Yeon Joo Kim


Millennial Reincarnation
A howling cry fills the night air of the dark cemetery grounds. The moon illuminates the graves that line up the grounds. The howling continues when a ghost with blood flowing down her face and her hair flowing down her back smiles fiendishly. The ghost lets out a fiendish laugh and turns into a beautiful young girl. So-young was engaged to be married to Sang-cheol. But a wealthy businessman Han who wanted Sang-cheol as his son-in-law schemes to get rid of So-young. In the end, Han traps Sang-cheol into killing So-young and marries Ji-hye, Han's daughter. So-young leaves a letter for her younger brother Tae-ha asking him to pass his civil service exams and to avenge her death for her. She begins to help her brother with her supernatural abilities. The angry ghost of So-young begins a series of bloody revenges on Han and Sang-cheol.
Suky Vesey
This film concerns two mysterious characters who meet on a Sunday in Queens. Madeleine the most unsettling creature of that name since "Vertigo" is a middle-aged, moderately successful actress. Oliver/Matthew is either a homeless man or a famous film director or both. Madeleine hails him on the street as the latter, launching a bizarre chain of events that includes a conversation in a diner, a very unromantic sexual encounter, the arrival of Madeleine's odd husband and unsuspecting daughter, and a child's birthday party. The film also compassionately tracks the daily rounds of Oliver/Matthew's fellow denizens of the homeless shelter, some of whom will be recognizable to New York audiences.
Холодная кровь
Йичин — востребованная в криминальных кругах наемная убийца. Она загадочна, хладнокровна, безжалостна и одинока. Ей платят за «устранение» боссов мафии. Как ангел смерти, она перемещается от жертвы к жертве, но череду убийств неожиданно прерывает любовь, которую Йичин встречает на своем пути. Холодную кровь девушки-киллера согревает простой торговец лапшой. Решив покончить со своей «мокрой» работой, Йичин отправляется в Южную Корею на самое последнее задание. Но из этой кровавой игры выйти не так просто: наемницу начинает преследовать жаждущий мести телохранитель убитого ею криминального авторитета.
Ninety ('90) worm-eaten roses
After being betrayed by a man in college, Jung - hee, who lived as a single man in distrust of men 's love to be 30 years old, marries in the serious courtship of his obstetrician, Jeong - tae, in his forties who is eight years old. However, she becomes dissatisfied with her husband 's sex life and becomes affair with her husband' s junkyu. Jeonghee, who has been suffering from guilty conscience, makes a shocking statement that he has brought in Jun Kyu for his sexual satisfaction. Jeonghee hides his hatred for her husband and vengeance for all men, and Jeongtae, who is looking for Jeonghee, becomes a vegetable by traffic accident. Junyu defends Jun-tae, but in desperate condition Jung-hee runs a dangerous game and eventually dies.