Gábor Máté

Gábor Máté

Рождение : 1955-04-29, Budapest, Hungary


Gábor Máté


Unfinished Business
Sándor Szabó
On the day the Berlin Wall falls, a determined young actress has a job interview at the National Theater. But, while a world-order falls apart outside, she is confronted to an old family-secret that will change everything.
Без шума
18-летний Давид – талантливый солист молодёжного музыкального ансамбля. Национальный конкурс уже на носу, как в коллективе появляется новая участница – виолончелистка Нори. Вскоре Давид начинает подозревать, что у 14-летней девушки роман с их 60-летним дирижёром и начинает собственное расследование, чтобы узнать правду.
As a free adaptation of Voltaire's classic, our Candide tries to win the beloved Cunégonde's heart in different contemporary settings. In the 13 episodes he finds himself in challanging situations, and has to face the cruelty of the world. He follows Master Pangloss's instructions to always stay optimistic, while travelling the world from a Californian start up company through North-Optimistan into deep space. As the novel itself our adaptation is a political and religious satire of our times.
Black Soup
After a long night, Dj Feaky D loses a large sum of money on poker. When an old friend offers a "great opportunity of easy money", he calls up on his buddies locked away in a mental institution.
Hungarian Retro
A feature length, lively - montage style - documentary, capturing the essence of what life was like in socialist Hungary - dubbed the "The most cheerful barrack" back then - using contemporary music, interviews, adverts and news footages.
Öreg Balatony Kálmán
История трех поколений мужчин начинается с изломанной судьбы лейтенанта Второй Мировой войны, продолжается рассказом о его толстом сыне Кальмане. Кальман соревнуется на Олимпийских играх едоков, влюбляется в такую же тучную Гизеллу. И вскоре у них рождается крошечный мальчик, который растет, чтобы стать тихим набивщиком чучел.
Magyar szépség
Down by Love
Eva Kerezkes is a young woman who lives alone in her apartment. After her parents' death, she was adopted by writer Tibor and his wife, Klara. Upon returning from a holiday in Italy, Eva performs various tasks around her apartment that reveal haunting information about her past sexual relationship with Tibor.
Happy Birthday
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
(segment "Ten Minutes After")
Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old people with television sets for heads, a beautiful woman having sex, and overall confusion; and an old man reminiscing over his youth.
In the week of the book an interview is made with the writer Péter Simon, whose first book of short stories appeared in the prime of his life.
Mayday Mayhem
Pék Antal,párttikár
A new socialistic city is being built on the Danube's riverbank in the early 50's. The story is about a teacher who's living there.
A pirate radio, the girl next door, and a test of friendship.
Budapest Retro
Narrator #1
Long Twilight
A tale about an independent-minded university professor who leaves her family to travel across the countryside to visit a friend.
A Valencia rejtély
Miklós (fiatal)
Hungarian TV-movie, adaptation of a drama by Géza Ottlik.
The Wondrous Voyage of Kornel Esti
Middle-aged writer (Kornél Esti) travels to Germany to deliver a lecture. During the long journey he recalls the memories of an other journey he made thirty years ago.
Péter, Éva férje
We Never Die!
This story has a horse-race fan main character who sells clothes-hangers On one trip, a young, teenager boy relative goes with him. They have a lot of adventures as they become friends. Girls, dance and horse-racing are the themes while they sell the clothes-hangers this summer...
Dear Emma, Sweet Böbe
Duty Officer
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
On Death Row
Directed by János Zsombolyai
Мой ХХ век
Двух девочек-близнецов, Дору и Лили, разлучили в раннем детстве. Одна из них стала анархисткой, другая — дамой полусвета. Встреча с господином Зэ станет для них поворотной.
Before the Bat's Flight Is Done
A divorced middle-aged woman takes home an ardent suitor, only to discover that he prefers her teenage son. The mother is an overworked coffee-shop attendant, the suitor turns out to be a plain-clothes policeman and the boy is a frustrated flautist.
Hülyeség nem akadály
Lost Illusions
Sárdi László
Via the New York Times: "The Hungarian director Gyula Gazdag has transposed the middle section of Balzac's "Lost Illusions" from Paris in the mid-19th century to the Budapest of 1968... it tells of Laszlo Sardi - Balzac's Lucien Chardon - and his efforts to launch his literary career amid the snobbery and sophistication of a big city."
Heart Tremors
The general practitioner Balla and his wife abandoning her higher education begin their common life in the small mountain village in the hope of quick enrichment and return to the capital. Despite Éva and Emma, the two school mistresses longing for love and Demeter, the dove-keeper obsessed with a desire for flight life is boring in the country.
Circus Maximus
During World War II Carlotta, the circus owner maintains herself, her lover and her rather run-down circus-team by illegal man-smuggling. In the year of 1944, besides the usual refugees, she even has to take Professor Máté, the renown mathematician to the Yugoslavian partisans. The team is joined by Carlotta's psychotic son who has escaped from an asylum.