, a thirty-something Japanese secretary, lives a very simple life devoid of ambition. She has an affair with Eiji, a rich, arrogant and newly divorced businessman who is intrigued by her retiring personnality but she quickly breaks up as he repeatedly tries to make her change her lifestyle and values. While Eiji ponders the reasons of the breakup, Mitsuko falls for one of her neighbours, a young slacker who has the same approach to life as her. But Mitsuko's new lover is fascinated by Eiji's power and social status... A triangle that will inevitably leave one of the characters "unloved".
Director of Photography
История о жизни знаменитой японской писательницы Мисудзу Канэко, автора блестящих детских стихов и песен.
Will Be There for You
Director of Photography
Based on the manga of the same name by Ikuko Kujirai.
Mars Sweet Home
Ringo no usagi
Director of Photography
About an energetic kindergarden student and the people around him
Night of Body's Model
Director of Photography
Takahashi moves into a new apartment after a divorce and as she tries to settle in, finds that she is having strange and violent dreams and weird things keep happening in her apartment. Her neighbour likes to listen to her through the wall, and becomes increasingly sensitive to her thoughts and feelings. A scientist father and son also live in the building; the son has an obsession with prosthetic body parts.
В роще
Director of Photography
Sato's re-imagining of In a Grove, on which Rashomon was based. In this version, instead of a web of lies and agendas, we get a web of desires, perversions like incest, and occult phenomenon like an oracle-demon, hallucinations, and human sacrifice. Once again, the story starts with a detective trying to unravel the story of a man and a woman encountering a bandit-rapist in the woods, but the real story keeps turning out to be unfathomable as layer upon layer of strange motives and events keep turning up.
Счастливое удовольствие убийцы
Director of Photography
Ученый оскверняет научный эксперимент своей матери своим собственным наркотиком, который превращает боль в приятный опыт. К сожалению, для трех женщин, участвующих в эксперименте, препарат работает слишком хорошо.
Shitakute shitakute tamaranai onna
Director of Photography
The Girl of Silence
Director of Photography
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
Yoi ko to asobou
Director of Photography
Five junior high school students in the city enjoy stealing as a game to pass the time. One day, a mysterious masked man suddenly appears in front of them and attacks them.