Juan Mari Jáuregui
Террористы убивают мужа главной героини, из-за чего вся её жизнь идёт наперекосяк. Полная решимости — не отомстить, но понять, почему это произошло, — она просит организовать встречи с теми, кто участвовал в том нападении и сейчас сидит в тюрьме. После этих встреч жизнь Майсабель и других жертв террористической атаки меняется, подарив им надежду на прощение, новую жизнь и свободу.
A bar and a slaughterhouse next to a road in the middle of nowhere. It is barely a month since Edu went to live there with Manolo, the owner. Edu tries to adapt to his new life but there is something that keeps him awake all night long.
Comercial de concesionario
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
A lonely middle-aged writer, overwhelmed by selling his apartment after a breakup, finds companionship with three unexpected new roommates.
Millonario #1
Цирковые обезьяны истошно вопят в своих клетках, а снаружи люди умирают и убивают друг друга. Это еще один цирк — Испанская гражданская война. Против своей воли Рыжий клоун призывается в ряды народного ополчения и принимает участие в кровавой бойне. В бой против солдат Национальной гвардии он идет, вооруженный мачете и одетый в шутовской наряд.Много лет спустя, во времена диктатора Франко, Хавьер, сын того рыжего клоуна, находит работу Белого (печального) клоуна в цирке, населенном удивительными персонажами. Теперь он дружит с человеком-пушечное ядро и сварливой семейной парой дрессировщиков собак, а на арене становится партнером Рыжего клоуна Серхио.
Revisor bús
Is it possible to live aside of the system, thinking only about the present and oneself? A feature film about Manuel Vázquez, the best comic book author in Barcelona during the sixties, but, mainly, a man with a very particular way of living his life.
Joxean Abrisketa
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.
After accidentally killing the albino boa of his boss, and in search of money to buy a new one, Dani and his colleagues sign up for the first national competition of Dance Dance Revolution.
Yerno de Sara
Jefe de obra
Amparo, a lawyer working as an advisor in an insurance company in Madrid is grieving over a traumatic event in her past. She will have to react, however, to the world surrounding her when a young man of her acquaintance dies mysteriously while working in a mine. Amparo will take over his case and discover in the process a world of corruption and illegal measures taken by the company that the young man worked for.
Based on real events, in 1972 Juan and José are two textile workers from Tarrasa, Catalonia (northeast to Spain) who meet during an UFOs' convention. Both share their passion about the paranormal, specially about UFOs. In these years where was very much UFOs' sightings, they feel captivated by the mystery and start to investigate the diverse theories about the intentions or purposes of the sightings. Their friendship and the obsession they have will turn in dementia and paranoia, hurting their relations with their respective friends and familiars and exposing their lives to an extreme decision due to the conclusion of their own investigations. Written by Chockys
Médico de Doro
Padre Esparza (as Josu Ormaeche)
Three students are sent by their families to Cadiz in 1965, his last chance to pass and become what is expected of them. The appearance of some dancers disrupts their commitments: boys lose the course and girls, their work. But together they learn to decide their future.
Policía Congreso
Beldar and Sonja, a couple of thieves belonging to the legendary world of sword and sorcery, steal a precious stone shaped like a human heart in the gloomy crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, an evil sect of powerful wizards. To flee the scene realize that the gem is cursed and sent them his spell. After losing consciousness, Beldar awakens in another world, metamorphosed into the body of a teenager of sixteen Madrid eaten by acne.
Camarero Bar (as Josu Ormaeche)
Romance and murder walk side by side in this psychological drama from Spain. A serial killer has been plying his grisly trade in a small town in Spain, murdering young girls and leaving their bodies in a nearby forest.
Patricia, a woman from Dominican Republic, needs a home and an economic security that her illegal status in Madrid does not provide her. Milady, twenty, born in Havana and dying to travel the world. Marirosi has a job, a home, and the most complete solitude... just like Alfonso, Damián and Carmelo, men from the St. Eulalia, a village lacking both marrying women and future. A bachelors' party forces the encounter between them and the beginning of this bittersweet story of sharing a living.
Богатая и знатная сеньора Диана терзается сомнениями: ей нужно выбрать между достойными ее руки женихами и личным секретарем - красавцем и ловеласом. А тот, в свою очередь, не может решить, кто ему больше по сердцу - его обворожительная хозяйка или ее прелестная служанка…
Паулино и Кармела — супружеская пара бродячих артистов, отправившихся в путешествие по Испании в период гражданской войны 30-х годов. Они, республиканцы, вместе со своим переводчиком Густавете попадают на территорию франкистов. Местный командир делает им предложение поставить спектакль, высмеивающий Республику, в обмен на их свободу и жизнь…
In the 18th century in Madrid, the Marquess of Esquilache, King Charles III of Spain's former minister, bans on wearing the popular wide collar with a long coat and brimmed hat. Along with other measures provoke a massive riot in the city.
Ana starts working as a Doctor in the S.T.I.U. (sexual transmission illnesses unit) at a Hospital. She begins meeting a lot of strange and bizarre characters there, while her jealous husband has to deal with it...