Zita Perczel

Zita Perczel

Рождение : 1918-04-26, Budapest, Hungary

Смерть : 1996-04-04


Zita Perczel


The Great Post Office Robbery
The heroes of this crime-comedy attempt to get hold of money by a funny trick. They start operating the new post-office of the housing estate a week before the official opening, pocketing the revenue themselves. The inhabitants of the estate do not understand the trick, and loads of money pour to the swindlers.
Две пожилые, приличные на вид дамы сели в такси и украли у шофера суточную выручку. Для Йожефа Шимона, вчерашнего инженера, а ныне таксиста, запутавшегося в долгах, это было настоящей бедой. Он берется сам восстановить справедливость, не полагаясь на полицию.
Вторая жена
очь богатого промышленника Сильвия узнает, что у нее не может быть детей. Пытаясь сохранить семейное благополучие, она уговаривает свою подругу Ирэну за крупную сумму денег родить от ее мужа ребенка. Но Ирэна и Акош полюбили друг друга.
À fleur de peau
Lovagias ügy
Baba, Virág lánya
Hetenként egyszer láthatom
Struggling artist Feri falls in love with boarding school student Vera. In order for them to be able to meet, Feri's bumbling friend Poznay poses as Vera's uncle and picks her up from school once a week. When Vera's father unexpectedly shows up at the school, the young romance is in danger.
Dunaparti randevú
Tamássy Erzsi
The Dream Car
Kovács Vera
A light hearted comedy, from the thirties. One of the most successful ones in Hungary. The ever enchanting story of a beautiful girl falling in love with a rich man.
The New Relative
The story takes place in a small village manor-house off Vásárosladány. Sándor leads a quiet life with his wife, son and the now poor relatives of his wife, one which is characterized by the monotony of rural boredom. The arrival of another poor relative, Kitty, a young girl brought up in America, whose way of thinking reflects modern times, puts an end to this overwhelming monotony.