Пытаясь нелегально пересечь границу, молодой беженец Арьян был тяжело ранен. Но вместе с ранением он получил и необыкновенную способность: теперь Ариан может летать. Отправленный в лагерь для беженцев юноша знакомится с доктором Штерном, который, узнав о способностях Ариана, помогает ему выбраться оттуда. Доктор потрясён парнем и ещё не знает, какими неприятностями придётся расплачиваться за эту встречу.
An ambitious psychiatrist is researching a strange and unique mental state: hypermnesia, first of all because he would like to help his amnesic father. When he finds a patient with hypermnesia, he decides to take him out of the mental hospital at his own risk and study him. An unusual relationship is formed between the two men, which starts to endanger the doctor's career, his marriage and even the patient himself.
Misi bácsi
9 year old Sára lives in an old block of flats in downtown Budapest. One day a strange new boy, Balázs moves next door, who can’t stand the bizarre noises of the old house. Sára decides to help him out anyway she can.
Tutajos is an excellent student whose parents decide to reward his academic achievements with a vacation to the countryside. Robbed of his gadgets and easy city-lifestyle, Tutajos finds himself completely out of his element – until a goodhearted ranger named Matula teaches him how to get back to nature. As Tutajos’ best friend Bütyök joins him on his vacation, the two boys learn the joys of camping, hunting, and living off of the land.
Colonel Rozgonyi
Budapest, Hungary, Christmas 1957. The state, insecure after the defeated revolution of 1956 and increasingly put under the influence of a renewed Stalinist atmosphere, has decreed that all security officials must pass an exam to verify their loyalty. But to be actually effective in a shadowy world where suspicion and secrets reign, the subjects must be unaware that they are being tested.
A man pretends to be a manager and helps veteran rockstar god, Johnny G. and his ex-band to reunite once more.
События происходят через много лет после событий, описанных в первом фильме. Журналист Стенли Маус хочет найти известное по легендам древнее племя котов, затерянное в Африке. Он находит их, и мышиная цивилизация оказывается под угрозой. Специальный агент Ник Грабовский снова должен будет спасти мир…
In the closed world of a Catholic monastery shortly after World War II the post-war insecurity exacerbates the walls. A new world order has arrived. The monastic life begins to break down as some of the monks start to morally decline.
Feri bácsi
Children of Glory will commemorate Hungary's heroic Revolution of 1956, and takes place in Budapest and at the Melbourne Olympic Games in October and November of that year. While Soviet tanks were destroying Hungary, the Hungarian water polo team was winning over the Soviets in the Olympic pool in Melbourne, in what has been described as the bloodiest water polo match in history.
Kata, in her 20s, loses her boyfriend and her job on the same day. She's been indulging in fantasies of a more thrilling romantic life, and the cold water of being alone and unemployed doesn't entirely dampen her imagination. She's egged on by three girlfriends who get together to talk about men and sex. Kata has possibilities: she meets David, a medical student; there's Tamás, a stranger on a train who might be good for a relationship and a job. There's also Miki, her brother who's had serious drug problems. Is fulfillment within her grasp?
Anonymus hangja
Magyar vándor is a 2004 Hungarian action comedy film directed by Gábor Herendi and starring Károly Gesztesi, János Gyuriska and Gyula Bodrogi
László Daeda / Daidalos (segment "Táltosember")
Dr. Coenget
This epic story takes place between 1820 and 1860 during the Habsburg Monarchy, and portrays the life one of the greatest Hungarian aristocrats - Count Széchenyi - who was born with extra-ordinary mental and spiritual talents. In the years following the fall of Napoleon the young count Széchenyi irresponsibly seduces his brother's wife, and the consequent scandal ruins his career as an army officer. After the sudden death of his humiliated lover Count Széchenyi drastically changes his character from that of a shallow young man into a responsible nobleman seeking to conquer his fate by creating great achievements in his remaining life.
Buda, 1851. Jeromos Hétszáz, a puppet maker living in Óbuda, and his wife, Óguszta, a childless couple, have given refuge to the orphans of those fallen in the war of liberty or jailed, most recently to Pál Penyige and Borbála Derelye. Overjoyed when the chief of police orders fifty straw puppets, they are distressed on learning that the puppets will be publicly hanged in effigy of Lajos Kossuth and the leaders of the war of liberty.
Makács, the deputy
Mr. Schneider became wealthy after the end of the communism, but still remained a simple man. Her wife although wants a lackey.
Az ügyvéd
Свой второй (и последний) фильм венгерский режиссер Дьёрдь Фехер снял по роману Джеймса Кейна «Почтальон всегда звонит дважды». Действие в фильме перенесено в Венгрию 30-х годов. Герой Яноша Держи работает помощником у хозяина автомастерской (Джоко Росич) и влюбляется в его жену (Ильдико Баншаги). Любовники вместе планируют убийство мужа. После того, как их план провалился, они решают отказаться от своей идеи и просто уйти вдвоем. Но затем совершают вторую попытку, оказавшуюся более успешной…
Eszténa's father
Miklós (idős)
Hungarian TV-movie, adaptation of a drama by Géza Ottlik.
Lajos Kovács (WINGS OF DESIRE) stars as the misused Woyzeck, who ekes out a miserable existence sweeping train tracks, running errands for a bullying army captain and acting as a human guinea pig for a local doctor with ideas about free will. When his common-law wife begins an affair with a local cop, Woyzeck's pocket Bible and near-starvation diet point him on a downward spiral of twisted redemption.
Anna apja
In this grim story, three murders of young girls are committed in a similar manner, and their bodies are all found in the woods. The only suspect, a young man assumed to be a paedophile, commits suicide during the investigation. A policeman becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of this serial killer and he continues to investigate even after he has been taken off the case.
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
The film takes place the Budapest Amusement Park in 1919, just before and during the proletarian dictatorship. After the outbreak of the proletarian dictatorship, both the former employee who returns from Russian captivity as a communist and the domestic philosopher spreading Marxists ideology regard the nationalisation of the Fun Fair vitally urgent. In this, the daughter of the owner of Orpheum Blau, Ilona, assisting most enthusiastically.
Hungarian family film.
Safranek (voice)
Кошачьи банды, объединившись в преступные группировки, готовятся к решающей битве с мышами. Мыши, узнав об этом, сначала загрустили, но потом стало известно, что некий профессор Фусимиси изобрел аппарат, позволяющий сделать кошек беспомощными. В путь к профессору отправляется лучший мышиный агент. Коты через своих осведомителей получают сведения об опасности, и за мышиным агентом отправляются крысы-убийцы…
1956. Bébé is a painter, but he has not worked for years. The news arriving form Paris about the death of his childhood friend, Halász Petár affects him deeply, but his reflections are continually disturbed by telephone calls: the Alliance for Fine Arts wants to purchase one of the popular self-portraits of Halász.
Az elnök
In the box factory standing in the middle of nowhere only women work, and they themselves only waste their time, as the unmarketable boxes pile up in the yards. The fireman in duty, who stores stolen gasoline in the inflammable plant, sets up cameras in the women's locker room the sake of 'business'.
Ebelasztin (voice)
The story is of a veteran hussar in the Austrian army in the first half of the 19th century who sits in the village inn regaling his listeners with fantastic tales of heroism
Ringhoffer Lajos
The elite of political and business life of the country town gather to celebrate the namesday of László in the luxury villa. Everything begins just as usual, but now an incident disturbs the stag party.
A Patás
The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law). However his good spirit and cheerfulness never leave him.
The director has intertwined an old amateur film, shot about the Kosztolányi-family, with the adaptation of three short stories of the author. Just like the actors of the amateur film, the main characters of the three short stories are making desperate attempts to appear easy-going and self confident in the eyes of the world. In the hero of Key, the father who at home appears to be an unapproachable, important person, is suddenly revealed to be an insignificant and humiliated office clerk before his son. In Bathing, it is the severe, "tough guy" father who does not know himself and is therefore depressed and causes an irredeemable, tragic accident. In China Vase, the important guest invited with great reverence breaks into pieces the only treasure of the poor clerk couple with a nonchalant gesture. Yet, there is hope: after many years, the woman tells the mystically enlarged story with appropriate self-irony.
This film takes place in Paris and Geneva in the 1530s and 1550s. Kálvin János and Szervét Mihály are school mates in Paris. The university students celebrate the victory of the Reformation with Kálvin's "Institution", written under a pseudonym.
Fodor, az új igazgató
Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.
Members of the Wild Goose patrol decide to find the little monkeys stolen from the Zoo. They try to make up for what the unruly adults messed up. They keep bumping into the disguised damned ice-cream vendor, the intriguing Bagaméri, who would like to get the reward set for the finder of the monkeys.
Kaulmann Félix
Kátay, intézõ
The corpulent and ageing Ivicz, once an excellent baker, works as a deliverer now. He lives alone. At the weekends following the toilsome weekdays he is the boss. He regularly travels to the country, to work as the incorruptible referee of third class national soccer games.
In the summer of 1944 soldier Csorba is rewarded with furlough at a price of having committed a murder. He escapes. He tries to get to the heights of the Carpathians with Mother, to the cave of those who wish to die. That is where his mother and his father, the deserter, might be hiding.
Zsitvay, igazságügyminiszter
The story of the film takes place in 1929 in a model prison providing a kind of reflection how society works out there. Udvardi, the weakling and indulgent director is experimenting with putting in practice a kind of pseudo-humanist utopia about the institution of a 'civilised prison'.
Baradla Géza, war criminal, returns after 25 years, with his ex-accomplice, Obrád Simon, to the village where he burned houses with people inside and executed partisans. The ex squad-leader is chased to this place by his "heroic deed" and the memory of his love. Like a maniac, he wants to forgive the village residents for having killed six of his soldiers.
III. Richárd
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
The musical adventure film goes back to the early eighteenth century, the times of the battles between the Hungarian insurrectionists and the pro-Austrians. Palkó and Jankó are about to join the insurrectionist army when they clash with a pro-Austrian troop. Jankó is captured and put in Count Koháry's prison.
The poor little Ferkó is trying to enrich his miserable life with imaginary fairy tale figures and superstitious little stories. He suffers from diphtheria, and while he is having a visionary dream, Cinkekirály (Titmouse King) saves him from the claws of the magic Küsmödi. He expects his magic jacket to enable him to know everything at school without having studied.
Hajagos, üzletvezető
In this naturalistic satire enriched with burlesque, Boróka, the haircutting artist once cuts a hair so, that the customer has to be shaved bald. Sajtár Dezső wants to kill the barber, who feels to be a victim himself immediately. In his anguish he mixes up his apartment, his wife and everything in the uniform world of the block of flats and like a maniac, tries to find after his pursuer. They find each other at a neurological clinic.
Pista, a mozdonyvezetõ
The heroines of this lyric comedy full of burlesque elements are two girls from a village who get totally engrossed in their day-dreaming. Ida and Rozi escape to the city to catch husbands for themselves.
The changing and turbulent history of Hungary is seen through the eyes of three men over a 30-year period in this somber drama. The three recall the highlights of their lives in flashbacks as they reminisce in the mid 1960s. The venerable trio begin their story in the 1930s, through World War II, and the decade beyond the communist invasion of 1956.
For the first time after 11 years, Simon, a young historian visits the village of his childhood at Balaton and Aunt Lina, his foster-mother. He gets upset by what he experiences there: the old woman's troublesome and vexing everydays, her quiet sadness. He is overwhelmed by his own memories, the death of his foster-father and by everything he was not aware of before, or he simply wanted to forget.
Молодой кровельщик Граци связался с бандитом Визашем и был арестован за кражу, но не выдал соучастников. По отбытии тюремного заключения он снова вернулся к своей работе. Ни мастер, ни товарищи по работе не знали о прошлом Грация. Случай снова сталкивает Граци с Визашем. Будучи свидетелем кражи бандитами крупной суммы денег, Граци опять не выдал бандитов. Однако после некоторого размышления он с помощью любимой девушки выполняет свой гражданский долг и задерживает бандита.
The ruined castle is inhabited by architects who, feeling the spirit of the place, want to direct the modernization of the settlement below the castle from here. Despite the residents' protests, the architects want to make the people happy by force.
Tomai Iván
Hungarian television play based on a drama (crime fiction, thriller) by hungarian writer Tibor Hámori.