Burberry's special film in celebration of the Chinese New Year. The film celebrates the arrival of spring bringing a sense of new beginnings and a yearning to explore the unknown
A pair of deaf-mute lovers who met through the Internet. The two share each other's lives through mobile phones, and finally meet at the train station through the sea of people.
The film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by his brother and his on-again, off-again lover, Alex is forced to face his mortality and the loss of his sexual identity through sheer resilience. A devastating, but ultimately hopeful story of survival and resolve.
Отличница Чэнь Нянь стремится вырваться из бедности, поступив в лучший национальный колледж. Ее одноклассница сводит счеты с жизнью из-за буллинга, а потом объектом травли становится сама Нянь. В свой самый темный час она встречает беспризорника-сироту Бэя, и между двумя покалеченными душами возникает связь. Но когда они входят в сложный взрослый мир, те невинные обеты, которые некогда Нянь и Бэй принесли друг другу, уже вряд ли смогут вывести их из тьмы.
Шесть девочек и два мальчика часто общаются друг с другом в своем групповом чате "Пэт По" Но из-за конфликтов, их дружба становится напряженной, и в конце концов, они покидают группу. Но когда один из них попадает в беду, они снова собираются вместе.
Shui Sing's son
Reckless police inspector Sai Gau (Zhang Jin) is on a mission to crack down on criminal Shing's (Shawn Yue) gold smuggling scheme, yet fails to arrest him. As Sai Gau continues his manhunt, he discovers Shing's involvement with triad boss Blackie (Yasuaki Kurata), who hides on a casino cruise ship on the high seas. Shing has been involved in a power struggle within the smuggling ring, and is forced to kill his adopted father. He also loses his share of gold smuggling to Blackie. To get even, Shing appears on the cruise, while Sai Gau is there to hunt for him.
Cherie's Younger Brother
Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung reprise their popular roles as a star-crossed couple who strive to stay together happily ever after, only to find their already precarious relationship further strained, when Jimmy’s childhood friend asks him to donate sperm, and Cherie is troubled by the re-marriage of her father.
The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became inseparable until they met a boy who ended up tearing their lives apart.
Joe Ma
Инспектор Уильям Лук из независимой комиссии по борьбе с коррупцией расследует дело трейдера Гонконгского Жокей-клуба Тан Сиу Хуна, подозреваемого в получении взятки и фиксации коэффициентов в ставках на спорт. Однако подозреваемый умирает от рук киллера на глазах у инспектора Лука.
Детектив Лау назначен ответственным по делу об убийстве, но НКБК и полиция не имеют привычки сотрудничать, поэтому у Лау не получается вытянуть информацию из инспектора Лука. Оба ведомства вникают в связь потерпевшего с незаконными букмекерскими операциями и выясняют, что за ниточки дергает могущественный и безжалостный "большой босс".
GOOD TAKE is an omnibus of five short stories with 85 minutes duration, filled with suspense, surprise etc. The ending of each story is never what it seems….
Lau Kin-Ping
An anarcho-absurdist blood-soaked grand guignol indie flick with attitude to burn, this is the pitch perfect youth movie from Hong Kong. A twenty-something punk fancies himself a total player, but the best job he can find is overnight clerk at a convenience store. The other clerk is a cute chick and you’re thinking “rom com,” but then there’s a robbery, a gangster, a shoot-out, and by the time a neighbor is pulling out a homemade bomb, you realize that this violent farce is all about the current situation in Hong Kong where nothing makes sense, the heartless wipe their feet on the hopeless, and you might as well burn it all down because there are no more better tomorrows.
Steve Shit
Set in old rural district, Charlie pretends to be an ALS patient so he can gain sympathy from others. He runs a charity organization where he secretly carries out all sorts of nasty business. The village chief Fung Yan-bing is a dishonest man who likes to test others with money and take advantage of them. Along comes a beautiful woman named Yu Zan, a materialistic lady who loves money more than anything. However, the woman is carrying the baby of her ex-boyfriend who is a well-known tycoon's heir. The arrival of the baby will soon change the mentalities and nature of the three problematic human beings
Madame Glaze
Три 18-летние подруги. Три школьницы. Ничто так не радует их как мысль о скорой взрослой и свободной от правил жизни. Однако их понятие «взрослой» жизни абсолютно отличается от реальности. Они веселятся, развлекаются, флиртуют с мужчинами. И как-то незаметно для них самих этот флирт с мужчинами перерастает в физические отношения. Поняв, что вот она эта «взрослая» жизнь, о которой они постоянно болтали по ночам, девочки увлекаются этим и становятся проститутками на полставки.
Award winning scriptwriter and director Ivy Ho returns with this Hong Kong crime story. A sexually motivated abduction leads to a car crash that brings together the lives of police officers, criminals and innocent members of the public on an eerily empty Hong Kong night. Rising star Derek Tsang leads an ensemble cast in a film that proves top-notch, noir tinged contemporary crime drama emanates from lands beyond Scandinavia.
Мир впал во мрак. Города, как сказано в предсказании, стали кладбищами, а кладбища городами. Эпидемия распространяется из небоскрёба по всему мегаполису. В доме одновременно оказываются разные люди, оказавшиеся там с разными целями. Полицейские, наркодиллеры, школьницы, рэперы, девицы легкого поведения, тусовщики... Они первыми и оказываются жертвами.Небоскрёб превращается в кладбище восставших мертвецов. Эпидемия выходит на улицы города, но она меняет людей, превращая их не только в зомби. Милый и когда-то добрый учитель химии становится хозяином бойцовой арены, на которой люди сражаются с мертвецами. И что ждёт такой грёбаный мир? Надежда или смерть. Умереть или сражаться?
Joe Ma
История о самой крупной финансовой махинации, произошедшей в Гонконге, соучастниками которой стали все 7 миллионов его жителей.
Чин — работник музея, ее муж — врач — изменяет ей с медсестрой. Брат Чин, Тао — успешный преподаватель, его жена Сиси — модель и актриса. Но мысль о том, почему их дочь некрасива и не похожа на мать поглотила Тао и заставляет его подозревать жену в измене. Отец Чин и Тао — неунывающий вдовец, у него молодая подруга, с которой он ходит в ночные клубы. Это раздражает Тао и отдаляет его от отца.
Simon Yuen
Вэймэн Чан пишет эротические рассказы для порно-колонки в газете, однако с распространением интернета в массах, печатное порно перестает пользоваться спросом, колонку закрывают, а Чан теряет работу. И тут случайно у него и его друзей возникает идея снять собственное порно и они погружаются в манящий мир порно-индустрии…
Dried Shrimp
The Special Duties Unit (SDU) is an elite paramilitary tactical unit of the Hong Kong Police Force and is considered one of the world's finest in its role. But being the best carries its own burdens. Like everyone else, they go through troubles with love, with family and with their jobs. And sometimes they get horny. This touching story is about Special Duties Unit Team B and their trip to Macau for a weekend of unadulterated debauchery.
In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect the Emperor by killing anyone who posed a threat to him or his rule. After 348 successful missions to eliminate their target, the 349th assignment proves to be their last.
My Sassy Husband follows Yoyo Ma and Thirteen Cheung’s union 10 years later to present day where they are experiencing marital problems. After they realize that their wedding ceremony held in London is not considered official in Hong Kong, they decide to part ways in search of their real love. While Yoyo and Thirteen both start dating new prospects, will they end up back together?
Три друга присоединились к банде Триада. На них обрушились богатство и слава. Но только один из них может стать главарём банды. Смогут ли они сохранить дружбу?..
Интернациональная команда воров экстра-класса планирует грандиозное ограбление в Макао. Все участники банды — опытные профессионалы, бывали в переделках и способны эффективно работать в самых опасных и стрессовых условиях. Однако, несмотря на то, что все роли в безупречном плане преступления четко определены, многие из участников расклада совсем не собираются довольствоваться своей долей и коварно намереваются умыкнуть весь куш. К тому же один из них — полицейский «под прикрытием»…
Shen Wei and Tong Xin wake up one morning in a bed, with no idea what happened or even who the person in bed with them is. The two split with few words, but each is missing something. What is actually happening last night?
Cherie's Brother
When old flames reunite, will it be second time's the charm or a case of once bitten twice shy? Jimmy and Cherie, two ex-lovers from Hong Kong, cross paths in Beijing and can't seem to forget each other, despite being involved with someone else. Torn between fidelity towards their new partners or following their hearts, they explore the struggles, doubts and fears that exist among modern young couples.
In a crowded city like Hong Kong, former lovers often cross each other's path. One night, a former couple reunites for one night as they talk about their past, their present, and the possibility of a future. Elsewhere in the city, a laundry shop girl has a crush on a customer, carrying on her days fantasizing about adventures with an inanimate version of him. Meanwhile, Po runs into a childhood friend and reminisces about the days of him as a teenager and his own infatuation with his best friend's mother. Back in the present, Po is contacted by a stranger with a secret about two people they know very well…
Four young women are tempted by the money that can be earned in prostitution. They have to learn in their own way that nothing comes without a price.
Chow Yi (Gillian Chung) is about to leave on holiday with her boyfriend, Yang Pai Shu (Lawrence Chou) until an argument makes Chow Yi to dump him at the airport. Their breakup is being witnessed by her ex-boyfriend, Chan Kwan Ping (William Chan), who has just returned from overseas trip. Waiting for his arrival is his current girlfriend, Dai Pui Si (Michelle Wai). Kwan Ping then offers his lift to bring Chow Yi back to the city. Upon knowing Chow Yi is homeless, jobless and friendless, he let her to stay in his place for two days, making Pui Si jealous. Can the ex-lovers reunite once again?
Young Roast Pork
Жареный — гангстер, пришедший в криминал, чтобы заработать себе на ресторан. За годы, в которые Жареный стал правой рукой главы триады Керосина, он добился желаемого, женился и теперь хочет уйти на покой. Но у его босса дела идут не лучшим образом — незаконный бизнес приносит мало денег, так что ему даже пришлось взять кредит в банке, отдать который он не в состоянии. Жареный предлагает ему уступить пост главы триады на следующий срок кому-то другому — чтобы с долгами разбирался его преемник, и Керосин решает, что лучше кандидата, чем Жареный, ему не найти. Только вот Свинине все это нафиг не надо, как не надо и его «конкуренту» — только что вышедшему из тюрьмы после многолетней отсидки Ласточке. Мать Ласточки мечтает, чтобы ее сын занял место главы, но Ласточка хочет поступить в Гонконгский Университет и учиться экономике…
Cheung Jai
Шеунг всю жизнь копит на собственную квартиру. Причем, квартира ей нужна не абы какая, а в конкретном доме и с окнами на залив — о такой она мечтала с детства. Но стоят квартиры очень дорого, поэтому процесс накопления затянулся на десятилетия — а цены растут быстрее, чем Шеунг успевает копить.
Шеунг всю жизнь копит на собственную квартиру. Причем, квартира ей нужна не абы какая, а в конкретном доме и с окнами на залив — о такой она мечтала с детства. Но стоят квартиры очень дорого, поэтому процесс накопления затянулся на десятилетия — а цены растут быстрее, чем Шеунг успевает копить.
Pearl has quietly fallen in love with her boss Tom, who’s married with a family. Without warning, Tom asks Pearl to interview for another job. Wounded, Pearl demands that Tom terminate her. The gauntlet has been thrown down. In a space as small, crowded and claustrophobic as the office, love doesn’t grow - it incubates and breeds, like a virus.
Third Brother's assistant
A turbulent love affair between a punk and a youthful waitress.
After a late-night triad dispute leads to the death of an innocent civilian, PTU officers take action by investigating triad activities in the area.
Когда у мужчины рождается ребенок, то его мировозрение меняется. Появляются новые грани и новое понятие, что значит быть ответственным. Но в жизни все не просто. Ли Тин Юн — член китайской ОПГ, более известной как триада. Войти в эту организацию просто, выйти — почти невозможно. Девять из десяти членов триад заканчивают свой путь в могиле. Возможен ли шанс, что ты станешь тем счастливчиком, которому удастся уйти? И будешь ли ты счастливчиком? Но когда на кону благополучие своей жены и дочери, все остальное не имеет значения.
Down-on-his-luck gambler Kan Au (Sam Lee) owes a big sum of money, and needs to go on a winning streak soon or the loan sharks will take the interest from his hide. Luckily, Kan finds a blessed coin that allows him to draws the unbeatable "13 Unique Wonders" hand of mahjong on 13 consecutive nights, which should be enough for him to pay his debts. The problem: every time he uses the coin to win,somebody dies a gruesome, gory death. Meanwhile, fetching Luk Wing (Elanne Kwong) wakes up one morning to discover her family being eaten! Everyone around her has become a zombie, and Wing has to pick up an axe and fight back, or her heart will be come lunch for the living dead.
Rock/Lok Chun
Rock, the director of a TV program about the supernatural, firmly believes in ghosts. He desperately wants to meet a real one, but little does he realise the consequences this will bring. Desperate to increase the viewership of his show, Rock meets Tincy, who is actually a female ghost. Together they develop a new program called Life or Death which becomes a big success. But soon Rock uncovers the conspiracy behind Tincy's death, and is framed for her murder. With his only possible saviour stuck in a performance, Rock only has one hour left to save his life.
Sex or love, which is more important? There are three female flat mates: Vivian is frivolous, Kitty is prim and proper, and Mei Wah is ditsy. Through new experiences of love and sex, they find themselves. Three women, with three different love and sex experiences, tell us that sex and love cannot be separated. Women talk always makes you lose in thought.
Mini B
After working as an undercover in a triad for 8 years, Sheng finally arrests the triad leader and resumes his duties as a police officer. However, life does not return to normal as he is faced with suspicions colleagues and even trailed by the investigations team. One day, he meets some triad members whom he has earlier befriended as an undercover agent and is forced into a corner when asked to collaborate with them once again.
Kaoru has Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), and is not allowed to be exposed to sunlight. She sleeps during the day and is active at night. She busks every night in front of a station playing guitar. Outside her bedroom window, she spots a high school boy with a surfboard. She watches him and his friends visit the ocean every morning, before going to sleep. One day, she introduces herself to him without letting him know about her illness. He is Kji Fujishiro (Takashi Tsukamoto) When her cousin drags her home, they sit by her window while they watch Kji meet his friends. Kaoru explains everything, and her cousin notes that she probably goes to the same school as him, and offers to spy on him for her.
Zhang Liang is a young man who does not engage into any proper work. His secret hobby is to play with all kinds of high-tech candid technology, especially the candid photographs. He falls madly in love with a young air-stewardess. Liang brings his full equipment all the way to stay in a vacation house. Secretly he installs pinhole video cameras in the stewardess's room as well as other tenants. Through these Liang disvovers people's secrets. He does not notice he will become the lead instead of a bystander...
A Macao police officer's bachelor life is interrupted by the daughter he never knew he fathered.
A Macao police officer's bachelor life is interrupted by the daughter he never knew he fathered.
The melancholy Candy runs the Half Mortal, a trendy bar in Hong Kong. She hires Paul; Stella, a part-time employee who's a college student in psychology, trains him. He has a gift for mixing the perfect drink to fit each customer's emotional needs. His own emotions, however, are complex: his father, an alcoholic, has died recently; he's abandoned his studies; and, although he's likes Stella, he's a tyro with women and inarticulate with her. Is alcohol the key to happiness, as Paul wonders; does it simply change peoples' personality, as Stella thinks; or, is it just there, as Candy's business sense tells her? Can Paul and Stella blend into something smooth?
The story of four soon-to-be-college grads who are about to embark on the big adventure known as life. The foursome concoct an elaborate plan to hire a Japanese porn actress (or "AV Girl") for a fake film. Then they'll have sex with her. What could go wrong?
Restaurant supervisor Jill (Karena Lam) has a handsome boyfriend Chi On (Wu Bing), but she is just his backup girlfriend. She knows she is the other girl, but her hope for being his one and only has never ceased until he changes his formal girlfriend once again. All her anger goes to her co-worker Jack (Ekin Cheng), who appears to be a womanizer but indeed shares a similar unfortunate romantic situation of being the backup boyfriend of an airhostess. Knowing that both are victims in romantic relationships, Jack and Jill no longer spar with each other and a liking between them start to develop
Джои рвет с прошлым, но выясняет, что беременна. Решившись на аборт, она погружается в странные галлюцинации. Самой страшной становится видение бледной женщины с гипнотическим взглядом, бросающейся под колеса поезда метро. Джои впадает в депрессию, но решает сохранить ребенка. Она надеется, что любовь к малышу поможет избежать безумия. В буддийском монастыре ей открывают что души самоубийц поджидают рождение человека, чтобы вселиться в него и обрести новую оболочку. Джои в панике, она не может допустить, чтобы в ее дитя вселился пугающий дух незнакомки…
An amusement park reopens after a deadly accident fourteen years prior. But although the park is back in business, that doesn't mean it's safe, and when a young boy goes missing, a group of his friends set out to find him.
Young Tin Yau
Four men attempt to fool around as much as they can before their wives return from a 14-hour Buddhism trip to Thailand.
Two policemen, intent on their dangerous mission to uncover the truth at all costs. Putting into question the price of their friendship.