3081 год. Астронавты Алан Вирдон и Пит Берк вместе с Галеном пытаются определить свое местонахождение. Неожиданно они замечают в море плот, к которому привязан полуживой старик. На руке у несчастного странный браслет. Гален знает, что таким образом «окольцовывают» людей из лагеря принудительных работ рыболовной зоны. Если старика найдут обезьяны, его обязательно убьют. Пытаясь понять, что же происходит в округе, Алан и Пит отправляются на разведку и попадают в плен к обезьянам. Теперь им надо призвать на помощь всю свою изобретательность и ловкость, чтобы выбраться из западни…
Having been adopted by the madam of a southwestern brothel, a now adult Adrian must cope with the fact that he's Satan's kid, and not living up to his expectations.
Having been adopted by the madam of a southwestern brothel, a now adult Adrian must cope with the fact that he's Satan's kid, and not living up to his expectations.
LAPD Officer Newman has not gotten the reputation of a straight arrow by avoiding conflict when fighting for right. In this police drama, his honesty is put to the test when he and his partner discover an international drug ring involving some of the department's highest ranking officers.
Three ad agency executives are pressured into taking a motorbike trip to Baja by a big-ticket client. Along the way, the client is spurned by a young woman whose boyfriend sticks up for her. The client later disables their van, leading to their deaths in the desert. When the executives piece together what has happened, it leads to a showdown.
A prank that starts with a group of college students creating a fictitious person so they can get a credit card develops into a plot that leaves three of them dead.
A prank that starts with a group of college students creating a fictitious person so they can get a credit card develops into a plot that leaves three of them dead.