Şerif Erol

Şerif Erol

Рождение : 1963-10-08, Izmir, Turkey


Şerif Erol


In Your Dreams
You know the feeling. It feels like time slows down as your eyes meet a stranger’s. Then you walk pass each other, neither of you looking back. That’s what happened with Pelin and Engin. Lo and behold, they open their eyes in the same bed. And you may want to brace yourself for this one, as a two-year married couple! It must be a dream. No, a nightmare. But now, to wake up they must fall in love.
Returning to Istanbul with her husband after 30 years, Reyhan loses her sense of smell and leaves home in despair. Working in a hotel, she meets someone new.
Ты, я, Ленин
İmam Malik
Однажды в небольшом черноморском городке волны выбрасывают на берег деревянную скульптуру Ленина. Статую устанавливают на центральной площади в надежде, что она привлечёт туристов. Планируется официальная церемония открытия с участием премьер-министра и делегации из России, но в этот момент статую похищают. Из Анкары присылают двух полицейских, которые должны найти фигуру за 12 часов. Горожане дают неожиданный ответ на вопрос «Где Ленин?»
Rain, Snorkel & Green Beans
It is just an ordinary day after thirty-two years. The son confronts the father with all his courage and tells him that he will not live with him anymore but will leave the house. His bag is on his back. He wants to discover both himself and a life he does’t know. But, it will be much more difficult than he thinks to turn this desire into reality.
Hayalet: 3 Yaşam
Столяр Якуп и его жена Шемса 25 лет назад переехали из Мардина в Берлин. Однажды по телефону им рассказывают новости про Микаэля, их сына, пропавшего 25 лет назад. Якуп и Шемса вместе с внучкой Нардин едут в Мардин. По возвращению в деревню Якуп шокирован, в ней не осталось жителей, а дверь его дома была снята с петель. Вместе с внучкой Нардин и контрабандистом Ремзи он отправляется на поиски двери.
Ask Bu Mu?
Umut has been a thief since he was a kid. He constantly seeks the opportunity of his life and his family. He can't find either. Gülüm is a young girl who has no problems in her life, who has completed her schooling on time and is only a step away from her dreams. But before she takes that step towards her dreams, she hangs and falls. It is understood that Gülüm has liver failure. She'll die if she doesn't have a liver transplant. The fate of Umut and Gülüm merge at this point. Umut found the opportunity he had waited for the rest of his life. But this opportunity drags Umut into very difficult situations, and finds itself in a position that risks the lives of all loved ones. For Umut to come out of this vortex, he has to make very serious decisions. And love is worth everything? Is this love?
Yol Ayrımı
Dark Cloud
While fathers usually guide their sons through life crises, things go the other way around in this independent comedy-drama from Turkey. Adnan (Reha Özcan) has been a widower for nearly five years, but he acts as if his wife passed only a few weeks ago; he's been trapped in a deep funk for years and has become emotionally unavailable to his teenage son Burak (Kamer Celenk). Adnan doesn't fare much better with the rest of the world, and a long series of screw-ups leads to him losing his job as a parking lot attendant and being named in a lawsuit. While Burak has already moved out of the house and is living with sympathetic relatives, he decides he needs his father back and sets out to free Adnan from his doldrums, though that's more easily said than done
Кувыркание в гробу
Махсун – стамбульский безработный и бездомный бедолага, помогающий местному рыбаку, чтобы не умереть от голода. Он великолепно вскрывает замки и угоняет автомобили – но лишь для того, чтобы в их салоне провести зимнюю ночь в тепле, не замерзнуть насмерть на улице, как его друг. Можно было бы, как делают многие бездомные, «устроиться» на зиму в тюрьму, но Махсуна не хотят туда брать – ведь тюрьму он уже успел обокрасть...
Rosa, I Love You
Story of daydreaming rebellious Rosa searching for love from her teenage years to her deathbed.