sociální pracovnice Adamcová
MUDr. Fousková
La Mad
Знаменитый разбойник Лотрандо решает выучить сына хорошим манерам и наукам, воспитав его в хорошем католическом пансионе. Старший Лотрандо хочет сделать важным господином младшего Лотрандо, но попадает в переделку. Шайку приходится возглавить молодому Лотрандо… Но ничего у него не получается — слишком воспитанным и вежливым он стал. А тут в Сулейманском султанстве заболела дочь государя. Доктора не могут помочь принцессе Зубейду. Горе — разбойник Лотрандо и его приятель-дровосек случайно попадают в эту страну. Нерадивые слуги султана приняли их за докторов. Удастся ли самозваным докторам излечить девушку?
Unlike any other opera, the so-called Beggar's Opera is not just one composition, but a lineage of adapted compositions, beginning with the original hugely successful 1728 political satire written by Englishman John Gay. Composers and writers have penned variations on it ever since. The most famous of these was A Threepenny Opera by Bertholt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Some things these compositions share in common is their setting among the poor and criminal classes, and the roguish character Macheath. This production is based on an adaptation of Gay's original by Vaclav Havel the freedom-fighter, writer and philosopher who became the first (and only) president of the united post-communist country of Czechoslovakia, and it retains many traces of its theatrical origins. Film reviewers were not too tolerant of what they called "slavish adherence" to the noted Czech writer's stage production, but theater, philosophy and history buffs may feel otherwise.
Helena Urbanová (voice)
In the mid-eighties, screenwriter and director Jaroslav Balík tried to give voice to the problems of an ambitious young woman who decides to get back to work after a few years spent on maternity leave. NFA.CZ
Marquise of Mantova
During the First World War, the crooks Scholef and Krumka sell weapons on the black market. After the collapse of the monarchy they try their hand at speculation on a grand scale.
Anna Turková
Věra (voice)
dívka z baru
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.