Noel Coleman

Noel Coleman

Рождение : 1919-11-26, Leicester, Leicestershire, England, UK

Смерть : 2007-10-12


Noel Coleman


Под подозрением
Частный детектив «устраивает» разводы. Он добивается супружеской неверности, а роль любовницы, «подкидываемой» в постель к клиентам играет его жена Хейзел. Однажды, в канун Рождества, Тони врывается в гостиничный номер и нажимает на затвор фотоаппарата. В его объектив попадают сразу два трупа: Хейзел и клиента. На наследство убитого, знаменитого художника, претендуют его вдова и бывшая любовница. А Тони оказывается главным подозреваемым в убийстве…
На грани безумия
Вольная экранизация повести Роберта Луиса Стивенсона «Доктор Джекилл и мистер Хайд». Режиссер, как почти все его предшественники, обращавшиеся к известной книге Стивенсона, поручил одному и тому же актеру двойную главную роль — и Энтони Перкинс сыграл то, что от него требовалось. Самое любопытное, пожалуй, то, что патологическим извращенцем в его интерпретации стал не только Джек Хайд, убийца проституток, но и доктор Генри Джекилл, вполне респектабельный гражданин общества.
Экранизация одноименного романа Редьярда Киплинга
Our Miss Fred
Senior RAF Official
Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted into WWII and is appearing in a camp show in France when the Nazis advance. Unless he continues in his female costume, Fred is certain to be shot as a spy. The risque gags and double entendres fly as he attempts to make his escape in the company of a troupe of Girl Guides.
The Lie
Dr. Ernest Farman
Ingmar Bergman play looking at the cool and brittle relationship between a successful architect (Frank Finlay) and his academic wife (Gemma Jones). Commissioned by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation on behalf of European members participating in ‘The Largest Theatre in the World’. This, the Radio Times explained, was ‘a project which enabled a play to be broadcast simultaneously in several languages across Europe.’ This UK Play For Today version was directed by Alan Bridges, whilst an American version was put out on CBS, directed by Alex Segal
Doctor Who: The War Games
General Smythe
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on an unnamed planet. At first believing themselves in the midst of World War I, they realise it to be one of many War Zones overseen by the War Lords, who have kidnapped large numbers of human soldiers to form the greatest army the universe has ever seen. At the helm of this plot is the War Chief, another renegade Time Lord like the Doctor. The creeping realisation sets in that the Doctor cannot solve this problem alone, and that his days of wandering may be at an end...
The Professionals
Chief Inspector
A renowned safecracker and his crew try to rob a bank by entering the vault through the sewer system.
Soho Conspiracy
Tax Collector
The plans of a publicity agent to put on a charity concert are nearly wrecked by a lawyer who wants to take over a restaurant, but the situation is saved by local co-operation.
The Undefeated
Looking at how soldiers injured and disabled during WWII would be helped to live as normal a life as possible in the post war years.