László Kalmár


Miss Windbag
Éva, the pretty housekeeper is preparing to take an entrance exam at the Faculty of Law. In addition to this, she also has energy to arrange the day-to-day matters of the committee of tenants. Soon, she discovers that her beauty and cocksure behaviour finds its way not only at the exam, but in the mazes of bureaucracy, too. She helps get trade licences, flat allocations, and shop premises for those in need.
A Remarkable Case
The film is a satire about the anomalies of small town life. 1952. Barka Sándor, inspector of wines, arrives in Nagyrozsdás. As a result of a trick played on him by his driver, he is taken to be a minister in the steam-bath. The news that the minister is a relative of the masseur spreads with lightning speed. The corrupt leaders of the small town do their best to please the masseur.
Лейла и Габор
Буда взят турками. Студент Габор и его спутник бегут с отрядом в замок, прямо в сад Гюля Бабы. Далеко разносилась слава о неотразимом обаянии юной Лейлы, дочери турецкого наместника Гюля Бабы. С первого же взгляда на красавицу был покорён ею отважный Габор. Прямой и решительный, он не страшится никаких противников и, прислушиваясь к голосу своего горячего сердца, готов на любые подвиги… Вечно юной выглядит эта древняя романтическая история, воскрешённая на экране венгерскими кинематографистами. Они сумели полностью сохранить в ней прелесть национального своеобразия, передать характер исторической эпохи.
Мечта актрисы
Фильм рассказывает о жизни известной венгерской актрисы начала девятнадцатого века. В то время венская монархическая власть пыталась превратить Венгрию в австрийскую колонию. Горстка патриотически настроенных артистов играла в венгерском театре, чтобы сохранить родной язык, последнее оружие в руках угнетённого народа. Преследуемые властями актеры Пешта в конце концов остались без театра, поэтому они решили отправиться в сельскую глубинку. Миссис Дери путешествовала со своими коллегами из города в город, из деревни в деревню, и люди с любовью встречали её.
Siamese Cat
After even his seventh fiancée dismisses him, Pali, longing for marriage and four children, falls in love with a Siamese diseuse and decides to marry her.
Halálos csók
Halálos csók
Black Dawn
A happy couple on honeymoon, Vándor László and his wife, Veronika, are travelling to Triest on the express train. The train derails, she dies, while he loses his eyesight. The international adventuress, sitting in the same compartment, lends him a helping hand to calm the unfortunate man and László believes her to be his wife. On the advice of the doctors, she keeps on playing the role of the deceased young woman and stays with him until he is operated.
Black Dawn
A happy couple on honeymoon, Vándor László and his wife, Veronika, are travelling to Triest on the express train. The train derails, she dies, while he loses his eyesight. The international adventuress, sitting in the same compartment, lends him a helping hand to calm the unfortunate man and László believes her to be his wife. On the advice of the doctors, she keeps on playing the role of the deceased young woman and stays with him until he is operated.
The Marriage of Mara Szüts
Gábor, an ex-lord-lieutenant, now a widower lives a secluded life in his mansion. The commander in the house is Aunt Lili, a relative, whose main concern is to marry off the elder girl, the beautiful Mara
Prince Bob
In Luxoria Prince Igor is preparing to accede to the throne and choose his wife on his 24th birthday. The mother Duchess's candidate is Duchess Xenia, but Igor loves Annie, the soap-maker's daughter.
Venice Film Festival 1941
Pista Dankó
Venice Film Festival 1940
Silent Bells
The bells of the Calvinist church in Garabó have been silent for years, and people prefer to go the Rumanian church. Returning from his studies in Utrecht, Simándy Pál - at his own request - gets a job here, in the alpine village. The young Hungarian minister meets Florica, the educated daughter of Todorescu, the Rumanian pope, whom he knew before. She falls in love with him.
There is No Accident
Alajos, a pharmacist, has just married Klári, a poor tutoresse. Klári finds a diamond ring among the wedding presents, complete with farewell letter to thank her for all those happy hours of love. The husband, a man who has already planned every little thing ten years in advance, is in no mood to accept the idea of a coincidence.
Deadly Spring
The subject of this film is Dr. Ivan Egry, a young man, who becomes infatuated with Edit Ralben, the beautiful, but flirtatious, daughter of a prominent man. As the two get involved romantically, problems start to plague their relationship. When they end up separating, Ivan finds comfort with Josza, a pretty girl, much more stable than Edit, but far less glamorous. When Edit eventually re-enters Ivan’s life, he can’t resist her. Unable to resolve his conflicting emotions results in an abruptly tragic finale.
Uz Bence
Unit Manager
A 1938 film.
The Sun Shines
The Superior Maiden
Assistant Director