Sophia Di Martino
Рождение : 1983-11-15, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Sophia Di Martino was born on November 15, 1983 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England. She is an actress and director, known for Flowers (2016), Yesterday (2019) and A Royal Night Out (2015).
Sylvie (archive footage)
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Картины эксцентричного аристократа Луиса Уэйна обладают одной общей чертой — он пишет исключительно антропоморфных котов. Благодаря любви своей жены Эмили, Луис навсегда меняет взгляд людей на жизнь и на кошек. Но с каждой новой картиной причудливые миры Луиса начинают всё сильнее заменять ему реальность.
Меньше всего Эйприл, она же Эй-Джей, хочет провести неделю на море со своей семьей. Но раз — и она уже в машине, мчится с мамой и младшей сестрёнкой на побережье Дорсета. Мама решила провести время со своей «лапушкой» Эйприл, прежде чем та навсегда выпорхнет из родительского гнезда.
На море к ним присоединяются беременная сестра Люси с бойфрендом Стивом. Эй-Джей морально готова к «неделе ада» и не ждёт ничего хорошего от этого «отдыха». Но тут она знакомится на пляже с местной спасательницей Айлой и мгновенно теряет голову.
A woman washes the dishes and becomes increasingly infatuated with her neighbour.
A woman washes the dishes and becomes increasingly infatuated with her neighbour.
A woman washes the dishes and becomes increasingly infatuated with her neighbour.
Jaq is a typical young woman, navigating the foibles of life, love and endometriosis.
Increasingly disillusioned and disappointed by world events, a young woman decides not to follow her family as they escape the city seeking safety and hides out in their abandoned home. As thunder and an incessant rain draws around her, she places a desperate phone call to an old friend.
Еще месяц назад Джек был обычным неудачником. Теперь он суперзвезда, миллионы людей слушают его песни, билеты на концерты раскупаются за секунду. В чем секрет? Все просто. Джек — единственный человек в мире, кто помнит о существовании The Beatles.
A macabre fairy tale about a young woman who lives in a chip shop with her controlling father and his fancy girlfriend. Lonely and without purpose, Nora one day stumbles upon an old camera in a river and starts to embody weird and wonderful characters which she captures on film... (Grimmfest TV)
A macabre fairy tale about a young woman who lives in a chip shop with her controlling father and his fancy girlfriend. Lonely and without purpose, Nora one day stumbles upon an old camera in a river and starts to embody weird and wonderful characters which she captures on film... (Grimmfest TV)
A macabre fairy tale about a young woman who lives in a chip shop with her controlling father and his fancy girlfriend. Lonely and without purpose, Nora one day stumbles upon an old camera in a river and starts to embody weird and wonderful characters which she captures on film... (Grimmfest TV)
To save his daughter's Christmas, Andrew goes on a road trip with Dev, his neighbour from hell, to buy an elusive Sparklehoof the Unicorn Princess.
In a rural pub restaurant on a busy motorway, same-sex couple Brona and Alex await the arrival of a man called Karl.
Chloe thinks she's just going in for a routine test. Things do not go as planned.
A reclusive photographer finds himself confronted with a disturbing reality, after he becomes obsessed with following a young woman. Should he act and risk being discovered?
A dark comedy. Three school friends each suffering from a 'quarter-life-crisis' are thrown back together again following a tragedy. Can their friendship re-blossom and in doing so help each of them figure out this life business?
A romantic comedy set in space, or - to be more specific - planet Earth which follows world-weary banker Zac on his search for his eccentric sister, Alice, who goes missing while on a narrowboat trip with her new boyfriend.
After years of being pushed to the edge by vile customers, a pub landlord finally snaps and starts exacting his revenge - just as romance starts to blossom with the new barmaid.
Composer John Wilbye spent his entire working life in the employ of Sir and Lady Kytson at Hengrave Hall in Suffolk. Unusually, after his second book of Madrigals was published in 1609 it appears he did not compose again despite being kept on at the house by Lady Kytson until her death in 1628. Draw On Sweet Night examines this mystery in a sumptuous costume drama, produced in collaboration with renowned vocal group I Fagiolini.
Во время Дня Победы в Европе в 1945 году принцессе Маргарет и ее сестре Элизабет разрешают покинуть пределы Букингемского дворца на ночь, там они сталкиваются с романтическими приключениями и опасностью…
A lonely man with a curious wandering eye desperately searches for sufficient stimulation to keep both his eyes connected.
The Thompson family is accused of murder when a stranger dies at their dinner table. Six months later, family friend Tim visits freelance therapist Dr. Eric Sacks and the story finds it's way to the press. The facts are bent and the details spun as the Thompsons become known to the public as 'The Family of Killers'.
Josie Scott
The story of how 22 year old writer Tony Warren conceived, wrote and fought for the record breaking UK TV series Coronation Street.
Saskia Burton
With Fee delayed at work, Saskia, his wife, and Phillip, his best friend enjoy an evening together which ends in disaster. A tragic twist to the tale leaves Saskia heartbroken and guilt-ridden. Blue explores humanity's fatal flaws, our weaknesses and how hidden insecurities can tear our worlds apart.
Erika Spotswood
A factual reconstruction of the events leading up to, during and after the Marchioness was struck by the Bow Belle Dredger on the river Thames in August 1989, which killed over 50 people. The film was due to be broadcast by ITV in 2007 but complaints from some of the families of the victims led to it being withdrawn ahead of transmission. It has never been broadcast in the UK, but has been screened in France.
Once you've butchered your first lodger, eating meat 3 times a day can get dull. How can Dave and Charlotte liven up mealtimes with only 7 pence?