TV Movie about Concepción Arenal in his role as visiting women's prisons. His struggle to change the conception that was on criminals and they had to be modern prisons.
Gitana joven
Вторая часть мистического детектива «Наследие Вальдемара», из которой мы наконец узнаем, что случилось с Луисой Льоренте, какая судьба постигла Ласаро Вальдемара, а также станем свидетелями еще одного магического ритуала и встретимся с ктулху.
They’re losers and they don’t know it, that’s why they cling to a hope that’s always on the move and will never wait for them. Hatred and loneliness, let-downs and disproportionate loves, animals of uncertainty and desperation. Whose dreams come true lately anyway?
Samuel returns to town after many years after fleeing for drug problems. Life has not gone well and things do not change back. He has inherited the old hotel of Leo, an old friend, who had dealings with André, a drug dealer who stole before he died. Now he claims the drug André Samuel, but he knows nothing and with the help of Matthew lays out a plan where all are revealed.
A pair of Moroccan immigrants in Spain splits apart. He returns to Morocco because he only find precarious jobs and his wife decides to stay. Their daughter is 11 and shares with a professor from her school a taste for writing, but she decides to follow her father. The girl's mother tries to recover her, for what is essential the mediation of the teacher.
Гектор — самый обычный человек, вполне довольный своей жизнью: любящая жена, дом за городом. В один из вечеров внимание Гектора привлекает мелькнувшая в лесу полуобнаженная девушка и движимый любопытством, мужчина отправляется разведать, что же там такое происходит. В лесу он сталкивается с человеком, чье лицо скрыто окровавленными бинтами. Скрываясь от преследования незнакомца, Гектор случайно попадает в машину времени…
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?
A young Cuban named Olga arrives in Spain with a scholarship convinced that she has landed the chance of a lifetime. Deciding to stay, she eventually becomes an illegal immigrant, suffering the brunt of marginalization and, unable to return home, having to get by as she can. Mari Jo is a young girl from a poor Valencian suburb, born into a family with nothing but problems. Fate has marked her life as she too becomes an outcast. Both end up working illegally in a furniture factory where they earn three times less than the minimum legal salary.