Narimi Arimori

Narimi Arimori

Рождение : 1967-12-10, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan


Narimi Arimori


Tenjou no Hana
Tatsuji Miyoshi regards Sakutaro Hagiwara as his teacher. Feelings run deeper since he loves Sakutaro’s youngest sister, Keiko, but she rejects him. A decade later and as the Pacific War rages, Tatsuji finds out that Keiko is recently widowed and he divorces his wife and leaves his children and marries Keiko. They honeymoon quietly Echizen Mikuni but their personalities don’t match as Tatsuji is unable to keep up with the more uninhibited Keiko.
Kyoko (Risa's mother)
Nebagiba New World
A former boxing gym owner and his younger brother rise up to help a boy and his teacher's daughter from a vicious religious group that preys on good people.
Don't Forget the Kids
Yukina, who works as a call girl in the burbs just north of Tokyo, was sexually abused by her stepfather. Her younger stepbrother Minoru was also abused, but meanwhile he harbors feelings for her. He gets suspicious about her line of work after finding her call girl business card, but he also worries that he'll become the target of bullying at school.
The Dog Bridegroom
Azusa Ninomiya
Ninomiya Azusa is a depressed elementary school teacher in Tokyo, who has problems both at work and in her personal life. One day, she suddenly hears a voice saying "If you go to Imore Island, you will get what you want.", so she decides to give it a try.
What I Long For
Shoko (Apple's Mother)
High school student Juri leaps to her death. Afterwards, Juri wanders to her house, school and street. She feels loneliness as nobody else is able to see her. She talks to those that she comes across including her mother and classmates, but nobody responds to her comments. Juri then sees a horrifying monster, which she never saw prior to her suicide. She calls the scary monster "Bug Man". When the mind of humans become weak, the Bug Man tempts those to commit suicide. One day, Juri walks along the street as usual. She then meets a girl that is able to see Juri. Juri names the girl Ringo-chan and plays at the park with her. Their happy moments does not last long. When they come back from the park, Juri sees Ringo-chan's mother with a grim face. The Bug Man is standing behind her mother.
TAP: Perfect Education
In Okinawa, a down-and-out middle-aged yakuza underling named Shidara kidnaps and confines a high school girl named Yui, the daughter of a fellow yakuza’s mistress.
The Tang of Lemon
Twenty-year-old Kaori, an aspiring accessory designer, spends her days troubled by her mother's violence and excessive meddling. Meanwhile, forty-year-old secretary Kaori, whose daughter is a shut-in, can't stop shoplifting and having casual sex.
Life Improvement Club
Taeko Komori
Arata Furuta plays a disgruntled saleryman fed up with being stepped on at home and at work, decides to get revenge on those who do bad things by killing them, only to gain a group of followers.
The Man in White Part 2: Requiem for the Lion
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
The Man in White
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Якудза: Кладбище чести
Chieko Kikuta
Ишиматсу моет посуду в ресторане, часто посещаемом «якудза». Когда одинокий бандит входит в ресторан и начинает стрелять в посетителей, все гангстеры впадают в панику. Ишиматсу спокойно появляется из кухни и бьет бандита по голове табуретом. Это его билет в мир организованной преступности. Он становится жестоким боевиком «якудза», и, благодаря своей жестокости начинает продвигаться по иерархической лестнице. Однако, вскоре становится понятно, что Ишиматсу неспособен функционировать в пределах иерархии «якудза». Его сильный характер и яркая личность делают его незаменимым, но недостаток уважения доставляет больше проблем, чем его кулаки решают. В результате ссоры внутри клана Ишиматсу стреляет в своего босса. Он должен скрыться от возмездия клана. Как одиночка, свободное орудие «якудза», освобожденный от ограничений иерархии, Ишиматсу находит идеальное поле для своих собственных сильных убеждений.
Let's Get Happy
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
I Want to Hear the Wind's Song
Satomi Toba
A heartwarming, based-on-true-story of how a hearing-impaired couple, Masahiro and Namiko, knew each other, got married and began participating in the Triathlon. The story is told in flashbacks as Namiko awaits childbirth.
Blue Fake
Ayaka and Echika are asked to locate a woman who makes harassing phone calls to a popular DJ, but...
At the end of the Heian period, Musashibo Benkei, a warrior monk who hated the Heike clan, was humiliated by his fellow monks and left the mountain monastery. Soon, Benkei competes with the Heike warriors on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto and takes away their swords. One night he tried to stop a young man who had a beautiful sword on his belt and fought him, but he could not win. Knowing that this young man Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) is looking for an opportunity to overthrow the Heike clan, Benkei asks him to let him join him.
Minamoto Yoshitsune
Sato Gozen
One evening, when the monk Saito Musashibo Benkei was luring for his sword number 1000 at Gojo bridge, Shanao (later Yoshitsune), a young man of small and fragile stature passed by. He wore a nice sword and played the flute.
1750 Days of Turbulence
After the death of previous Boss, a gang war lasts for more than four years.
Festival of Dreams
Sumiko Niu
О мятеже националистически настроенных офицеров японской армии, произошедшем 26-29 февраля 1936 года. Мятеж организовали молодые офицеры-националисты, которые были убеждены в том, что побороть в стране политическую коррупцию и крайнюю бедность в сельской местности можно лишь путём устранения нескольких высших политиков…
Бацу и Терри
Ann Shiraki
Бацу и Терри — два «чётких» пацана, которые никому ничего не спустят с рук, даже учителям. Если возникнет необходимость, они готовы пустить в ход кулаки, защищая незнакомцев от опасности, особенно если этот незнакомец — красивая девушка. Так что они хороши не только в том, чтобы задираться, но могут и вступиться. Кого-то они нещадно терроризируют, а у кого-то способны вызвать искреннюю симпатию. Однажды они избавляют от проблем настоящую красотку и вынуждены из-за неё вступить в бой с целой бандой. Полиция преследует их, но стражи порядка сами восхищены и благодарны этой парочке за разгром банды. Ах, да, самое главное! Они, звёздный дуэт школьной бейсбольной команды, — великолепные питчер и кэтчер!
Мужчине живётся трудно. Фильм 37: Мечты Торадзиро о синей птице
the girl at the spa
Во время своих путешествий Тора-сан встречает традиционный театр, который он посещает, и обнаруживает, что один из его старых друзей умер. Тора-сан и его семья помогают дочери друга, которая романтически связана с начинающим артистом.
Последний дубль
Koharu Tanaka
Действие фильма происходит в 1930-е годы. Работавшую в кинотеатре Кохару неожиданно приглашают сниматься в кино. Трудный путь предстоит пройти девушке, прежде чем она станет настоящей актрисой.
Sotsugyou -GRADUATION-
Momoko Watanabe—a student who, upon visiting a shrine in order to wish good luck on a friend of hers, witnesses a murder in the forest...and she knows the culprit! Unfortunately, she doesn't have it in her to tell anybody about it, and to make matters worse, said aforementioned friend gets accused of the murder.
Meiso chizu
Masako Saeki