Trickster of love Constantin is a perfect gentleman with impeccable manners. He is charming, well-educated, loving and shows good taste in women: Pretty Isabelle possesses as much class as money. Suddenly, though, young urban cowboy Hendrik appears on the scene. He blackmails Constantin because he knows something about Constantin's past, something Isabelle must never learn of. Hendrik wants money for his silence... more money than Constantin has. Constantin offers to teach him what he knows best instead: the art of catching yourself a millionaire dame. Soon, Hendrik is ready for his masterpiece - seducing a beautiful, rich lady. When he has made his choice, the situation turns dangerous for Constantin...
Kathe Kollwitz was 47 years old, and already a well established artist in Germany and abroad when Peter, her youngest son, volunteered to join the German army in WWI and was killed two weeks later. This painful tragedy changed Kollwitz's life and art forever.
Майк изобрел видеомагнитофон, позволяющий перемещаться зрителю внутрь фильма. Он и его приятель Том начинают путешествовать по разнообразным видеофильмам, но ни одно путешествие не проходит гладко… В добавок, боссы японской видео корпорации, с целью заполучить чудесный магнитофон, подсылают к Майку очаровательную женщину-агента…
Польша, 1943. Богатый польский крестьянин Леон находит в лесу обессилевшую женщину. Ее зовут Роза. Она — еврейка, которая спасается от нацистов. Леон дает Розе убежище и оказывает помощь. Но их вынужденное сосуществование кончается катастрофой, так как характеры женщины из буржуазной среды и простого крестьянина оказываются несовместимыми.
His name is Born, Frank Born, and he suffers from an illness known as Bonditis!! In this very funny parody, Frank believes he is James Bond. His entire reality is shaped around this fantasy as he believes he has to save the world!
After the murder of her lover Caesar, Egypt's queen Cleopatra needs a new ally. She seduces his probable successor Mark Antony. This develops into real love and slowly leads to a war with the other possible successor: Octavius.