Yuri Angelov


Король бельгийцев
Yuri Angelov
Король Бельгии Николас III любит свою работу, но некоторые бельгийцы не отвечают ему взаимностью. Чтобы поправить авторитет монарха, решено снять духоподъемный фильм о королевском визите в Турцию, однако в разгар съемок с родины приходят тревожные вести: Бельгия на грани раскола. Николас обязан срочно спасти Бельгию от сепаратизма и закончить съемки фильма, но как назло, все полеты отменены из-за бури. Королю и его свите придется двигаться по суше, пересекая нелегально многочисленные балканские границы, дегустируя йогурты и отбиваясь от сербских снайперов. Кажется, вместо панегирика бельгийцы снимут невероятный роуд-муви, который преобразит всех — особенно расцветет король!
In the year 60 B.C. a group of Druids, including the arch-druid Guttuart (Max von Sydow), witness the passing of a comet and interpret it as the sign of the coming of a king for their country Gaul, which has not had a king for a long time. Guttuart goes to Gergovia, the capital of the Arvenes tribe, to attend a meeting of Gallic tribal chieftains. The young boy Vercingetorix, along with his friend the young girl Eponia, sneak into a large cavern where Celtill, Vercingetorix's father and chieftain of the Arvenes, hosts the meeting of chieftains with the intention of proclaiming himself king of all Gauls. When Celtill shows off the crown once worn by the old kings of Gaul, an arrow from two Roman spies (dressed as Gauls) hits Celtill in the back.
Return to Earth
In the busy everyday life of an emancipated and seemingly content woman, a "crisis of awareness" occurs from a random incident.
Infernal Weapon
A knight is tasked with finding a mystical weapon.
On the Other Side of the Mirror
Baron Ervin fon Reder
Yana is a teacher. Her courage intrigued the German nobleman von Cheeter. Yana receives an order from the Soviet intelligence service to go to Berlin. There she finds herself in a society that shocks her with its arrogance, cynicism and nationalistic prejudices. After giving valuable information, the Gestapo seizes her. Yana is tortured but will not betray her friends.
Sweet and Sour
After getting beat up by his dad, the 18-year-old Asen runs off from his home. The reason for the beating was that Asen tried on father's old wedding suit. The boy did not know that in the suit there was hidden money. Asen goes to live at the place of the General. The father wants a meeting with his son. His partners observe the meeting. When they hear that Asen tries to convince his dad to turn himself in, they stab him with a knife. They kill the father afterwards. The General wants the father to be buried with his wedding suit, unaware that the money, which is the reason for the misfortune, will be buried with it.
The Mandolin
Gallows is being raised in a prison yard. A moment before the execution the Girl brings a document of the young communist's temporary pardon. The chief of the prison, the Major, has a mandolin collection. He offers a fistfight to the young communist. The young man hits him. The Major and the young communist start playing the mandolins together. Girl is allowed to meet the young communist. The boy begins to play. The melody brings to the Major pleasant memories. He fought in the Spanish civil war, but after the defeat, he turned back on his beliefs. The Major receives a telegram that he needs to send the young communist to another prison. Death awaits him there. In is rage the Major breaks the mandolins. He orders the young communist to be taken out to work. The young man runs off. The Major shoots him himself.