В 90-е годы Рио-де-Жанейро потрясла волна похищений. Силовики призывают скандальных агентов помочь спасти город не только от бандитов, но и от самой полиции.
After thirteen years of engagement, the boring sex life of Rui and Vani is limited to one intercourse every other week. They decide to seek excitement with a threesome and they decide to invite Vani's cousin Silvinha to participate late night, but an accident interrupts their game. Rui and Vani unsuccessfully spend the night searching for for companion of a bisexual woman.
In Rio de Janeiro, the forty and something years old Mercedes (Lília Cabral) goes to the psychoanalyst and tells the story of her life since she was a girl and lost her mother. Along the three years of analysis, her life changes and she divorces from her husband Gustavo (José Mayer) and has love affairs with the younger Theo (Reynaldo Gianecchini)
Клаудио и Хелена находятся на грани разрыва отношений, и пока этого не случилось, должно произойти нечто такое, что помогло бы им лучше понять друг друга….