Alan Fudge
Рождение : 1944-02-27, Wichita, Kansas, USA
Смерть : 2011-10-10
Alan Fudge (born February 27, 1944) was an American actor known for being part of the cast of four television programs: Man from Atlantis, Eischied, Paper Dolls, and Bodies of Evidence, along with a recurring role on 7th Heaven.
He has scores of credits, including appearances on many of the top-rated shows in the US, such as Banacek, Kojak, Marcus Welby, M.D., Little House on the Prairie, The Streets of San Francisco, Hawaii Five-O, MAS*H, Starsky and Hutch, Charlie's Angels, Wonder Woman, Lou Grant, Knots Landing, Magnum, P.I., Cagney & Lacey, The A-Team, St. Elsewhere, Highway to Heaven, Dallas, MacGyver, Dynasty, Matlock, Falcon Crest, L.A. Law, The Wonder Years, Northern Exposure, Murder, She Wrote, Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, Baywatch, and Dawson's Creek.
Fudge has also appeared in many television movies, some of which are based on popular series, such as Columbo: Columbo Goes to the Guillotine, Columbo: Columbo Goes to College, Matlock: The Witness Killings, and Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For. Well-known movies Fudge has appeared in include Airport 1975, Capricorn One, The Natural, and Edward Scissorhands.
He has appeared on Broadway, including being part of the original cast of War and Peace at the Lyceum Theatre, in 1967.
Mayor Donald L. Butterfield
Когда-то имя Люка Риверса вселяло ужас. Его рука не знала промаха, а сердце жалости. Теперь Риверс отошел от дел, обзавелся ранчо и старается не вспоминать о своем преступном прошлом. Но однажды его мирной жизни приходит конец. Богатый торговец нанимает банду головорезов, чтобы очистить земли от фермеров под строительство железной дороги.
Pastor Herman
A fisherman and his family fight to take down a greedy real estate developer who has released toxins into the ocean, turning the area's sharks into bloodthirsty hunters.
Dr. Diedrickson
1949 год, Санта-Роза, Калифорния. Молчаливый парикмахер Эд Крэйн неторопливо стрижет клиентов в своем салоне, в то время как его жена крутит шашни со своим боссом, галантерейщиком Большим Дэйвом, который недавно скопил деньги на новый магазин. Внезапно Эду выпадает возможность разбогатеть на зарождающемся бизнесе химической чистки одежды, и, чтобы обзавестись капиталом, он шантажирует Большого Дэйва, понимая, что успеха в жизни он может добиться, лишь пойдя на крайние меры. Кажется, что в хитром замысле Эда нет изъянов, но вскоре он узнает, что, приняв это роковое решение, он подписал свой смертный приговор…
Mack Rolands
Во время литературной конференции при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает один из участников, советский диссидент Юрий Маленкович, автор книги, разоблачающей деятельность КГБ. Список подозреваемых в убийстве Маленковича внушителен и включает как тех, кому писатель посвятил свою книгу, так и тех, с кем он успел поссориться за один день пребывания на конференции.
Chief Hunt
A young wife and mother is abused by her husband and keeps the secret from her friends and family.
Wallace Sternberg
This movie deals with a television network hoping to draw the biggest ratings ever while televising an execution live into the home of every American family.
Loan Officer
Одинокий старый учёный создал человеческое существо. Но не успел доделать его до конца и умер. У сотворённого им молодого человека не хватает рук — вместо них у него нечто вроде ножниц — и он вынужден жить в заброшенном доме в полном одиночестве. Но вот однажды он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой, которая смогла оценить его доброе сердце...
Mr. Rogas
In this made-for-cable television horror thriller, a travel writer visits a historic hotel to write a story about it and inadvertently finds herself on the 13th floor where she witnesses a Satanic rite and tangles with an axe-wielding killer. She escapes, but no one believes her story because the hotel has no 13th floor.
Albert Johnson
A woman who suffers from multiple personality disorder is found during therapy to have suffered child abuse in this fact-based story.
D.A. Mark Calhoun
Аманда Брэдли прибывает в небольшой южный город США, где знакомится с проходимцем Билли. Тот ведет девушку по опасному пути. И только сержант Майк пытается спасти Аманду от страшных последствий.
Gerald R. Ford
The Final Days concerns itself with the final months of the Richard Nixon presidency.
Nan Moore is a U.S. government employee whose son is killed when Korean Air Flight 007 is shot down by Soviets on September 1, 1983. While the "official" story maintains that the flight accidentally veered too far into Soviet territory, was mistaken as a spy plane and shot down when it failed to identify itself, Ms. Moore suspects otherwise. However, in the course of her struggles to get to the bottom of what actually happened, she finds herself constantly stonewalled. Facing a conspiracy of silence and the increasing hostility of the authorities, Ms. Moore attempts to find out exactly what occurred, but with every answer she discovers, new questions arise...
Mark Fielding
Two teens, Lisa and Kim, are playing games making prank calls on the phone. But when they call Adrian Lancer who has some mental problems, and say "I saw what you did", they ignite a human time bomb. Adrian has just killed someone and thinks they saw him do it. Now he is trying to find them.
Phil Janus
Denny has yet again been left by her thug boyfriend Chip. It seems as if she is doomed to be stuck with awful guys, this time she has to choose between nerdy Charles and the strange Kaz, who turns into a monster when sexually aroused.
Mr. Bartlett
A single radio psychiatrist takes in a runaway boy she sponsors in a foster parents program.
Based on the shocking true story of Olympic medalist Kari Swenson who was abducted by two "Mountain Men" while jogging in the foothills of the Rockies in Montana.
Ben, a former Navy officer now works on a rig as the guy in charge, but since a lot of crew keeps dying whilst diving and planting the rig in the sea he needs men who are willing to take the risk. He gets in touch with an old friend from the Navy who works in a prison as sort of an diving training base and there Ben selects out the best to complete the task, but with superiors breathing down his neck, a camera crew now jumping on board and a deadline to meet he wants to finish the job and make sure the men stay alive, but not all things work out as he plans.
Dr. Stricklin
A man who has been dead and cryogenically preserved for ten years is miraculously revived, but with chillingly unexpected results.
Married journalists who run a small town newspaper expose corruption and cultism at a once respected rehab center.
Ed Hobbs
Фильм рассказывает о судьбе знаменитого бейсболиста Роя Хоббса. В возрасте 19 лет он отправляется в Чикаго, но несчастный случай мешает ему начать карьеру, и он вынужден оставаться в тени. Через пятнадцать лет, в 1939 году, Рой присоединяется к самой худшей команде — «Нью-Йоркским Рыцарям» и практически в одиночку выводит команду из череды поражений…
Robert Jenkins
Представьте себе машину, которая сможет легко загружать кому-либо мысли и переживания другого человека. Любого человека, любые воспоминания, любые впечатления… А теперь представьте себе, что будет, если эта машина окажется в руках злодеев?!
Dr. Baumbartner
Sam Alden is the 17-year-old high school star player in baseball who seems to have it all. However, his family notices that he is often bothered with fits of coughing. Worried, his parents decide to take him to the hospital, where they are shocked to find out that he has a life-threatening heart disease. Sam has trouble dealing with his illness, but he pretends to still be a joyful teenager to not have his parents worrying even more than they already do. His health is deteriorating, though, and it is eventually revealed that he needs a heart transplant if he wants to survive. This is the beginning of a long journey, which is mentally and physically exhausting. Sam has countless operations, and tests. The search for a donor seems endless to him. Even before the final operation, Sam is forced to deal with several setbacks in his life.
Техас. На границе с Мексикой процветает беспредел и коррупция. Местные бандиты промышляют нелегальным переводом эмигрантов через границу и продажей детей на черном рынке. Офицеры-пограничники смотрят на это «сквозь пальцы» и берут у мексиканцев взятки. Чарли Смит — не исключение. Но когда у красавицы-мексиканки Марии похищают младенца явно с целью продажи, Чарли понимает — такое положение дел ему не по душе…
Jerry King
Based on the true story of film actress Ina Balin and her efforts with American Red Cross volunteer Betty Tisdale, as well as a compassionate Vietnamese woman running a Saigon orphanage, to rescue as many children as possible and fly them out of the country before South Vietnam's fall in the spring of 1975 through the An Lac baby-lift.
Lee Michaels
Джордж Шнайдер писатель, чья жена только что умерла. Его брат Лео дает ему номер Дженни Мэлоун, чтобы как-то вернуть Джорджа к жизни. И именно тогда, когда, кажется, что все налаживается, память Джорджа возвращает его в прошлое, и он вновь думает о первой жене и отрывается от реальности.
Sgt. McNally
An elderly, venerable priest goes over the side of the Golden Gate Bridge and everyone except his nurse, Sister Benecia, believes that it was suicide. Sister Benecia finally manages to convince the police department to assign a detective, the cynical, irascible Paul Silver, to investigate. The "Mad Nun" and the "Mad Cop" become a formidable investigative team -- and much, much more.
Frank Demas
A young mother battles to get her children back after her ex-husband kidnaps them and the law won't help her in her efforts.
The story of the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by members of a radical guerrilla organization, as seen by the FBI agent in charge of her case.
Bret Loebner
The life of a stressed-out air controller falls apart as he battles a court case involving a mid-air collision for which an investigator is trying to hold him responsible.
Chris Elden
A beautiful high school student becomes the target of a terror campaign that eventually leads to devastating consequences.
Ralph O'Connor
Earl Eischied is a man with his hands full. As the Chief of Detectives in New York City he is trying to break up a group of black militants that are on a crime spree including the killing of a police officer. He is also trying to battle with a mayor and police commissioner that want him out of his job.
Capsule Communicator
Весь мир следит за подготовкой к первому полету на Марс. Неожиданно астронавтов забирают из космического корабля и отвозят на заброшенную базу в пустыне, где директор НАСА сообщает им, что возникли проблемы с системами жизнеобеспечения. Но так как запланированный полет чрезвычайно важен для будущего развития космических исследовательских программ, он приказывает им принять участие в симулированной посадке на Марсе. Если они откажутся, то пострадают их семьи. Полет якобы идет нормально, пока один из работников НАСА не обнаруживает несоответствие в показаниях приборов. Он говорит об этом своему другу репортеру, который, почувствовав сенсацию, начинает расследование...
C.W. Crawford
Elizabeth is kidnapped, one of dozens of scientists held prisoner on the island of Felicitos, controlled by special mineral springs that render their victims completely happy and compliant. Dr. Smith is using them to build a rocket to take her away from our troubled planet in search of some better world, and Mark must find a way to counter the brain-washing and free the captives.
C.W. Crawford
The Cetacean is called upon to recover a space probe that crashes in the sea, and Mark soon learns that the probe is covered with thousands of tiny alien beings. They intend to learn all they can about the human race by invading host bodies and controlling them. Mark must return them to space before they destroy all humanity.
C.W. Crawford
A human scientist capable of living underwater discovers similar alien life inhabiting human bodies, and looks to them for a clue to his origin.
A free-spirited Bostonian recently arrived in the West teams up with a crusty Wyoming cowboy to stop a land baron's attempts to drive out a group of small ranchers and take over their property.
Lt. Daggett
A female investigator in the district attorney's office sets out to track down the person who murdered a young schoolteacher.
A retired police captain storms angrily out of retirement when his son is shot down before his eyes and his grandson is kidnapped by a syndicate killer in this pilot for Lorne Greene's brief "Griff" series, which went off the air 18 months before this film was aired.
Prof. Mark Ross
An earthquake releases a strain of mutant cockroaches with the ability to start fires, which proceed to cause destructive chaos in a small town. The studies carried out by scientist James Parmiter, however, reveal an intent with much more far-reaching consequences.
A middle-aged woman finds herself simply a widow, a grandmother and a person when a friend takes her to the Stardust Ballroom, a dance hall which recreates the music and atmosphere of the 1940s. There she encounters a most unlikely Prince Charming, a middle-aged mailman. With this encounter, life takes on a new meaning for the film's heroine.
Небольшой частный самолет, неожиданно потерявший управление, на полном ходу врезается в «Боинг» Колумбийских авиалиний, выполняющий рейс № 409 Вашингтон — Лос-Анджелес. Второй пилот и бортинженер авиалайнера погибают, а капитан корабля теряет зрение.
Радиосвязь с землей утеряна. Стюардесса Нэнси Прайор, пытающаяся успокоить пассажиров, понимает, что только счастливый случай может спасти несущийся над бездной самолет…
Alex Hawthorne
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
Bumper Morgan is a veteran Los Angeles Police Department street cop. He is due to retire after 20 years on the job, but is not letting up on the criminal element on his beat.
A young woman living in the woods with her husband, a struggling musician, and her young daughter, discovers she has terminal cancer. She begins to tape-record a journal of the time she has left so her daughter will know something of her when she grows up.
Officer Carr
A woman kills her lover's wife, then sets out to frame her husband for the murder.
Evan Bonner is a deserter from the Vietnam war; he is on his way back to America to give himself up when he meets Deirdre McCluskey, a beautiful if petulant model. The two make an unlikely couple, but once in France the magic of Paris works its charm and these two vulnerable people finally find each other.