Felix Burleson


Николин устраивается на работу психиатром в исправительное учреждение. Здесь она знакомится с Идрисом, отбывающему срок за совершение нескольких тяжких преступлений на сексуальной почве. После пяти лет лечения все считают, что он готов к жизни в обществе. Но Николин сомневается в Идрис и выступает против его досрочного освобождения. Заключенный пытается убедить Николин в своих самых добрых намерениях используя всевозможные методы манипуляции, чем только убеждает психиатра в ее правоте. Между ними идет психологическая игра, и вскоре Николин начинает понимать, что ситуация вышла из-под ее контроля.
In an urban neighbourhood overcome by rapid gentrification, recently widowed Harry has a hard time adapting. Scrambling to protect his traditional way of life, Harry spearheads a protest committee. When even his friends cave in to a relocation bonus, they urge Harry to stop wasting his life living in the past.
For Medical Observation
A young father and mother meet each other by their little son’s hospital bed. From their terse sentences, but especially from their mutual discomfort, you can tell they are divorced and rarely talk to each other. Because their son has to stay overnight for observation, the parents are forced to spend the night together. This also forces the viewer to observe how much is left of their relationship.
SpangaS Op Survival
Aldert Kalkhoven
Teacher Jochem sticks to the plan he has drawn up for the week-long study trip - in teams, the students will complete various assignments, the highlight of which will be a survival drop at the end of the week. Jochem tries to motivate the students, but has a hard time of it. Their tangled web of contradictory interests is not good for harmonious cooperation. Jochem has been over-optimistic in this respect and very soon the students' own agendas are revealed.
Drawn Out Love
Felix has been raised by his grandmother and has never met his father. His father Johan, doesn't even know he exists. Felix decides to become a regular in his father's bar in Amsterdam to secretly learn more about the man he has never known.