Masaki Okada

Masaki Okada

Рождение : 1989-08-15, Tokyo, Japan


Masaki Okada (岡田 将生 Okada Masaki, born August 15, 1989 in Tokyo) is a Japanese actor. He is best known for his roles as Sekime Kyogo in the drama Hanazakari no Kimitachi e and as Takuma Kakinouchi in the 2009 film I Give My First Love to You.


Masaki Okada
Masaki Okada
Masaki Okada


Gold Boy‎
It was supposed to be a perfect crime... until it was witnessed. Based on a Chinese drama series with two billion total views, the film depicts a psychological battle between a murderer and three kids.
Down the Road: The Making of Drive My Car
Spanning locations in Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Hokkaido and featuring interviews with cast members and rare behind-the-scenes footage, it captures the creative collective journey of the filmmaking team.
The Cursed Sanctuary X
Teruo Yamada
Kaname Azuma is sick of her marriage life with her husband and she decides to divorce him. She leaves Japan and travels to South Korea. There, she visits her brother Teruo's villa. Teruo is surprised by Kaname's sudden visit, but after he hears of her marriage life, he lets her to stay with him. Somehow, Teruo and Kaname happen to enter The Cursed Sanctuary X.
Ochi Shinji
Шесть человек приходят в себя в загадочном кубе. Попытки выбраться приводят в аналогичные комнаты, где, кроме того, их ещё и поджидают смертельные ловушки.
Сядь за руль моей машины
Kōshi Takatsuki
Режиссёра Юсукэ приглашают поставить «Дядю Ваню» для театрального фестиваля в Хиросиме. По условиям договора он не может сам водить машину, поэтому ему предоставляют девушку-водителя — молчаливую Мисаки. Проводя вместе по несколько часов в день, Юсукэ начинает переосмыслять свои отношения с женой, с которой они жили, казалось, в счастливом браке до её внезапной смерти два года назад. А Мисаки пытается разобраться с собственным непростым прошлым.
Set in the near future, Rina lives a wandering life and she meets Ema. Ema becomes a mentor for Rina and Rina begins to work for Ema. Her job is called body works, which is to plasticize dead bodies for people who lost loved ones. Meanwhile, Ema’s younger brother Amane develops technology that is finally able to achieve immortality. Rina becomes the first recipient of the technology. She can now live forever, while having a 30-year-old appearance, but ...
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window
Rihito Hiyakawa
Kosuke Mikado, who works at a bookstore, has been suffering from a peculiar constitution that ghosts can see from an early age. One day, Kosuke was invited by a exorcist, Rihito Hiyakawa, who came to the bookstore and decided to work with him. The two men, who were requested by the detective Hanzawa to investigate the serial murder case that occurred a year ago, eventually found a body, but the body was cursed. While searching for the truth, they often hear the voice of the murderer who committed suicide...
Child of the Stars
When Chihiro was a baby, she suffered from eczema. Her parents tried to find a cure, but nothing worked. Her father's co-worker then gave him some water from a strange religious group. Chihiro was miraculously cured by the water. Her parents began to follow the strange religion and became fervent followers. Chihiro is now in the 3rd grade of middle school and she faces changes in her life.
Restaurant from the Sky
Wataru, his woman Kotoe and daughter Shiori are ranchers and dairy farmers in Hokkaido in northern Japan. He is following in his father's footsteps. A visiting chef cooks an unforgettable meal with his ingredients, which prompts the family to open their own restaurant and reproduce the magic.
A Family Story
Takuya Kobayashi
A country boy leaves his family's apple farm and heads to the city to become a famous musician.
Гинтама 2 - Правила для того, чтобы их нарушать
Kotaro Katsura
Вторая часть лайв-экшна по Гинтаме, содержит арку о Восстании Шинсенгуми
The Many Faces of Ito: The Movie
Seijiro Ito
Seijiro Ito possesses good looks, but also has an overinflated ego. He gets involved with five different women. Rio Yazaki is one of the women involved with Seijiro Ito. She wants to revive her career as a screenwriter, by using other people's unhappiness.
Невероятные приключения ДжоДжо
Keichō Nijimura
Японский бастард одного из Джостаров по имени Дзёсукэ Хигасиката с детства владеет необычными способностями. Но пришли времена, когда всяческие суперспособности стали обнаруживаться у некоторых жителей его родного города.
Гинтама. Фильм
Kotaro Katsura
Сюжет фильма повторяет (с некоторыми изменениями) арку о Бенизакуре.
Kitakaze to Taiyo no Hotei
Yota Kojitani
"Northern Wind and the Sun "as a set of divorce trials of a lawyer of exactly opposite style.
Takayoshi Miyamoto
5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds. Takuto Ninomiya observes those around him. His roommate Kotaro Kamiya has a bright personality and communicates well with others. Mizuki Tanabe is Kotaro Kamiya’s ex-girlfriend. Takuto Ninomiya has feelings for his roommate's ex-girlfriend. Rika Kobayakawa is determined to land a job. Takayoshi Miyamoto is critical of job-seeking activities, but he later tries to get a job.
Человек зверски убивает семейную пару, а потом сбегает, оставив надпись кровью — слово «ГНЕВ». Полиция ищет убийцу по всей стране, но пока про него известно лишь одно — преступник сделал пластическую операцию и изменил внешность.
Совершенно секретно
Ikko Aoki
Конец XXI века, лаборатория судебной медицинской экспертизы представляет новый сканер МРТ. Аппарат способен сканировать воспоминания, и даже у мёртвых людей. Но тут у некоторых работников лаборатории встают морально-этические вопросы по поводу использования нового изобретения.
Хроники подопытных
В начале 1990-х в Японии проводились тайные эксперименты по созданию сверхчеловека. В своих экспериментах учёные использовали два метода. Первый метод заключался в том, что родители будущего ребёнка постоянно находились в стрессе. Тем самым это состояние провоцировало развитие мутаций у младенцев ещё в утробе матери. Второй метод состоял в том, что путём генных манипуляций новорождённым детям внедрялись гены насекомых. В результате этих экспериментов на свет появилось несколько детей-мутантов.
Первоапрельские глупцы
Unfortunate Ambulance Worker
Иногда и ложь творит чудеса. Есть Ватару - молодой доктор-гений, да правда слабость питающий к женскому полу, от того и крутящий романы направо и налево. А есть уборщица Аюми, имеющая проблемы с общением с людьми и совсем не немножко беременная от этого самого доктора-ловеласа. И вот 1 апреля, когда все шутят над друг другом, она, наконец, дозвонившись до Ватару, сообщает, что ждет его ребенка, да так давно ждет, что вот-вот родит. Что бы сделали вы? Конечно, не поверили. Так и поступил наш герой. И с этой минуты начинает набирать обороты водоворот событий, захватывающий в себя всех и вся: от полицейского до пожилой пары аристократов, от мальчика, считающего себя инопланетянином, до похищенной двумя странными бандитами девочки. Момент истины настает, когда Ватару приходит на свидание с очередной подружкой в ресторан, а следом за ним Аюми с битой и пистолетом на перевес, дабы заставить его признать ребенка.
ST: Aka to Shiro no Sôsa File the Movie
Tomohisa Yurine
The ST team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department consists of eccentric members. Some members do not cooperate with others and others do not reveal themselves in front of others. With Samon as the leader of the ST team and young Inspector Tomohisa tasked with managing the team, the ST (Scientific Task Force) attempt to solve the most difficult of cases.
Lingering Spirits
Gajirou Honda
Gajirou Honda is a self-centered man who only cares about money and women. When he’s involved in a car accident, he encounters the ghosts of the deceased occupants of the other car, including the driver and three pole dancers. The four ghosts promise him a large sum of money in exchange for his help fulfilling their last wishes, thus allowing their spirits to pass over to the afterlife.
Snow Jack
Shohei Nezu
A blackmail arrives at Appi ski resort. “We demand 30,000,000 yen as consolation money for the destruction of the environment. If you do not respond to the demand, a time bomb set on the ski slope will be detonated.” If the bomb goes off, it will not only hurt the skiers but trigger an avalanche and cause a major catastrophe. The general manager of the ski pistes, Kurata (Ken Watanabe) pleads for an immediate shutdown of the ski site and reporting to the police, but the president of the ski resort gives priority to business interests and decides to negotiate with the blackmailer. And a negotiation process for a despicable ransom case with a massive hostage of all the skiers at the resort begins.
Oh! Father
Yukio is a typical high school student in every way except that he's an only child in a family of five. This is because he has four fathers, each with their own unique personalities and interests. The only thing they share in common is their love of their son. When Yukio witnesses a robbery, he becomes involved in a bizarre string of incidents involving his fathers.
The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom
Ryosuke Hinode
Two feuding eccentric families with super powers clash when their young sons confront each other after a silly mistake. Meanwhile, the local high school principal has mysterious powers of his own that trump those of the two rival clans. How did this civilian acquire them? Or perhaps a better question, who or what is using him?
Hoshi Shin'ichi Mystery Special
A collection of five short stories by Hoshi Shinichi
Chicken Race
Kamiya Takeshi
Story of friendship between an old man who slept for 45 years and his nurse who woke him up. (Source: D-Addicts)
Mourning Recipe
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
Beyond the Memories
Roku Akazawa
Kanna Seto lost her childhood friend Haruta in a car accident when she was a freshman in high school. Carrying the emotional pain from that incident throughout her life, Kanna is still wounded as an adult. Kanna then meets Roku Akazawa, who also carries a painful experience from his past. When Roku was an elementary school student, a girl who was with him got into an accident and died. Because of that incident, Roku carries a heavy sense of guilt. When they meet, time, frozen since that day, begins to tick again.
The Apology King
Takuya Numata
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Ataru: The First Love & The Last Kill
Tasuku Inoguchi
Ataru, who suffers from “savant syndrome,” has the power to discover, observe, see through, and deduct microscopic evidence of unsolved cases. Why does he always go to the criminal sites? What explains his strange behavior? Meanwhile, a mystery unfolds with Ataru and a woman named Madoka, who is a killer. The woman possesses the same extraordinary memory and deductive reasoning abilities as Ataru. Who is she?
Секрет Акко-тян
Naoto Hayase
Молодая Ацуко Кагами становится обладательницей волшебного зеркала, которое позволяет ей превращаться в кого она пожелает. Ацуко знакомится с 27-летним Наото, чья компания находится под угрозой поглощения, и пытается помочь сохранить компанию, используя свои способности…
Реальные страшилки 2012
Sawada Toshiya
В фильме показаны пять различных страшных историй, произошедших с реальными людьми. Если Вы поклонник таких фильмов, как: "Проклятье","Звонок", "Дом призраков", "Пришествие дьявола" и многих других, то этот фильм для Вас. Картина невероятно реалистичная, а в дрожь бросает еще и от мысли - "Неужели это было на самом деле?" В общем, рекомендуется к просмотру всем поклонникам леденящих душу историй и японских фильмов ужасов. В картине описываются самые популярные байки о призраках и монстрах.
Space Brothers
nanba hibito
When Mutta was 12-years-old and Hibito was 9-years-old the two brothers saw what they thought was an UFO flying towards the moon. They made a pact then to become astronauts and one day fly into space together. Fast forward to the year 2025. Older brother Mutta (Shun Oguri) works as for an automotive company and his younger brother Hibito works as an astronaut. Although Mutta failed to follow through on his childhood promise, after losing his job, he receives a phone call from Hibito which reignites his childhood dream of flying into outer space ...
Та жизнь
Nagashima Kyohei
Кохэй Накасима замкнут в себе и нелюдим. В старшей школе он был объектом постоянных издевательств и пережил немало ужасных моментов. Теперь, повзрослев, он устраивается на необычную работу в компанию, которая занимается уборкой домов после смерти недавно умерших людей… Там он знакомится с сотрудницей компании Юки, и оказывается, что у них много общего. Она также прошла через издевательства в школьные годы. Постепенно они начинают общаться и чувствовать родственные души друг в друге. Но внезапно Юки исчезает...
Princess Toyotomi
National Audit Bureau member Hajime Matsudaira (Shinichi Tsutsumi), Tadako Torii (Haruka Ayase) & Asahi Gainsbourg (Masaki Okada) travel from their homebase of Tokyo to the city of Osaka. Their mission is to discover any financial irregularities & to ensure the correct use of federal money in the Osaka city government. Their initial audits go smoothly, but things turn more interesting once they enter the Karahori shopping district - the area with a long history reaching back to the Meiji era.
Молодость Чёрного Джека
Этот приквел о прошлом блестящего доктора Чёрного Джека, когда он был студентом. В частности, эта история расскажет, почему у Джека нет медицинской лицензии, почему он берёт большие суммы за свои услуги и как он связан со своим соперником доктором Кирико… В Рождество в торговом центре Сиодомэ взорвалась бомба. Жертвами стали 9-летний мальчик Токио Хазама и его мама. Благодаря прекрасному хирургу Хонме, мальчик выживает, но его мать впадает в кому. Доктор Хонма говорит юному Токио, что когда-нибудь его маму можно будет спасти… И тогда мальчик решает стать врачом…
The Lightning Tree
Set during the Edo Period, a young man from a noble family meets a young woman under a special tree called "Raiou" (the tree was struck by lightning at one time with the broken part eventually sprouting out cherry blossoms). The young woman lived freely in the mountains after she was abducted as a young child. The couple soon fall in love under the Raiou tree, but become acutely aware of their different social positions & the ramifications it has on their relationship.
Keigo Masuo
Shimizu Yuichi is a shy and lonely day laborer looking for love. He aimlessly spends time corresponding with girls via telephone dating services and going on random encounters with girls looking for spending cash. His world is shattered one day when he is involved in the murder of one of his former encounters, the sweet-faced Ishibashi Yoshino who, after being jilted by playboy Masuo Keijo, berates and mocks the troubled loner.
Piecing Me Back Together
Junichi Kono
A young woman named Izumi (Keiko Kitagawa) suffers the loss of her boyfriend Junichi (Masaki Okada), who died from a fatal motorcycle accident. The shock from her boyfriend's sudden death causes Izumi to lose her memory from the time of the accident. A lawyer named Makiko (Nene Otsuka) then helps Izumi to remember the final moments of her boyfriend's life.
Yoshiteru Terada
После трагической гибели дочери учительница Юко Моригути пришла в класс, чтобы провести свой последний, самый важный урок. После него её работа в этой школе была закончена. Но это было лишь начало запущенного ею изощренного плана мести. Ведь её класс — это далеко не кучка тринадцатилетних ангелков с типичными для пубертата проблемами, а сборище жестоких и хладнокровных подростков, чьи злодеяния в силу малолетства зачастую остаются безнаказанными.
I Give My First Love to You
Takuma Kakunouchi
As a child Takuma is diagnosed with a heart condition that requires care from a cardiologist. He soon becomes friends with his doctors young daughter Mayu while being treated at the hospital. One day Mayu overhears her father saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he most likely wont live beyond the age of 20. Takuma isn't aware of this himself, however, so at 8-years-old he makes a promise to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Later in life, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he begins distancing himself from Mayu in hopes of protecting her.
Gravity's Clowns
Haru Okuno
On the outset, the Okunos seem like a normal happy family with father Tadashi and his two bright sons, genetics researcher Izumi and artsy Haru. When a series of arson attacks strike the neighborhood, clues left at the crime scenes seem to be somehow related to the Okunos. Izumi and Haru try to get to the bottom of mystery, slowly unveiling a tragic family secret that has come back to haunt them.
Honokaa Boy
Leo, a young Japanese college student, travels to Hawaii and eventually falls in love with Maray, an older Japanese-Caucasion woman.
Они признались друг другу в чувствах, когда первая половина их пути должна была уступить черёд второй. Школа и родной дом — будущему и незнакомому городу. Но дилемма оказалась не из лёгких: на пути будущего встал любимый человек. Как поступить и что выбрать?
Someday's Dreamers
Gota Midorikawa
Suzuki Sora is a cheerful country girl from the small town of Bie. She made a promise to her father, and following this promise applies and is accepted for a magic intership in Tokyo, where she will face the life in a big city. While training to get better with her magic, she meets a mysterious boy also practicing to become a mage. While he can not use magic that well and he seems distant and cold at first, Sora’s fate intertwines with his and the two are thrown together, learning a lot of new things about life and each other.
Brass Band
Based on Haruko Kashiwagi's popular comic, the film traces a group of high-school kids as they try to revive the school's shabby brass band, and also attempt to discover the reasons behind one of the members' weird habit: Yuriko Seryu (Beni Arashiro) goes sexually wild whenever she hears good music, and mauls the boys around her.
Тэннэн Кокэкко
Hiromi Osawa
Based on a popular manga, the film is a tender coming-of-age love story set deep in Japan's countryside. When eighth grade cool guy Hiromi transfers from Tokyo to a small elementary/middle school with only six kids enrolled, wholesome and honest Soyo becomes enthralled with his sophisticated world.
The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker
Car Enthusiastic Student
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life.
My Missing Valentine
Set in Kyoto, Japan, a love story takes place between Hajime (Masaki Okada) and Reika (Kaya Kiyohara). Hajime is a handsome young man, who is usually a second quicker than everyone else and straightforward. He works at the post office. Reika is a young woman, who is usually a step slower than everyone else. After Valentine's Day, Hajime wakes up and is unable to remember what happened that day.