Short-film set in pre-colonial Aotearoa about a young woman's coming of age.
Eight Māori female directors have each contributed a sequence to this powerful and challenging feature which unfolds around the tangi of a small boy who died at the hands of his caregiver.
Maori Warrior
По миру катится волна убийств знаменитостей. Специальный агент модной полиции Монтана Гроссо обращается за помощью в расследовании к когда-то топовому, а ныне слегка потрепанному мужчине-модели Дереку Зуландеру. Сможет ли он в компании своего заклятого друга Ханселя остановить преступления на модной почве и триумфально вернуться на подиум в мире, где для обретения всеобщей популярности достаточно одного селфи?
After a successful raid and having captured a rival village's leader, a war party must drag their huge canoe or "Taua" through the forest to reach the sea and escape with their trophy but even in a forest of their native land water can be scarce. As the warriors, driven by their insistent chief, press towards home, two boys are tasked to protect the precious water and keep an eye on the prisoner, but need and desperation grows for all as the story drives to a climax.