Jean-Michel Cousteau

Рождение : 1938-05-06,


Explorer, Founder and President of the Ocean Futures Society. Son of Jacques Cousteau.


Чудеса моря 3D
Французский исследователь океана Жан-Мишель Кусто и его взрослые дети, вооруженные передовыми технологиями 3D, исследуют океан и узнают, что подвергает его риску. Море – только само слово может вызвать ряд приятных ассоциаций. Например, о невероятно красивых закатах, белом песке и о привлекательных глубинах.
Есть пути, которые не отыщешь на картах. Есть цели, которые укажет только любовь. «Одиссея» — самый масштабный приключенческий проект современного французского кино. История героя, открывшего человечеству «второй космос». Его экспедиции вдохновили миллионы. Его главное путешествие осталось тайной. Первопроходец. Мечтатель. Бунтарь. Легендарный Жак-Ив Кусто: его корабль, его открытия, его настоящая Одиссея.
Sonic Sea
The devastating impact of industrial and military ocean noise on whales and other marine life.
The Current: Explore the Healing Powers of the Ocean
Documentary - The Current tells the story of individuals from all walks of life that have faced incredible obstacles, found the drive to overcome their disabilities, and have through water sports become real everyday heroes. - Bethany Hamilton, Missy Franklin, Mallory Weggemann, Anthony Robles, Jesse Murphree
My Father the Captain: Jacques-Yves Cousteau
My Father, The Captain: Jacques-Yves Cousteau revisits the adventure and the legacy of Captain Cousteau not only through intimate stories from his family but also from some of the people whose lives he influenced. In rediscovered footage of the earliest days of scuba diving, Jean-Michel Cousteau shows how his father brought the great unseen ocean into focus and into our homes. Jean-Michel and the next generation of Cousteau children, now adults, describe the legacy they have taken upon themselves to carry and cast a meaningful light on the life and work of a man who inspired millions to reconsider our relationship with the sea and its creatures.
Case of the Sponge
When two kids ask for his help finding "Bikini Bottom", Jean-Michel Cousteau decides to call up Stephen Hillenburg and together they take a look at the magnificent sea creatures that inspired the world of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Exploring the Reef
Jean-Michael Cousteau's documentary about the Great Barrier Reef keeps getting interrupted by characters from Disney's Finding Nemo.
La collection Cousteau N°30-1 - Mékong : le don de l'eau
La collection Cousteau N°1-2 - Les requins dormeurs du Yucatan
La collection Cousteau N°14-1 - Australie : le peuple de l’eau et du feu
Lilliput in Antarctica
Executive Producer
Follows Cousteau on a trip to Antarctica with 6 children, each chosen to represent one of the other continents in order to raise awareness about the global significance of Antarctica, the continent most crucial to world climate regulation.
The Cousteau Collection N°11-1 - Scandal in Valdez
Outrage at Valdez
On March 24, 1989, the supertanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in the pristine waters of Alaska's Prince William Sound, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil. Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of Jacques Cousteau, takes us on a voyage to investigate first-hand the devastating impact of the U.S.'s largest oil spill. Amid the majestic mountains and ice floes of this serene setting, the leaking oil spreads like a virus staining and often killing everything it encounters. Harbor seals, sea otters, and bald eagles fall victim to the tragic accident.
La collection Cousteau N°28-2 - La machine à remonter le temps - Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée 1
La collection Cousteau N°22-1 - Bornéo : Le spectre de la tortue
La collection Cousteau N°33-1 - Le crépuscule du chasseur en Alaska
La collection Cousteau N°13-1 - Australie : l'ultime barrière
La collection Cousteau N°16-1 - Îles du Détroit : les eaux de la discorde
La collection Cousteau N°19-1 - Amazonie : tempête de neige sur la jungle
La collection Cousteau N°18-1 - Ombres fuyantes : Indiens de l'Amazonie
La collection Cousteau N°17-2 - Amazonie : la rivière enchantée
La collection Cousteau N°17-1 - Amazonie : au pays des milles rivières
The Cousteau collection N°11-2 - Ultimatum under the sea