Sarah Lam

Sarah Lam


Sarah Lam


Lucy Kirkwood’s Maryland takes us to the dark heart of male violence against women but manages to do so with humour and wit. An outstanding cast explores an urgent issue.
National Theatre Live: Paradise
When a young soldier appears, his hope of escape comes with suspicion. And as an old enemy also emerges, he is faced with an even greater temptation: revenge.
Richard II
Duchess of Gloucester/ Bushy/Willoughby/ Gardener
Beset by problems at home and abroad, a capricious king is forced to relinquish his ‘hollow crown’. As his supporters abandon him and his power trickles away, Richard reflects with startling eloquence on the disintegration of his status and identity. Adjoa Andoh and Lynette Linton direct the first ever company of women of colour in a Shakespeare play on a major UK stage, in a post-Empire reflection on what it means to be British in the light of the Windrush anniversary and as we leave the European Union.
From China with Love
Attendant to Gertrude
Гамлет, принц Датский, впадает в отчаяние, когда его овдовевшая мать выходит замуж за его дядю. Явление призрака его отца открывает Гамлету глаза на тайные делишки дяди…
Top Girls
Lady Nijo / Win
Marlene celebrates her new position as MD of Top Girls Appointment Agency by giving a dinner party for five oddly assorted women from centuries past.
Шанхайский сюрприз
China Doll's Maid
Глория Тэтлок и Глендон Уэйси идут по опасной дорожке, ведущей к «Цветам Фарадея» — колоссальной партии ворованного опиума, потерянного в смертельных закоулках Шанхая 1938 года. Глория — невинная миссионерка, хочет найти опиум, чтобы облегчить страдания раненных на китайско-японской войне. Глендон, торговец и авантюрист, очень хочет убраться из Шанхая, пока еще цел. Для обоих опиум — билет к их цели, но беда в том, что все жулье города, включая зловещего шефа полиции и таинственную императрицу — «Китайскую куколку», хотят поучаствовать в дел
Poppy is a celebration of Victorian values and exposes the hypocrisy, racism, drug dealing, money worship and sexual repression of the time through its favourite entertainment form, pantomime. Dick Whittington, his man Jack, Sally the Principal Girl, the Dame, two pantomime horses, a flying ballet, a transformation scene and even the traditional song-sheet are all brought on to tell the serious and finally devasting story of the single most profitable crop of the British East India Company.
The Wildcats of St. Trinian's
Chinese Girl
The girls of St. Trinian's decide they are being asked to do too much work so they go on strike.