Lunetta Savino

Lunetta Savino

Рождение : 1957-11-02, Bari, Italy


Lunetta Savino


My Soul Summer
A shy 17-year-old girl playing classical piano discovers soul music through a strange friendship with an old rocker in a summer that will change her life.
My Brother and I
Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with whom he has a troubled relationship, Mauro has never left Calabria and runs the family winery. Despite their opposite attitudes, Sofia and Mauro has one thing in common. Michela is Sofia's first and only love, but she is Mauro’s bride-to-be. When Sofia realizes that she is about to lose the woman of her life, she decides to go back home to Calabria and win back her true love. This unexpected return will break the delicate balance of Mauro and Sofia’s family and will force the two siblings to a showdown, when they will choose who they really want to be when they grow up. A story of rekindled loves, friendship, growth, and family.
Rosa and Igor live under the same roof, without trespassing on each other's territory even thou they have been living together for years. Things that happened divided them - things that came about brought them back together.
An Almost Ordinary Summer
Two families meet for a marriage that neither want, and things take a turn when the respective patriarchs fall in love.
Amici come prima
Cesare Proietti is the esteemed manager of the Relais Colombo, a luxury hotel in Milan. When a group of new Chinese business partners want to revolutionize everything, the hotel owner's daughter, Luciana, decides to fire Cesare. When Cesare discovers Luciana is looking for a caregiver who can look after her father, he decides to dress up as a charming woman to apply for the role.
Il fulgore di Dony
Madre di Marco
A Woman of Courage
Felicia Impastato
Felicia Impastato, mother of the brave Peppino Impastato, tries to keep the memory of his son alive after his murder.
Io, Arlecchino
Pietro Mennea - La freccia del sud
Извините, если я существую!
Одарённая молодая женщина Серена Бруно возвращается в родную Италию после нескольких лет учёбы и работы за границей, чтобы трудиться архитектором на благо людей. Вскоре она понимает, что её любимая страна не такая уж открытая и прогрессивная, как она думала, и ей придётся побороться за место под солнцем. С помощью своего нового друга-гея Франческо, Серена идёт на рискованную хитрость, чтобы заполучить работу мечты.
Fiabeschi torna a casa
Zia Maria
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Mamma di Frengo
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Bar Sport
Холостые выстрелы
Члены большого и суматошного семейства Кантоне — отец, мать, в высшей степени эксцентричная тетя Лучиана, Томмасо, его сестра Элена и старший брат Антонио — собрались на торжественном обеде, чтобы отметить назначение Антонио главой семейного бизнеса. Томмасо решает воспользоваться случаем, чтобы рассказать наконец родным о том, что он гей, но его старший брат неожиданно опережает его, сообщив всем собравшимся аналогичную новость. Разъяренный отец со скандалом выгоняет Антонио из дома и в результате нервного потрясения попадает в больницу. Бразды правления семейным предприятием неожиданно переходят к Томмасо. И хотя это совсем не та жизнь, о которой мечтал юноша, он не может рассказать об этом семье, боясь за здоровье отца. Какое-то время ему удается скрывать от родных правду, но все меняет неожиданный приезд его старых друзей.
Just Married
Violetta Impanato
Nicola, a policeman in Puglia, is a reformed ladies' man with his heart set on marrying the daughter of the Indian ambassador.
Due mamme di troppo
Lellè Pelliconi
Сатурн в противофазе
Minnie Marchetti
Гей-пара Давид и Лоренцо живут вместе и неплохо ладят. Вторая примечательная семья — Анжелика и Антонио, у них дочь и сын. Третья пара — Неваль и Роберто. Семьи и их друзья собираются вместе, обедают, обсуждают свои отношения. Но жизнь есть жизнь и всякое может случиться…
Il figlio della luna
Lucia Frisone
Amore con la S maiuscola
A man and a woman try to win back their respective partners.
If I Were You
Chi mi aiuta
Paolo and Carlo are good friends. The first introverted, disillusioned and intellectual, while the other is happy if shallow. Despite their differences they share accommodation. Paolo runs an “alternative” kind of library; Carlo plays the violin in a little band. Their lives go on peacefully, when suddenly Paolo falls in love with one of his a customers - Lili, an amateur actress - whom he decides to take home. Carlo doesn’t react well to the fact he’s got to share with a third person, so he comes up with a weird idea - he flirts with the new girl and manages to seduce her. Paolo thinks his best friend is now guilty of a real betrayal, while Lili is undecided: she’s attracted by both the culture of Paolo and the physical attraction of Carlo. This love triangle ends when Paolo tries to commit suicide, Carlo feels guilty and Lili leaves them both, returning to her previous life and still hoping to find her one true love.
Mi manda Picone