Michael A. Levine


Побег Акиллы
Executive Producer
40-летний торговец наркотиками Акилла Браун во время передачи товара покупателю попадает в эпицентр жестокого ограбления. Ему чудом удаётся выжить в перестрелке благодаря тому, что он берёт в заложники одного из членов банды — подростка по имени Шеппард. Вместе с ним Акилла сбегает и попадает в ещё более затруднительную ситуацию. Ограбление вешают на него, а подросток, который оказался в его власти, связан с криминальной группировкой, от которой сам Акилла пострадал в детстве.
The Tempest
Executive Producer
In Shakespeare’s great drama of loss and reconciliation, a long-deposed ruler uses magical arts to bring within her power the enemies who robbed her of her throne and marooned her on a remote island. But what revenge does she mean to take?
Executive Producer
Staged at the Stratford Festival and named on many 2018 year-end critics “best of” lists, the Stratford Festival’s “riveting” and “exhilarating” (The New York Times) production of Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, has been called “the show of the decade… a landmark production for the Stratford Festival. Maybe for William Shakespeare, too” (The Globe and Mail), and “the greatest contemporary staging of this play that I have ever seen” (Chicago Tribune).
Timon of Athens
Executive Producer
Renowned for his extreme generosity, the Athenian nobleman Timon has fallen prey to flatterers and false friends, on whom he showers lavish gifts and extravagant hospitality. His loyal steward, Flavius, tries to warn him of the financial consequences of such reckless expenditure, while the cynical philosopher Apemantus mocks his naivety, but Timon ignores them both. When his money runs out and his creditors demand payment, Timon sends confidently to his "friends" for help. When all refuse him, he throws one last party - one that heralds a dramatic change in his attitude to the world.
Romeo and Juliet
Executive Producer
A long-simmering animosity between two families of Verona, the Montague's and the Capulet's, has recently boiled over, with members of the rival households brawling in the streets. One night, Romeo, a Montague, crashes a party given by the Capulet's in order to meet up with a young woman called Rosaline, with whom he is infatuated. Thoughts of her vanish from his mind, however, when he catches sight of Juliet, daughter of the head of the Capulet household. Juliet is equally smitten with Romeo, but her father already has other plans for her.
The Adventures of Pericles
Executive Producer
A storm at sea brings love into the life of Pericles, Prince of Tyre – and another snatches it away. Filled with music and brilliant spectacle, this magical production of Shakespeare’s epic adventure is a delight for the eye and ear as it follows a fairy-tale hero on his miraculous journey to one of drama’s most poignant reunions. A story rarely told – and one you won’t soon forget.
Executive Producer
A ghostly visitor with a shocking secret, a daughter devastated by loss, a deadly duel – and the most famous question in all of drama. Just some of the reasons why Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy will hold you spellbound.
The Taming of the Shrew
Executive Producer
This scintillating production of Shakespeare’s boisterous comedy will stir your emotions even as it challenges you with its pointed social commentary. Is the story of Kate and Petruchio one of courtship or of conquest? The breaking down of a defiant spirit or a breakthrough that liberates a heart deprived of love? You decide – but either way, this is an experience not to be missed!
Stratford Festival: Antony and Cleopratra
Executive Producer
Reason and judgement prove no match for the tsunami of mutual passion engulfing Mark Antony, one of the three joint rulers of the Roman republic, and Cleopatra, the seductive queen of Egypt. Surrendering everything to their desires, they open the floodgates to a civil conflict that will shake the very foundations of their world.
Stratford Festival: King John
Executive Producer
When the King of France (Peter Hutt) demands that John (Tom McCamus) relinquish his crown in favor of his nephew, the young Prince Arthur, war is the inevitable result. Excommunication, attempted atrocity, rebellion and assassination all contribute to a political turmoil and personal grief for a mother who has lost her son.
Сид, инструкция по выживанию
Original Music Composer
Сид ведёт детей в поход, попадая на пути во всевозможные передряги. В конце-концов дети устают от бесконечных глупостей ленивца и берут предводительство в свои руки.
The Terry Fox Story
Executive Producer
The true story about the Canadian cancer amputee hero who decided to run across Canada on only one leg to raise money for cancer research.
Christmas Evil
Associate Producer
A toy factory worker, mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree.