Ana Duato

Ana Duato


Ana Duato
Ana Duato
Ana Duato
Ana Duato


Las razones de mis amigos
Santiago, Marta and Carlos meet once a month to eat together, always in the same restaurant. They have known each other since university, more than 15 years ago. Then they shared many dreams and illusions, but over the years each has followed his own path. In one of those meals, Carlos borrows four million pesetas from Santiago and another four from Marta because his computer company has problems with a project they are developing. Months go by and Carlos can't get their money back. Santiago and Marta assure him that it does not matter, but in reality their lives have changed since that meal.
La vuelta del Coyote
El Coyote: El tribunal del Coyote
Цвет облаков
Бартоломе надоело, что о нём постоянно заботятся его разведенные родители. После еще одного каприза родителей он ночевал как бездомный на автовокзале в Мадриде, куда с утра приезжает автобус, в котором едут беженцы-дети из Боснии. Он решает выдать себя за одного из таких беженцев и едет в дом, который расположен на северном побережье Испании.
Собака на сене
Богатая и знатная сеньора Диана терзается сомнениями: ей нужно выбрать между достойными ее руки женихами и личным секретарем - красавцем и ловеласом. А тот, в свою очередь, не может решить, кто ему больше по сердцу - его обворожительная хозяйка или ее прелестная служанка…
A young auditor live peacefully in a residential block consisting of identical townhouses. However, a purely casual visit to the veterinarian on duty with his dog, causes a chain of lies under which the auditor notices the hidden face of all his daily life, starting with the true meaning of the silence of his wife .
Self Esteem
Ayudante del juez
A woman married to a bank director sees how her life is destroyed in a matter of hours when the police discovers that her husband has escaped with money from the bank.
Friendly Dead
Carlos is 50 years old. It has a cake with candles and seven friends to celebrate him. The police have one dead and seven suspected murder. All they have reasons to kill Carlos, and they all are... friends of the deceased.
Un negro con un saxo