Mao Inoue

Mao Inoue

Рождение : 1987-01-09, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan


Mao Inoue is a Japanese actress most known for her roles in "Rebirth" (which she won an award for), and the "Hana Yori Dango" series. Hobbies and skills: Basketball, Badminton, Japanese Dance, Music, and Oil Painting Started her acting career at the age of 5 She had graduated on 26 March 2009, from Meiji University's Faculty of Literature, majoring in theater (taking Chinese as her second language elective at the university) Height: 158cm Weight: 41kg Star sign: Capricorn Blood type: O Family: Older brother


Mao Inoue


Remember to Breathe
One day, Hiroko accidentally starts a small fire while she is cooking. Although it does not lead to a serious incident, it does result in her going to stay with her eldest daughter, Yuko, for whom Hiroko has never been the mother she wanted.
夜のあぐら ~姉と弟と私~
Angry Rice Wives
Ito Matsuura
In August, 1918, Matsuura Ito lives in a coastal village of Toyama with her husband and three children. During the summer, there wasn't much fish to catch, so her husband has been far away from home to catch fish. To support herself and her children, Ito carries goods from ships like the other women in the village. Meanwhile, the residents encounter rising prices for rice. The women are unable to feed their family due to the high prices of rice. The women ask a nearby rice store to sell rice at lower prices, but it fails. The price of rice continues to rise daily. Due to an incident, Ito and the other village women step up to the plate.
I Never Shot Anyone
Utama Fukuhara
Renji Ishibashi, starring in the movie for the first time in 18 years, plays a hero with two faces, a dull novelist and a legendary killer. Susumu Ichikawa, an obsolete writer with no manuscript at all, had another face - a legendary hitman. But the truth of the matter is... he had never shot a person. One day, he receives a murder request from a friend. Seeing this as an opportunity to achieve the ideal hard-boiled novel, he decides to hire a real hitman and demands that he report to him the assassination situation as it was.
Talking the Pictures
Kotoe Tachibana
Set at a movie theater in a small village around 100 years ago. Silent films are play at the movie theater. A young man aspires to become a benshi, a performer that provides live narration to silent films.
When a Tree Falls
Mitsue Kayama
A young couple is devastated when their son is killed by a falling tree during a windstorm. As the distraught father begins to look for answers into his son’s death, what appears to be a tragic accident turns out to have been the result of multiple blunders by multiple people.
Yakiniku Dragon
Yi Hwa (Rika)
Set in the 1970's in the Kansai region of Japan.. Yong-Gil is Korean, but he moved to Japan and settled down. He runs a small restaurant named Yakiniku Dragon. He is married and has three daughters: oldest daughter Jung-Hwa, middle daughter Yi-Hwa and youngest daughter Mi-Hwa. Oldest daughter Jung-Hwa is dating Tetsuo, but they break up. Middle daughter Yi-Hwa loves Tetsuo and marries him, but Tetsuo still loves her older sister and they divorce. Youngest daughter Mi-Hwa wants to become a singer, but she is in love with a married man.
Жил-был кот
Rudolf (Voice)
Чёрный кот Рудольф потерял своего хозяина — он проснулся в грузовике, который привозит его в огромный Токио. Там Рудольф встречает огромного кота Иппая, которого боятся все местные коты, и решает учиться быть бродячим под мудрыми наставлениями бывалого Иппая.
Soreike! Anpanman: Ringo Bōya to Minna no Negai
Go! Anpanman: Apple Boy and Everyone's Hope
Ringo Bouya
An aspiring super hero gets his chance for bravery when a witch transforms his village into an uninhabitable mess. Now, he must save the day!
Дело об убийстве Белоснежки
Miki Shirono
Действие в фильме начинается с того, что труп красавицы Мики Норико находят на территории национального парка. Погибшая была сотрудницей косметической компании, а также, как полагают, спала со своим босом Шиноямой. Люди начинают говорить, что коллега погибшей, скромная Микки Джоно, также встречалась с Шиноямой, а потому и убила девушку как соперницу.
Вечный ноль
Молодой Кентаро проваливает свой экзамен на право заниматься адвокатской практикой и не знает, что делать дальше. Его старшая сестра Кейко является свободной писательницей. Вместе они начинают искать информацию о своем дедушке Кюзо, который погиб во время Второй мировой войны.
The Apology King
Noriko Kuramochi
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Tug of War!
Chiaki Nishikawa
The mayor of Oita wants to improve the image of his city, so he instructs Chiaki - a young woman working for the city's PR department - to form a female tug of war team. Nobuo MIZUTA mixes comedy, drama and a pinch of social criticism to tell a tale of eight women, their everyday struggles and their support for each other.
Scattered Reflection
Mitsue Kayama
Shima (Mirei Kiritani) is a second year high school student. She has already become the youngest ever winner of a "new writer award" for poetry. Yet, she keeps it a secret that she is a writer at school. Shima has developed feelings for fellow second year high school student Kento (Takahiro Miura). One day, Kento confesses his feelings for her and they begin to have a relationship. Shima has difficulties understanding other's emotions and can't understand Kento's feelings. Soon afterwards, Kento decides to break up with Shim...
Цикада восьмого дня
Erina Akiyama
В жизни Эрины Акиямы (Мао Иноуэ) произошла ужасная трагедия: когда ей было всего четыре месяца, ее похитила бывшая любовница ее отца, которая после аборта лишилась возможности иметь детей. В течение почти четырех лет Кивако Нономия (Хироми Нагасаку) растила девочку как свою собственную дочь, и маленькая Эрина, воспитывавшаяся под именем Каору, считала похитительницу родной матерью. Когда Эрину нашли и вернули родителям, она испытала страшное потрясение, а родная семья так и не стала для нее до конца родной. Лишь достигнув совершеннолетия, благодаря случайной встрече с журналисткой, знавшей ее в детстве, она пытается разобраться в своей судьбе, в том, как ей поступить, чтобы не повторить ошибок ни своих родителей, ни той женщины.
Oba: The Last Samurai
Chieko Aono
In 1944, the American military lands on the shores of Saipan. Refusing to commit suicide with his superiors or be forced into camps for prisoners of war, Captain Oba Sakae leads a group of his men and other similarly minded local residents into the mountains. Even after hearing reports of the Japanese military's surrender, Oba dismisses the reports as propaganda and continues to launch guerilla attacks against the American soldiers, earning him the nickname "The Fox". Soon, even the American commander who's charged with the task of capturing Oba comes to admire his persistent enemy.
Surely Someday
Shoko Goto
Drawing influence from the street musicians of Miyagi, four high school students form a band and spend their free time practicing for their school's upcoming festival. When the festival is abruptly concealed, they come up with a dimwitted strategy of faking a bomb threat to the school in order to force the principal to change his mind. Their plan seems to work at first, but when a real bomb goes off, the group is forced to take responsibility for the explosion and they are kicked out of school. Three years later, more details of the incident is revealed as the youth look back on the past.
My Darling Is a Foreigner
Saori Oguri
Based on a true story. A Japanese girl and an American guy, fall in love in Japan. Their relationship will not be easy to manage, with their different cultures and their different langages.
I Give My First Love to You
Mayu Taneda
As a child Takuma is diagnosed with a heart condition that requires care from a cardiologist. He soon becomes friends with his doctors young daughter Mayu while being treated at the hospital. One day Mayu overhears her father saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he most likely wont live beyond the age of 20. Takuma isn't aware of this himself, however, so at 8-years-old he makes a promise to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Later in life, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he begins distancing himself from Mayu in hopes of protecting her.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2009 Fall Special
Tengoku de Kimi ni Aetara
Nonoue Natsumi
Nonoue Junichi is a psychiatrist working in the counseling room of a cancer treatment center by the beach. While tending to the patients, part of his job involves taking dictation from them when they want to send a letter to a loved one.
Anmitsu Hime 2
Anmitsu Hime
The second Anmitsu Hime TV-movie.
Hana yori Dango Final: The Movie
Tsukushi Makino
Four years have passed since that emotional marriage proposal at Tsukushi Makino's high-school prom, and Tsukasa Dōmyōji announced his engagement to Tsukushi to the entire world. At an engagement dinner between their families, Dōmyōji's mother, who has been strongly against their relationship before, presents Tsukushi a tiara, which is estimated to be worth roughly 10 billion yen, as a token of their engagement. But that night, the tiara is stolen by somebody! Then, Dōmyōji and Tsukushi travel around the globe to Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and even a deserted island to get the tiara back—the legendary tiara that has been believed to "bring eternal love." In the meantime, where and what are the "F4" fellows, who have just gone separate ways, doing now?
Принцесса Сахарок
Anmitsu Hime / Tokoroten
At age 16, a tomboy princess, Princess Anmitsu, has no love interest in her life and worries her parents. Despite their concern, Anmitsu runs away from the castle to venture into the commoners' life. During her daring adventure, she befriends a group of children who make a living by pick-pocketing. At the same time, she finally meets her prince charming Senbei, the leader of the group. However, she soon finds herself in an awkward position when she learns of the children's new plot: they are planning to steal the treasures from her own castle. Will she be able to put a stop to it without revealing her true identity?
Mineko Iwasaki
The tale of hardship, love, determination and life of Mineko, a young maiko (apprentice geisha) in the Gion district of Kyoto.
250 лет тому назад. Соэцу, мелкий ростовщик, убит жестоким самураем Синдзаэмоном, и его тело было сброшено в Касанэ-га-фути — омут извилистой реки, где, согласно легенде, тот, кто упадет в воду, никогда снова не всплывет на поверхность. 20 лет спустя Синкити, красавец-сын Синдзаемона, случайно знакомится с Тоёсигой, дочерью Соэцу, и они влюбляются друг в друга. Когда Тоёсига умирает от странной болезни, Синкити обнаруживает, что он не только не может избежать таинственных несчастий прошлого и неумирающей любви к нему Тоёсиги, но и вынужден посмотреть в лицо страшной правде, которую хранит Касанэ-га-фути.
Mika Miura
Kitaro is a half human, half creature who keeps an eye on the human society to save them from the evil attacks from another world. He finds that a magical ball that controls all powers had been brought into the human world, and stops it from falling into the wrong hands.
Check It Out, Yo!
Yui Haebaru
Tomboy Yui (Mao Inoue) brings her 3 male friends along with her to see a live performance of local Okinawan rap group, “Workaholic”. Upon witnessing the crowd reaction, the boys decide to start a rap group of their own to impress chicks—while Toru (Hayato Ichihara) has the added motivation of impressing his older, more sophisticated love interest Nagisa (Ayumi Ito). With only 2 weeks to learn how to play instruments and prepare for their first show, the performance is predictably humiliating. In order to save pride they decide to give it another shot, but this time they ditch the instruments for a sampler and stay truer to themselves. Will Toru be able to capture Nagisa’s heart? Will Yui ever confess her love to Toru or will she just keep practicing her advanced pro wrestling techniques on him instead?
Могила светлячков
Последние дни Второй Мировой войны. Американская авиация бомбит беззащитные японские города. В водоворот людского каждодневного кошмара попадают 14-летний Сэйта и его сестренка Сэцуко. Понеся самую горькую утрату — потерю близких, они остались совсем одни. Юный мальчик в одночасье становится взрослым, столкнувшись с жестокостью мира. Он осознаёт, что от него зависит жизнь его маленькой сестры. Укрывшись в заброшенном убежище, Сэйта и Сэцуко пытаются выжить, положившись только на свои силы. И пусть в глазах смертоносный огонь в небе — всего лишь огоньки светлячков, жестокая война не щадит даже невинные детские души, вынося им свой беспощадный приговор…