Deepraj Rana

Deepraj Rana


Deepraj Rana


No Means No
No Means No is a cross-genre action-packed, teenage musical love story, a courtroom drama that's more like the thrill of a roller-coaster ride as each twist and turn begins to unravel to reach a conclusion that calls out for justice.
Shubh Nikah
Upcoming Hindi social drama movie directed by Arshad Siddiqui.
Shaadi, Dahej and Gangster
Jignesh Bhai Patel (Alok Nath) is a billionaire NRI businessman living in London with his wife Sudha (Reema Lagoo) and son Harsh. Their household is highly patriarchal and strictly follows Indian traditions. Harsh decides to marry a girl from India, unaware of the conspiracy set by his prospective in-laws, Deepak Tijori and Supriya Karnik. Will an entire gang in the guise of the ‘bride’ and her relatives bring his doom?
The Hidden Strike
The Hidden Strike is a fictional movie about a ground mission where a team of thirteen Indian Army officers and soldiers went across POK and destroyed the terrorist camp with a planned sub tactical strike. The film is dedicated to India soldiers and their families. The film shows what price our freedom fighters pay for the safety of our country. The Hidden Strike also highlights issues that the Indian Army faces from certain groups of people from the valley. —Suzad Iqbal Khan
Officer Arjun Singh IPS
SP Sarang
A rural politician marries a widow with kids and gains a respectable position and trusts his stepson more than his own in political matters; thus upsetting his son beyond limits.
Gun Pe Done
Pancham's love interest, Monica, receives an offer of astronomical proportions to be the 'item' in a dance number at a New Year party. This gala event is thrown by a liquor king's right hand Kamachi. To add to the chaos, the king falls in love with Monica. Meanwhile, a channel is trying to do sting operation during their New Year party to prove involvement of a politician in the liquor king's illegal business. The journalist disguises herself as Monica to record the underhand deals. Kamachi realises that Monica is an impostor and starts looking for her, sparking off a hilarious and complex sequence of events.
The Dark Side of Life: Mumbai City
Set in the city of Mumbai, The Dark Side of Life: Mumbai City is a multi-plotted story which revolves around the lives of seven individuals who are pushed to the brink of depression while battling their emotional and financial problems. Will they fight through it or will they succumb to their circumstances?
Господин, его жена и гангстер 3
Продолжение известного индийского криминального фильма, главные герои которого продолжают яростно бороться со своими врагами за власть. В центре повествования вновь находятся Биви и Сахеб, которым снова придётся оказаться в центре заговоров и масштабных конфликтов. Им не впервой ввязываться в рискованные авантюры, и они готовы пойти на любой риск, лишь бы укрепить свою власть в криминальном мире. Биви и Сахеб продолжают строить большие планы относительно своего будущего, и их никто не в силах остановить.
Даас Дев
Prabhunath Singh
Романтический триллер с интересной современной интерпретацией классической истории о любовном треугольнике ДевДас-Паро-Чандрамукхи, в котором Рахул Бхат играет Дева, в высшей степени талантливая Рича Чадда в роли Паро и Адити Рао Хидари в роли Чандни.
Billu Ustaad
An extraordinary story of a small boy and his journey from orphanage to being a son of an IAS officer and his fight against terrorism to save his dear friends.
Kadvi Hawa
In a village affected by climate change and scanty rainfall, a blind farmer strikes a deal with the debt recovery agent to save his son from a debt trap.
Toofan Singh
CRPF Officer
The journey of a Punjabi Sikh boy who grew up during the chaotic, violent 1980s revolving around his chase for survival, equality and justice in order to protect and shield society and fight against brutality, crime and corruption.
The honey-extracting tribal folks of Kadambavanam, a village in the deep interiors of dense forests, enjoy their peaceful & humble lives with the philosophical company of their forefathers. Presence of limestone underneath earns the village some interest from unethical vultures. With multiple soft evacuation plans failing against the tribal resistance, they resort to uglier ways putting the villagers’ lives into complete disarray. Can they withstand when payback time presents itself?
Gang of Littles
The Story of 4 Innocent kids who are common but there thinking is different from others. They have an aspiring dream to become a scientist but ignorance of their parent's guidance they commit something which is unthinkable to anyone.
31 октября
Действие фильма начинает разворачиваться 31 октября 1984 года. На тогдашнего премьер-министра Индии Индиру Ганди осуществили покушение, которое обернулось смертью политика. Ситуация очень необычная, ведь с женщиной расправились охранники, которые должны были любой ценой защищать её от бандитов. Вскоре выяснилось, что телохранители Индиры были сикхами. Когда информация об этом просочилась в СМИ, большая часть населения Индии горячо возненавидела сикхов. Начались беспорядки, в ходе которых было убито много представителей этой народности. В результате развернувшейся охоты на сикхов пострадал Давиндер Сингх. Жизнь мужчины оказалась сломана, а большая часть родственников погибла в ходе беспорядков…
1:13:7 Ek Tera Saath
Suryakant Singh Chauhan
This story is about paranormal activities happening around us in our daily life which sometimes gets noticed and at times not.
Police Inspector
Based on the innocent friendship between a Hindu boy Raghu and a Muslim girl which rapidly escalates into a political minefield, causing unrest and chaos in Uttar Pradesh.
Kerry on Kutton
Laal dhaari
Four teenage lives undergoing a distorted upbringing intertwine in India's small town Ballia also known as the city of REBELS; eventually leading these teenagers into the dark zone of wannabe criminals. Kerry- whose only ambition in life is to break his virginity. Kadambari- who would rather love to die than join his family legacy of a Musical Wedding Band Party and aspires to become a millionaire by mating dogs just like his Rajesh Uncle, all he has to do is steal a high breed puppy from Bade Babu and cross the border to reach Rajesh Uncle .Suraj- who wants to gift a touch phone to his love Jyoti but is unable to because of his miser father, who is a Government school teacher and cleverly manipulates him to give him no pocket money. Jyoti- who uses her beauty as a tool to blackmail her lovers to achieve her materialistic demands.
Неуловимый Прем
Описание: Жил-был один простой парень, по имени Прем. Он жил себе жил, да ни о чем не тужил. Играл в спектаклях, зарабатывая деньги вместе со своим закадычным другом для благотворительного фонда, которым управляла любовь всей его жизни - принцесса Майтхили Деви. Наш Прем мечтал, что однажды он сам лично вручит королевской особе все сборы от пожертвований и признается в своих чувствах.
Creature 3D
Deputy Forest Officer
People attend their first halt in a newly opened lodge in deep forest, but something is waiting for them.
Machhli Jal Ki Rani Hai
Ugra Pratap Singh
It's not just a matter of one spirit, it's a matter of multiple possessions in one body.
Вне закона
История о жизни Бикрама и Бала, которым было всего по 12 лет, когда они стали свидетелями войны 1971-го года, в результате которой образовался Бангладеш. Чтобы спасти свою жизнь они бежали в Калькутту. С годами их дружба стала сильнее, и они превратились в самых влиятельных бандитов.
Господин, его жена и... наш Гангстер возвращается
Королевские скандалы и борьба за власть продолжаются. Даже обездвиженный, Адитья Пратап Сингх держит в страхе всю округу, а его жена продолжает опускаться в пучину безнравственности. Королевской семье нужен наследник, но спивающаяся жена в качестве матери никого не устраивает. И тогда господин решает ввести в дом вторую жену – юную Ранджану. Только смирится ли с этим Мадхави? Так ли уж проста сама невеста? И какие козыри в руках нового гангстера?.
26 грабителей
In the early 1980s in India, a group of con artists rob well-known businessmen and politicians by posing as officers of the Central Bureau of Intelligence or income tax officials. The gang stages fake raids during which they steal great amounts of money from their targets.
On the request of his friend Kabir, SP Adil Sends him to the Naxal group as an informer. When Kabir finds the truth he becomes one of their gang leader.
Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster
After the death of his first wife, wealthy Raja Aditya Pratap Singh, re-marries another woman, simply known as Chhoti Rani, who subsequently becomes mentally unstable. His father's former mistress, Badi Rani, controls the wealth, while he himself has a mistress. Unable to procure contracts through Mantri Prabhu Tiwari, he decides to stand for elections, while his rival, Ghenda Singh, recruits an assassin, Babalu, who is also the nephew of Sunder, Chhoti Rani's chauffeur, to kill Aditya. After Sunder is unable to drive due to an injury, he recommends Babalu, and Aditya hires him. Babalu settles down in his new job, attempts to get accepted by everyone, including Chhoti Rani, who he finds attractive. He soon finds out that she, too, has feelings for him, and then starts making plans of not only carrying out his assigned task but also becoming the next Saheb.
Red Swastik
Inspector Sunil Ranade
The police hunt a femme fatale who, after intercourse, brutally murders her lovers and leaves behind a swastika calling card.
Полицейская история
Курсант полиции Виджай направляется на стажировку в Мумбай для укрепления сил правопорядка на время проведения выборов. Здесь он знакомится с Ромой и у молодых людей завязывается роман. Но столкнувшись в Мумбае с коррупцией в рядах старших чинов полиции, Виджай с юношеским максимализмом пытается восстановить справедливость. Однако его подставляют и он оказывается за решеткой по обвинению в покушении на убийство и распространении наркотиков.
Линия контроля
Индийско-пакистанская война, ее самый «горячий» горный рубеж, называемый «линией контроля». Ведь за ним - враги, и отстоять его нужно любой ценой. У каждого из солдат, сражающихся за «линию контроля» своя судьба, но их объединяет то, что каждый оставил в мирной жизни, что-то дорогое сердцу, к чему хочется обязательно вернуться...
Vidya lives a middle-class lifestyle in a virtually lawless town called Amarpur, India, along with her widower and disabled dad, Shambhu; married brother, Shiva and his wife, Lata; and her paternal grandma. She studies in the Arts Commerce and Science college in Bombay, and is summoned home to get married to a man of her family's choice, to which she reluctantly agrees. On the day of the marriage, a dancer performs an item which angers Mahadev, who is the Mukhiya of Mandaur, another lawless...