Luboš Veselý

Luboš Veselý

Рождение : 1961-10-30,


Luboš Veselý


Ordinary Failures
A misfit teenager, an anxious mother, and a recent widow see their day interrupted by a mysterious natural phenomenon. As their world descends into chaos, the three women struggle to find their place in life.
Dům na samotě
Josef Bergman
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delivering a tragic message of fear, hatred and disinterest across the chasm of time.
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Lady Macbeth z Újezdu
The Case of the Deceased Dead
Команда детективов неуклюже и сбивчиво ведет расследование, в котором фигурируют убийство, шантаж и, возможно, кто-то из их знакомых.
Větříček I. (Hrabě Johann Kilian von Strack)
8 Heads of Madness
ANNA ALEXANDROVNA BARKOVA (1901-1976) Journalist and poet, meeting suspicious characters. Involved in immoral love affairs. Work in the Kremlin, fired. 1934 - Arrested, 5 years of penal servitude in Karaganda. Lived in Ukraine during the WWII. 1946 - Arrested, 5 years of penal servitude in the Komi Republic. 1956 - Rehabilitated, disability pension. 1957 - Arrested, 10 years of penal servitude. The film 8 Heads of Madness is about the eternal struggle between the artist and external circumstances, the artist and her demons and longings. 8 Heads of Madness is a drama woven from fragments of an appalling era. An unhappy cross-section of the 20th century in an unhappy country, as seen through the sensitive, perceptive vision of a poet.
Absence blízkosti
Ice Mother
After her husband's death, Hana lives on alone in the family villa. Her two sons visit her with their families, but these visits frequently end in quarrels. When Hana meets Brona, a hardy fellow, inured to winter swimming, a new world opens before her. Brona's team-mates absorb her into their team and Hana gradually learns to overcome her fear of icy water. Her relation with Brona grows into love.
Hlas pro římského krále
Czech Television's epic historical film draws on the breathtaking dramatic life of the great of Czech history, King Charles IV.
Zločin v Polné
officer Klenovec
An exciting drama from a detective history. In 1899 a dead girl - seamstress Anežka Hrůzová - was found between the village of Věžnička and the town of Polná. She was 19 and she had a cutting wound on the throat. There was no sexual violence involved and since the local doctors thought that there was not enough blood on the crime scene, everyone jumped to the conclusion that Jews must have killed her and added her blood to their passover matzot. There was a potential murderer at hand too - a cheeky, not very bright young Jewish rover, Leopold Hilsner…
Jan Hus – Cesta bez návratu
Régisseur opéra comique
Париж 20-х годов. Каждый год любители музыки собираются в замке Маргариты Дюмон. Никто почти ничего не знает об этой женщине за исключением того, что она богата и что в ее жизни одна страсть: музыка. Маргарита поет. Она поет искренне, но очень фальшиво. Ей никто никогда не говорил о том, что её пение ужасно. Муж, родственники и друзья поддерживают Маргариту и она продолжает жить в иллюзии. Все осложняется в тот день, когда Маргарита, окончательно уверовав в свой талант певицы, решает выступить в Опере…
David Zeisberger – apoštol indiánů
Jako nikdy
The priest (segment "Prague")
Thursday morning, Jerusalem. Nira goes to work. Ahmad in London does the same, Ralf in Cologne and a priest in Prague too. Matija, Croat, goes to work as well. Ok, he doesn't, but he acts as if he does. Ahmad is taking his routine red bus journey. Out-of-breath young man comes in and interrupts it. Schoolteacher Nira is also interrupted - her pupil jumps out and performs a love rap song he wrote for her. The priest in Prague doesn't feel like singing today, he is in the mood for (over)sleeping instead. Someone falls asleep, someone else - Ralf - falls in love. All five mentioned above are listening to the top-news about the disappearance of bees. And trying their best, each one of them in his or her own 'hive': Zagreb, Jerusalem, London, Cologne, Prague...
Flower Buds
Flower Buds tells the story of the gradual breakdown of a family living in a small town. Each character lives according to his or her own ideals. Agata wants a happy life far from home, fully aware that her only hope is to escape and therefore betray those close to her. Honza believes in the purity and power of love, regardless of the circumstances under which it is born. Kamila looks confidently to the future and does not intend to accept the misery of the present. The only Jarda knows that he will not change the world or himself. Aware of his weakness, he does not even try. In his mind, of course, his addiction to slot machines, which has led to a nearly impossible situation, is as certain as most gamblers' belief of an imminent win. The real and convincing attempt to rescue his family comes when it is too late. It is just a futile gesture, a desperate last ditch effort.
1982 год. Антонин Руснак работает лейтенантом StB (чехословацкий аналог КГБ). Он неприметный мужчина, маленький, лысый, плохо одевающийся, слушающий ужасную музыку. Он — из тех, над кем в школе издевались, кого дразнили, кого били, над кем смеялись. Но сейчас Антонин работает в могущественной организации и обладает полной властью над людьми. Вместе со своим коллегой он «обрабатывает» чешских диссидентов: врачей, писателей, ученых. Задача Антонина Руснака сломать людей, заставить их сотрудничать с StB или покинуть страну. Сейчас их главная цель — врач Томаш Сикора. Выясняется, что Томаш Сикора завел себе любовницу, которая работает крановщицей на заводе. И в какой-то момент лейтенант Руснак понимает, что он должен овладеть этой женщиной. Она должна стать его. Руководство лейтенанта Руснака начинает слежку и за своим сотрудником, опасаясь, что тот сошел с ума. Но лейтенанту Руснаку не страшно ничего, он знает, что он умнее и хитрее всех. Что он — настоящий властитель этого мира
Dum U Zlateho usvitu
Magic and spells in the peaceful town of Jack-o'-lantern, which you will not find on any map. A funny story telling you how a magician's visit can turn his life back and how Ondra may have been fortunate enough. In the poetic fairy-tale grotesque, taking place in the non-existent town of Jack-o'-lantern, the time has stopped. The hands on the clocks show twelve minutes in twelve minutes, as if they were symbolically giving the last chance. Only the mysterious figure of Acrude knows how the story of the bluddy and the fate of his heroes will come. The well-known clairvoyant Heliodromus arrives in town. In front of school, the main hero of the story Ondra is acquainted with his daughter, Adelka...
An Earthly Paradise for the Eyes
Adolescence is always a difficult time; it is doubly so for Gábina. For one thing, she is growing up in the normalization years of the 1970s, and then she also has to face the reality that her father is a well-known actor disavowed by the regime. Although he abandoned the family years before, his existence casts an ominous shadow over the lives of not only Gábina, but also her older sister and mother, who are trying to find a civilized way through the social mire of the times.
Guard No. 47
A WW I veteran still haunted by his time in the trenches settles in a small town to work for the railroad company. His pretty wife attracts the attention of the lonely young gravedigger.
Maharal – Tajemství talismanu
Abel Rosenberg
řízek 2
Každý den karneval
Sametoví vrazi
A thriller loosely based on one of the most violent Czech criminal cases of the nineties, popularly known as the Orlík murders. The film delves into the motivation behind the killings, exposing their exceptional cruelty and an absolute absence of moral values. The perpetrators executed four people on their way to achieving material gain. Two of the bodies were found at the bottom of Orlík reservoir, the third perished in a bomb blast, and the forth was shot at home...
Udělení milosti se zamítá
Otec neznámý aneb cesta do hlubin duše výstrojního náčelníka
Comedy about soldiers.
Multicar Movie Show
What Hedwig Didn't Tell Us
A sad story about a young girl who is forced to move from one foster home to another.
Antonyho Šance
Leť, ptáku leť!
We Have Never Been Modern
Sympathetically modern for its time - it was 1937 - is the approach of a young factory director in the middle of a growing Bata-style town in the picturesque foothills of the majestic Tatra Mountains. But make no mistake, the protagonist is his wife Helena (Eliška Křenková). However, the determined gaze of the aspiring doctor, who is about to give birth soon, into her dream family future is suddenly overshadowed by the discovery of a dead body of a newborn baby in the courtyard of the pulsating factory. Helen's innate empathy, amplified by another condition, is not satisfied with a conspicuously quick solution to the mystery. A gripping detective drama with a progressive and deeply human take on a controversial subject not only just before the unsuspected war but decades later.