Vicente Cuesta


Собака на сене
Богатая и знатная сеньора Диана терзается сомнениями: ей нужно выбрать между достойными ее руки женихами и личным секретарем - красавцем и ловеласом. А тот, в свою очередь, не может решить, кто ему больше по сердцу - его обворожительная хозяйка или ее прелестная служанка…
Encargado Robla
July 21, 1958. Madrid wakes up to the news that a pawnbroker has been murdered in his shop. Soon, police finds that the victim's associate, his pregnant wife and their maid have been murdered as well in their own home across the street.
Y del seguro… líbranos, Señor!
Hablamos esta noche
Ingeniero 2
Victor is the engineer who has set up the Nuclear Power Plant Zapater. Alongside his professional problems he also hasa difficult family situation: a divorce, a teenage homosexual son, a relationship that is not satisfactory, the emergence of a new woman. With just a few days to the inauguration, Luis Maria, an engineer close friend of Victor, responsible for a serious accident in the past and addicted to alcohol, warns of the possibility of a malfunction of the plant. Nothing guarantees the truth of this warning, but to find it out the inauguration is suspended
Приключения Энрике и Анны
Путешественник и исследователь Стенли, обнаружил у одного из племен в Южной Азии волшебный Оранжевый камень, способный обращать предметы в золото, делать их невидимыми, а затем материализовать и полностью их разрушить. Однако камнем овладевает злой барон Некруч, который с его помощью хочет обрести власть над всем миром. Но Стенли удается выкрасть камень вместе с бюстом бога Вишну. И вот теперь он приехал к профессору Осборну, чтобы вместе с ним противостоять Некручу желающему забрать у него камень.В замок профессора приезжают Энрике, учитель физкультуры и его сестра Анна. Вместе с ними музыкальная группа Коконут (Кокос). Борьба добра и зла в фильме сопровождается веселыми песнями в исполнении Энрике и Анны в сопровождении группы Коконут и завершается победой над бароном Некручем.
The Crime of Cuenca
Blind Man
Osa de la Vega, Cuenca, Spain, 1913. Gregorio and León, employees on the estate of the village's mayor, a powerful landowner, are arrested and accused of the murder of José María el Cepa, a shepherd who mysteriously disappeared three years earlier.
Dramatic portrait of men and women discouraged in the midst of the Spanish Civil War, after the odyssey of a group of Republican soldiers trying to reach the east coast to go into exile. Agustín must bear that his libertine father lives with the ironer Remedios, although she does not love him. She escapes and he goes to war; when they finally meet again, anxious amid bursts, it will be impossible to consummate their desires repressed for so long.
A Dog Called... Vengeance
A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
La iniciación en el amor
spanish movie
Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal
Madrid, Spain, early thirties. The charming playboy Sergio Hernán is an unscrupulous womanizer who over the years has seduced and abandoned hundreds of women with the complicity of Oshidori, his cynical butler. However, his brief encounter with Elena Fortún, blonde, posh and a bit cheesy, unexpectedly leaves an indelible mark on his soul.
Flower of Holiness
Hijo Ventera
A beautiful teenage shepherdess named Adega sleeps one night with a mysterious pilgrim in a barn of impoverished and superstitious Galicia of the nineteenth century. The overwhelming fanaticism of the villagers motivates them to consider the outsider an envoy of Satan, reason why they deny him the lodging. The pilgrim, on the other hand, will react by cursing the people with plague and misery.