Iris Merlis


«Кандид» - музыкальный спектакль по мотивам повести Вольтера «Кандид, или Оптимизм», который регулярно и c большим успехом ставится по всему миру в оперных и музыкальных театрах. Режиссёр Лонни Прайс взял за основу одноактную версию Хэла Принса и, дополнив ее номерами из более поздних оперных версий, переписал историю наивного бастарда из Вестфалии: на смену горькой иронии пришел искрящийся юмор, а «нравоучительная часть» преподносится с ненавязчивостью и остроумием.
Into the Woods
A collection of fairy tale characters head into the woods, and soon learn that fairy tales don't end at "happily ever after." This rendition of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning musical was recorded on the stage with its original all-star Broadway cast. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season ten, episode one).
Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы
Остроумное дополнение к «Гамлету» Шекспира, превращающее трагедию в фарс. Экранизация одноименной пьесы Тома Стоппарда.
Zora is My Name!
A celebration of the life of Zora Neale Hurston, who was born at the turn of the 20th Century and grew to be an important voice with her written portrayals of Black American life in the rural south of the 1930's and 40's, and the stories, songs and folklore that were her heritage and inspiration.
The House of Blue Leaves
On the day in 1965 that the Pope visits New York and masses of people line the streets in adulation, Artie, a zookeeper living in Sunnyside, Queens, thinks it's time for his life to be blessed, too. He desperately wants to escape his lower middle-class existence and become a popular singer and songwriter, but his life is complicated by an ambitious mistress, a crazy wife and a bomb-making son.
All My Sons
Two families, related by friendship and love, face up to the consequences of greed and avarice in the post-war years. Love and death play equal roles in determining the outcome of events.
As Is
Story of a homosexual man who finds out he has AIDS and how people react. Ex-lovers are brought together when the former is stricken with AIDS. Often humorous and never morose, author William Hoffman doesn't pull his punches with either his portrayal of a gay lifestyle or of the emotional toll the disease takes.
Sunday in the Park with George
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte by Georges Seurat is one of the great paintings of the world, and in "Sunday in the Park with George," book writer James Lapine and composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim bring a story based on the work brilliantly to life. While the painting depicts people gathered on an island in the Seine, the musical goes beyond simply describing their lives. It is an exploration of art, of love, of commitment. Seurat connected dots to create images; Lapine and Sondheim use connection as the heart of all our relationships. Winner of the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season five, episode nineteen).
'Master Harold'... and the Boys
When Harold, a young white man, learns that his alcoholic, handicapped father is returning home, his frustration turns into racist viciousness against the two black men who work for the family.